Saturday, July 16, 2011

July's 13th - 2011 - Tango concert/dance by the Tango band "Cuidado" - at the Fairmont Hotel - downtown Pittsburgh, Pa

     The lobby of downtown Pittsburgh's premier hotel Fairmont - resembled a fine cafe evening in Buenos Aires - as the numerous Pittsburgh's Tango dancers took to the magnificent, marble looking floors of the lobby.
    The Pittsburgh's Tango band - "Cuidado" has some fine musicians and their classic Tango tunes evolved into a more professional sounding mode since January of this year.
    Julia Zukov - the main viola player of the band is also a well-known Argentine Tango teacher.  Her partner - Koichiro Suzuki or Chewy - for short is also an Argentine Tango teacher in addition to being a main tuba player and a director of the band.
   They demonstrated an Argentine Tango - Vals - similar to a regular Waltz.  Their dance moves appear effortless, smooth, coordinated and polished.
   Overall - the classic Piazzola tunes sounded flawlessly with a lot of maturity.  "The Kiss of Fire" - on the other hand - Angel Villoldo's immortal classic - left some to be desired.  The band needs to work on it some more.  Also - a couple of pieces the band played - were entirely too long - close to ten minutes per piece.
   In a nutshell - however - the band milongas - among them - the immortal classic - "Betty La Fea" - sounded lively with the beat kept well for the dancers.
   On July 24 - 2011 - Sat. 8:30 pm - the band will play at Wightman Community Center - Squirrel Hill which has a magnificent dance floor and good acoustics.
   See you there!

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