Thursday, October 10, 2024

Our Commentary of the Week - from Fri. Oct. 11 - 2024 through Fri. Oct. 18 - 2024!

             On Mon. Oct. 07 - 2024 - Bill Whittaker from "60 Minutes" Finally - at the Long Last - Asks Kamala Harris Less "Softball" Questions During the Interview.

         As its obvious that Mainstream Media covers for Kamala Harris's - various inadequacies - it was refreshing to have Bill Whittaker from "60 Minutes" ask her - less "softball" questions. However - according to Megyn Kelly (an awesome podcaster with millions of subscribers on YouTube and Sirius XM - platforms) who expressed her comments - to the effect that Whittaker's questions were still - "softball' - like the ones - afforded to the Democratic lawmakers.

      During the broadcast of "Live from Studio 6B" - presented by Real America Voice Network - reaching millions of viewers - Mon. through Fri. - their political commentator Rick Delgado - who is an Italian New Yorker - since the broadcast originates in NYC - commented that during that interview - "Kamala Harris was super cautious - not to offend any Jew Haters/Israel Haters" - when asked the question about Israel.

     At any rate - this week - pres. Joe Biden - several times "threw Kamala Harris under the bus" - mainly as it relates to the hurricanes' - Helene and Milton's - affairs. Evidently - now he doesn't care so much about not speaking up - since he will be gone in a short time. 

     It looks as if he is sore that he was "pushed out" by Harris's people - with him garnering 60 million U.S. votes - while Harris was "appointed/anointed" - without the votes of the American voters. Moreover - his recent, vindictive attitude is hurting her campaign - since according to some press reports - his people and her people came to physical blows. The political "undercurrents" are treacherous.

     Copyright@L. Hadley and Associates 2024                   

Thursday, October 3, 2024

Our Commentary of the Week - from Fri. Oct. 04 - 2024 till Fri. Oct. 11 - 2024

                  Mary Rooke Publishes a Fantastic Article - Online - on Oct. 01-2024 Titled: "Four Horsemen of Kamala's Harris's Political Campaign's 2024 - Apocalypse - Have Arrived".

         Mary Rooke lists four political factors which - according to her political research - will "effectively - bury - Kamala Harris's political campaign of 2024". Ms. Rooke lists the following four conditions - according to her vast research.

         1. The conservative news outlets - "beat the drum loudly" - concerning Biden/Harris's Administration's - depleting the FEMA funds - which they spent on the illegals - entering the U.S. - thus Kamala Harris's current Biden/Harris Administration - could only come up with $750.00 a piece - for the people who suffered from the ravages of hurricane Helene - 2024. 

        2. Biden/Harris's Administration's slowness in acknowledging the vast destruction of hurricane Helene in Florida, Tennessee, Georgia and both Carolinas - will make the voters - remember that at the voting booths - they - normally have a "long memory" about those sorts of political missteps. Evidently - according to Ms. Rooke - Kamala Harris had important fundraisers to attend in California - which took the precedence over the destruction of hurricane Helene.

       3. Illegal immigration flooding all the states of the U.S. - with many resources re-directed from the needy U.S. citizens - towards the illegals (New York city - recently - evicted the U.S. veterans to make space for the illegals) - is a big, heavy "albatross" around Harris/Biden's political campaign's 2024 - neck.

       4. Finally - the vice-presidential debate - which turned out to be a "total debacle" for Gov. Tim Walz - according to Mary Rooke - puts a final "nail" into Biden/Harris political aspirations for 2024.

       Important Note: 

     As of Oct. 03 - 2024 - tentative agreement between the major U.S. ports' - management - and the Longshoremen Union - was reached - so the further negotiations will be postponed until Jan. 2025.

    It needs to be noted that the four Horsemen of Apocalypse's - prophesy - according to apostle John's prophecy in a Book of Apocalypse - in the New Testament - went as follows: At the end of times - as we know it - before God judges everybody - so the New Times - can ensue - the following events shall take place; the first Horseman on a white horse - shall arrive - it signifies - the global conquest. The second Horseman on a red horse - brings the war to the Earth. The third Horseman - on a black colored horse - unleashes famine on the population. Finally - the fourth Horseman on a pale/green horse - brings - universal - death to all.

      What's interesting is that in the Old Testament - the prophets Zechariah and prophet Ezekiel - record similar visions of the events signifying - the end of times on Earth.

