Friday, June 21, 2024

Our Commentary of the Week - from Jun. 21 - 2024 through Jun. 28 - 2024!

                       Miriam Novak - the Israeli Representative to the United Nations Delivers a Breathtaking Speech to the U.N. General Assembly - on June 19 - 2024!

       Ms. Novak - in a nutshell - brilliantly - delineated the history of the Jewish nation during the last two thousand years. She - skillfully - emphasized the Jewish achievements for the world - as well as pointed out the nations which embraced the Nazi Weimar Republic - lead by the Chancellor Adolph Hitler. 

      It needs to be noted - which is interesting - that many nations like Turkey, Switzerland, Italy - attempted to remain - ostensibly - neutral - thus they did not - officially - comply with Hitler's policy of exterminating the Jews.                    

    However - in spite of Italy's - Dictator Mussolini's - eventually - being forced to comply with Hitler's "request" to round up the Jews - still - the Italian police and the army - largely - resisted against the Nazi's anti-Jewish directives and - frequently - refused to round up the Jews - as much as they could. Thus - out of 50 thousand of Italian Jews - "only" about 5 thousand were sent to the death camps.

     Poland had a dubious distinction - according to many historians - of the cooperation with the Nazis - however - to Poland's credit - according to Israeli Yad Vashem's statistics - over 6  thousand Poles - the largest number of all the European countries - were granted the highest Israeli title of the "Righteous among the Nations" - due to - fully documented - risking of their lives - in order to "hide the Jews" from the Nazis.

     It's a subject worth exploring. How does the nations resist the evil leaders? According to many historians - the resistance movements in many - occupied by the Nazis - European countries - inflicted many blows to the Weimar Nazi Republic.

     Copyright@L. Hadley and Associates 2024


Friday, June 14, 2024

Our Commentary of the Week - from Fri. Jun. 14 - 2024 through Fri. Jun. 21 - 2024!

         Odd Couple Doing the Political Commentary Every Friday - For PBS Nightly News - Broadcast - Transmitted Every Night - Monday through Friday.

          Jonathan Capehart - A Liberal/Socialist political commentator - a regular "fixture" for MSNBC - offers his political comments on Fridays - on PBS Network of a politically Liberal/Leftist - slant. His partner - almost every Friday is David Brooks - an "alleged" Conservative - who is supposed to offer an opposite take on the weekly political happenings - but what - usually - takes place is something different; namely - David Brooks - mostly - "re-packages" Jonathan Capehart's - comments.

        Not that anybody picks on the appearances of the political commentators - like Jonathan Capehart - who - BTW - stick their faces in every camera they can "grab" - however - Jonathan Capehart - would be more effective on the radio platform - since his physiognomy (face) - resembles the vision of the woodpecker (a useful bird).

       Another thing which is annoying about Mr. Capehart (according to many such comments posted on various media platforms) - are his expressions on the like of - "all my reporters would not put this info onto my air".

     Geez whiz - we didn't know that anybody can "own the co-workers and the air around them."

      At any rate - we have fun most Fridays watching the "odd couple" of the aforementioned - politicos - in action.

     Copyright@L. Hadley and Associates 2024


Friday, June 7, 2024

Our Commentary of the Week - from Fri. June 07 - 2024 through Fri. June 14 - 2024!

                                     Pres. Joe Biden Behaves in a Peculiar Manner During his Visit to France - to Celebrate 80th Anniversary of the D-Day Normandy Invasion - to Defeat the Nazis.

      According to the news story with the accompanying news clips - by Real America's Voice on June 06 - 2024 - during his visit to France - on June 06 - 2024 - to celebrate the 80th anniversary of D-Day which happened on June 06 - 1944 - Pres. Biden behaved in a peculiar fashion.

    To refresh everybody's memory - the American and Allied Forces landed on Normandy Beach in France on June-6-1944. They did it in order to defeat the powerful Nazi Germany's Army occupying most of Europe. 

    In a nutshell - according to the U.S. Army statistics - on that day - which commenced the prolonged campaign leading to the defeat of the Nazi's Weimar Republic - the U.S. lost (killed in the battle on that day) - 29 thousand soldiers; Canada lost (killed on that day) - 5 thousand - who died on that day - France lost 12 thousand (civilians and army - combined). Germany - however - lost 30 thousand soldiers - (killed in action on that day).

    All in all - about 500 thousand Allied soldiers - got killed and wounded - (we didn't show the numbers for the wounded) on that day - or close to it - including the Germans - however - 850 thousands of the brave - anti-Nazis' - combined warriors - succeeded - in landing their parachutes onto the shores of Frances' -Normandy.

    Back to June. 06 - 2024 - during which - President Biden's visit in France - demonstrated his peculiar behavior - according to Real America's Voice - broadcast on Jun. 06 - 2024 - which presented the commentary and the news clips - pointing to Pres. Biden - acting in strange manner when assembled on the stage - with France's - president Macron and his wife - Brigitte.

    Copyright@L. Hadley and Associates 2024

Friday, May 31, 2024

Our Commentary of the Week - from Fri. May 31 - 2024 till Fri. Jun. 07 - 2024!

                      A Few Comments about the Talk Radio Shows' Hosts - Working as Couples.

          Most of the time - it's not a good concept - which lasts for a short time. The notable exception would be Don Wade and Roma Wade - a married couple - who had tons of radio shifts together - for more than twenty years - out of Chicago's popular talk radio station - WLS - A.M. 890. 

