Sunday, May 17, 2015

Tiffany's Ballroom Dance Club organizes a cool dance on Sat. May 16 - 2015.

         All the good ballroom dancers in Pittsburgh area are familiar with the monthly dances organized by Tiffany Dance Club. The president - Mary Ann Rakoczy (a good dancer and a sparkling personality) - has expanded a lot of her energies to make this dance extra fun - with a hot supper served.
        Even though the evening started on a bad note in terms of the electricity messing up in an older Moose Country Club in Penn Hills (an Eastern suburb of Pittsburgh) - everything straightened out after some ingenious members used mood producing candles as well as extra long extension cords. The hot buffet with lots of fresh salads plus the yummy dessert table complemented by tons of fresh fruits - punctuated by some tasty, minor meat dishes on the like of home made meatballs - were all big stars of the evening in their own right. The excellent dancing music provided by D.J. John - featured danceable pieces - easy to dance without any excessively fast or slow numbers.
      I loved the showcase consisting of a pair of good dancers exhibiting their dancing skills - but my most favorite dance number was composed by Mariano Mores - an internationally famous Tango composer's - his Tango titled "Tanguera" (a woman who positively obsesses by tango - just like me) - was danced very well by the featured dancers. 
      I couldn't take my eyes off an attractive female dancer wearing a black lace dress (seductive and appropriate for an international tango) with her confident moves skillfully choreographed to international tango steps - while she was deftly led by her male partner - also clad in a dark attire.
      In short - Mary Ann - the current madam president of the club - could write an excellent article on how to be an effective and fun - master of ceremonies for the event. A good master of ceremonies needs to be brief - but they need to highlight the helpers who make the event memorable while at the same time they shouldn't forget to emphasize all the participants who showed up - especially the new ones.
      Spring dances are important since its great to finally "crawl out" of the cabin fever laced, winter dominated - houses - to dance and socialize. Everybody needs to dance - at least - once per week. Back to the last night event - for the moment; it "straightened" out quickly after the initial electricity stumble; the smart people always say that it's not important how the game begins - as long as it ends - well.
      Keep dancing to restore and renew all 
your good energies!
           Copyright@L.Hadley and Associates 2025

Thursday, May 7, 2015

Pittsburgh's Giant Eagle Foods' - Market District - Shadyside (e-xtra special domestic/international foods) - sparkles like a jewel (not to be confused with Chicago's famous Jewel Food Markets).

                  Copyright@L.Hadley and Associates 2015    

       Hey - all of you numerous "clickers" - "foodies" and everybody else who loves good foods - fresh and moderately priced - take notice!
       Out of all of the several  Giant Eagle Foods' - special Market Districts - the one in Shadyside (5550 Centre Ave, Pittsburgh, Pa. 15232) is my favorite since due to its fabulous location - makes my distance from Squirrel Hill or Shadyside - extremely easy to negotiate.
       At any rate - this week I got my special product of the week - which is a sinfully dark chocolate bar (3 oz. - 72% cacao) for only $1.99 - Market District brand. It tastes fantastic but the price - quite a bit lower than the famous Ghirardelli brand - makes it even more attractive. In my modest opinion (a dark chocolate lover from the very birth) - 72% cacao tastes strong and delightful. My taste buds tell me that any higher percentage of cacao - is - way - too high.
       Everybody needs to come for their "fix" of dark chocolate and other great stuff - while you're in the store.

       Have a great "Cinco de Mayo" - first week of May - everybody!

       Disclaimer: This website neither endorses nor recommends any products or companies - mentioned here.