     Copyright@L. Hadley and Associates 2024

Thursday, September 26, 2024

Our Commentary of the Week - from Fri. Sept. 27 - 2024 - through Fri. Oct. 04 - 2024!

                     Megyn Kelly "Unloads" on Terrible Performance of Kamala Harris during the Rambling Interview by MSNBC's Stephanie Ruhle's - on Sept. 25 - 2024.

         The aforementioned, "softball" interview took place on Sept. 25 - 2025 and the review of it was posted by Megyn Kelly on YouTube platform - on Sept. 26 - 2024. It - immediately - garnered 72 thousand viewers' - clicks with the viewers' comments - agreeing with Megyn Kelly. Stephanie Ruhle - of MSNBC tried to make it "easy" on Kamala Harris - however - the questions needed to be asked.

         To Stephanie Ruhle's small credit - the fact checkers - checked Kamala Harris's - "mistakes" as opposed to the Sept. 04 - 2024 - so called "debate" during which - the moderators from ABC network made total asses of themselves since they behaved like Kamala Harris's - advocates - determined to "sock it to" her opponent. It was an obvious blunder by ABC - widely criticized on all the social media platforms.

        At any rate - Megyn Kelly is not afraid to tell the truth - notwithstanding the politics - around it.

       Copyright@L. Hadley and Associates 2024

Thursday, September 19, 2024

Our Commentary of the Week - from Fri. Sept. 20 - 2024 till Fri. Sept. 27 - 2024!

                               Megyn Kelly Posts a Short Clip onto the YouTube platform  Around Sept. 13 - 2024 - titled "It Was Smart of Him to Point To Those Two Cities".

     The aforementioned clip immediately garnered close to 100 Thous. of YouTube viewers' - clicks.

     She reads the Colorado City Journal - report issued on Sept. 04 - 2024 - concerning Aurora/Colorado (a small community) taken over by the Venezuelan gangs (the illegals let into the U.S. by Biden/Harris' Administration's - open borders policies). 

     In a nutshell - Megan Kelly relates a news story about the small city - Aurora, Colorado - "taken over" by the criminal illegals with guns - terrorizing the local population.

    The aforementioned illegals/many of them criminal gang members - were assigned to the small community of Aurora/Colorado - by Biden/Harris Administration's - political border directives - "brilliant to no end".

    It's not easy to be pointing out the Biden/Harris's Administration's - border policies' fiascos - with all the Leftists/Socialists - pointing their "political" guns at the brave voices like Megyn Kelly. However - she is not only not afraid of them - but she can - effectively - turn around their "poisoned political arrows" - back - onto their "behinds" - where it hurts - thus - effectively utilizing a political "boomerang" - style. She is a seasoned political observer with many accomplishments - to her name.

     Copyright@L.Hadley and Associates 2024

Thursday, September 12, 2024

Our Commentary of the Week - from Fri. Sept. 13 - 2024 through Fri. Sept. 20 - 2024!

         Their Fact Checkers Were Erroneous - Megyn Kelly - Torches ABC Debate Moderators!

         The aforementioned clip by the title specified - above - was posted on YouTube platform on Thurs. Sept. 12 - 2024 by Megyn Kelly - and immediately garnered almost 300 thousand - close to a third of a million - viewers' - clicks.

         Two days after the presidential debate presented by ABC - between Kamala Harris and Donald Trump - Megyn Kelly - a veteran of several past presidential debates - and a wildly successful SiriusXM - premier network's - podcaster - with the subscribers' number on YouTube platform alone - of more than 2.5 million - very recently "blistered" (on Thurs. Sept. 12 - 2024) - the moderators of the recent presidential debate offered by ABC - Linsey Davis and David Muir - both of them "big guns" for ABC. 

       However - they may not stay "big guns" for much longer - due to the enormous backlash to their totally "disgraceful and incompetent" - respectively - jobs as the moderators during the presidential debate 2024 - broadcasted on ABC - on Tues. Sept. 10 - 2024 - according to many such political comments/opinions - posted on various mass media platforms. 

      Instead of being the moderators of the debate - the aforementioned - heavy duty - ABC anchors - showed themselves to be Leftist political hacks - thus - promoting Kamala Harris and her Leftist/Socialist agenda - with the planks on the like of - the "open borders" (to get more illegals to vote for the Dems - no doubt) and Medicare for all - which will - undoubtedly - quickly destroy the Medicare program - according to many such political comments - posted on various - social media platforms. 