         A popular radio talk show host out of Los Angeles area - Jennifer Horn - tried it with a partner - Dan - for a short time while she was still with Los Angeles - The Answer - 870 am - Salem Network - before she switched - to be a popular solo radio host - to Inland Empire, California - 590 A.M. The Answer - Salem Network. Currently - she - frequently - substitutes for Dr. Seb Gorka - a nationally and internationally - massively syndicated - radio talk show host - one of the biggest names working for Salem Network.

       At any rate - we had a couple of radio people - here - locally - a guy and a lady - the veterans of radio talk show variety - format - working together - manning the radio shifts - which appeared to "never be ending" - according to many listeners - thus that concept didn't work out well for them; again - according to many listeners - their radio shifts were boring and repetitious. Both of them - subsequently - left the radio station.

      However - the format is not dead - Dan Proft and Amy Jacobson out of Chicago's talk radio scene - have been working successfully - as a couple - for many years - at A.M. 560 - The Answer - and they have many fans and followers.

     Copyright@L. Hadley and Associates 2024

Thursday, May 23, 2024

Our Commentary of the Week - from Fri. May 24 - 2024 till Fri. May 31 - 2024!

                 Lisa Dent - a talk radio host - Mon. through Fri. 2pm till 6pm - Chicago Talk Radio - WGN - interviews - on May 15 - 2024 - Prof. Hermene Hartman about the Democratic Convention in Chicago 1968 Versus Democratic Convention Coming to Chicago's - Huge - United Center - From Aug. 19 - 2024 through Aug. 22 - 2024.

         If anybody is old enough - they vividly remember the huge, huge debacle which happened during the Democratic National Convention in Chicago from Aug. 26 - 1968 till Aug. 29 - 1968. In a nutshell - the Chicago Police under the leadership of a famous Democratic Chicago mayor - Richard J. Daley - had to use force against the multitudes of violent, anarchistic Yippies who attacked the police with various excrements' "packets" as well as with the "urine balloons" - in addition to various hard objects hurled at the police - which severely hurt several policemen - during the anarchists' - refusal to disperse from the park across the street from the Hilton Hotel on Michigan Avenue where the Democratic National Convention was held.

         What's interesting - however - is that the Leftist Chicago press covering the event - totally ignored many ugly behaviors of many sorts - perpetrated by the violent anarchists - which - subsequently - came to light - as it always happens - while the Leftist Chicago press - exaggerated a lot of the actions of the Chicago Police - who - B.T.W. - could use the water cannons instead of the Billy clubs. The bloody faces of the - mostly - youthful anarchists - did not present well on the TV screens all over this country and abroad.

       Long story - short - according to many political commentators - as a result of such a despicable display of violent behaviors - the Democratic candidates - Hubert Humphery - the presidential candidate - and Ed Muskie - the vice-presidential contender - were defeated - in the Fall 1968 presidential elections - by the Republicans - presidential candidate Richard Nixon and the vice-presidential contender - Spiro Agnew.

        Happy Memorial Day Weekend 2024 - Everybody!

        Copyright@L. Hadley and Associates 2024            

Friday, May 17, 2024

Our Commentary of the Week - from Fri. May 17 - 2024 till Fri. May 24 - 2024!

                                      There Was No Evidence Provided by Michael Cohen - Stated Nicole Malliotakis - New York State's Congressional Representative from District 11!

        According to Dailymotion website - posting onto the internet - the above commentary's title's - quotation - by Ms. Malliotakis - the U.S. congressional representative from New York's - congressional district 11; the aforementioned quote - was widely disseminated by various media outlets.

      On May 16 - 2024 - Michael Cohen - a disbarred ex-lawyer of ex-pres. Trump, a convicted perjurer - was cross-examined by the ex-pres. Trump's legal team.

      What ensued - according to many legal analysts - was that jury - witnessed - Mr. Cohen's - supposedly - the prosecution's star witness's - testimony - becoming effectively - "punched full of holes" by the ex-pres. Trump's - legal defense team - thus the prosecution's case - began - more than likely - "coming off the wheels".

     Copyright@L.Hadley and Associates 2024

Friday, May 10, 2024

Our Commentary of the Week - from Fri. May 10 - 2024 till Fri. May 17 - 2024!

                               "Live from Studio 6B" - a NYC's - Political Satire on the Daily Political Events - 2 Hrs Long Nightly Broadcast!

        Real America's Voice Network - currently available in most U.S. TV markets - has introduced the aforementioned in the title - broadcast - several years ago - and it has been popular/in demand - in most U.S. TV markets.

      Since it is broadcasted nightly - from 8pm - E.S.T. - till 10pm E.S.T. - it - at times - "misses the mark" and comes up with a boring production. However - most of the time - the three guys - anchors - show funny clips from the political events which happened during the past week - as well as provide - funny - commentaries about the past political happenings - which took place during the week that passed in the U.S and abroad.

      They also feature a sports' guy - who 'sports' - an "authentic", heavy New York accent - as well as funny, flashy attire; he can get away his "crazy antics" including his thick, New York accent - whereas - the other three anchors did the right thing and reduced it to a great extent - just like most TV anchors who speak to the wide U.S. TV audiences.

      At any rate - as we mentioned above - most of their TV satirical transmissions - come out - hilarious. They use a lot of short clips to illustrate their humorous "takes" onto the political events taking place during the week which concluded.

     Pres. Biden takes a lot of their time - due to his weekly - heavy "gaffes" and other - humorous gestures - without him - intending such.

     In any event - enjoy "Live from Studio 6B" and we shall meet here a week from today! 

     Copyright@L. Hadley and Associates 2024