Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Rogers Park Business Alliance holds a super fun,fun,fun Fundraiser!

        This week - Rogers Park Business Alliance - a super fantastic business support - organization - is holding a totally interesting, entertaining in every way and extremely useful - fund raising - gala which is informal and fun. The entertainment will be provided by Bossa Tres - a Brazilian sounding trio.
The new theater called "Mayne Stage" was just remodeled - top notch. It will be a combination venue of a restaurant, bar and a theater. The new owners obtained a liquor license with the vast blessings of our alderman - Joe Moore.
       As a longtime resident of Rogers Park - I am looking forward to giving you a report from the opening mini gala. So stay tuned - breathlessly! Listen, everybody! The evening promises to be totally fun, fun, fun. Several super good restaurants will provide excellent food. As far as some stronger spirits are concerned - beer, wine, liquor will also be available with the modest disclaimer that nobody will make a proverbial "idiot" out of themselves by getting drunk or anything like that! I am looking forward to most fun, exciting and entertaining opening - so as I mentioned earlier - stay tuned for the great report!
      Here is a quick report - the evening went - totally, sensationally, super good in every way - nobody got drunk - the band was great - Bossa Three - the food was okay - could be better - dancing lessons - dynamite - the local businessmen - and businesswomen - very cool and fun!

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