      At any rate - according to Megyn Kelly - Kamala Harris - not only didn't answer any questions - important to American people - during the last presidential debate - but Harris was actively - audaciously - helped by Davis and Muir - to lie - without being fact checked - moreover - the moderators/Leftist hacks - helped Harris - to "weasel out" of answering any important - to American people - questions.

     In addition - according to Megyn Kelly - Harris acted in an "obnoxious fashion" with her phony laugh and faces she made into the TV cameras - all that phony/baloney stuff - obviously practiced for the TV cameras - thus most of the undecided voters would - for certain - not vote for her.

      Copyright@L. Hadley and Associates 2024

Friday, September 6, 2024

Our Commentary of the Week - from Fri. Sept. 06 - 2024 till Fri. Sept. 13 - 2024!

                 Elsa Kurt Impersonates Kamala Harris in many YouTube Satirical Videos - Ms. Kurt is the Sole Star of her Satirical Videos - Thus - She Collects a lot of Money - Monetizing Thousands of the Viewers' "Likes".

       The talented impersonator will exaggerate the negative aspects of the subject they impersonate - the same way - a talented caricaturist will build upon the negative features of the subject - they "lampoon".

      There are several talented Kamala Harris impersonators showcasing their comedy gifts on the YouTube platform. Elsa Kurt - a good looking, young comedienne shows a lot of comedy talent - since her good looks do not detract from her enormous comedic talents; she - literally - "destroys" Kamala Harris's - way of speaking in vast word "salads" which mean almost nothing - with her hands flying in every direction. Ms. Kurt's commentaries woven with Ms. Kamala Harris's - actual news clips - point to Elsa Kurt's enormous comedy writing instincts. However - Elsa Kurt is especially good in ridiculing Ms. Harris's - cackle style, annoying laugh - which to many people - sounds like the "nails dragged down the blackboard".

      The other - currently popular on YouTube - Kamala Harris's impersonator is a middle-aged, dark-haired nurse - Estee Palti. She is also good - in capturing Kamala Harris's - "trembling" voice pitch and the famous cackle style laugh - which is a trademark of Hilary Clinton - as well - with this well-known - ugly - cackle - being widely ridiculed - en masse.

      Both of those talented ladies are well worth checking out on YouTube.

      Copyright@L. Hadley and Associates 2024


Thursday, August 29, 2024

Our Commentary of the Week - from Fri. Aug. 30 - 2024 till Fri. Sept. 07 - 2024!

                                  Tulsi Gabbard - an ex-Congressional Rep from Hawaii Totally "Smokes" Kamala Harris's - Failed Presidential Campaign in her 2019 - Presidential Bid which Flopped - Big!

      Kamala Harris launched her presidential "efforts" in a presidential campaign in 2019 in which she didn't get any primary voters to vote for her. During her - memorable - group debate portion - during that campaign - she famously - called pres. Biden a "racist"; nevertheless - he - later - in 2020 - offered her a position of the vice-president. 

      At any rate - during that 2019 disastrous presidential campaign by Kamala Harris - which flopped big time - the final nail into the "coffin of the aforementioned presidential bid" was Tulsi Gabbard - an ex-Congressional rep from Hawaii - who in the YouTube video - which garnered millions of views - totally - verbally - politically - "destroyed" - Kamala Harris's - chances. Shortly after this video went super viral on YouTube - Kamala Harris announced that she will quit her presidential campaign of 2019.

     Thus, Kamala Harris ended her failed presidential bid in 2019 - since the big donors refused to fund her campaign.

     However - that was not the case this year - 2024. Ms. Harris still never got any voters - votes - but - pres. Biden - "appointed" her to the U.S. presidential candidacy; Pres. Biden was forced to renounce his plans to continue his next presidential cadence - due to his disastrous presidential debate with ex-pres. Trump.

    Some commentators postulate that pres. Biden did his "anointing" of Harris - again - without voting for her - was to "spite" the members of his own party who pressured him to resign from the next term.

     In the meantime - Kamala - Harris - still - has never gotten any votes from the general electorate. Her California Leftists followers - don't count so much - as far as the general electorate is concerned. However - since she is "entitled" to the vast election funds which were appropriated to pres. Biden by the big donors - she doesn't have to worry about the big donors so much. Why she and gov. Walz (the extreme Leftist governor of Minnesota whom she chose to be the vice-president) - are - still - shamelessly - soliciting funds (we won't say 'begging' or anything like that) - all over YouTube - is not quite clear.

      Copyright@L. Hadley and Associates 2024