Friday, August 26, 2016

Our Choice of Youtube Video of the Week for the fifth (last) week of Aug. 2016 - is the Vid uploaded by Dr.240252 on Aug. 9 - 16 - titled "Tea for Two - Knickebockers and Ben Selvin's Dance Orchestra".

       We choose a lovely, up tempo version of "Tea for Two" by Ben Selvin and the Knickerbockers' Dancing Orchestra uploaded by our Youtube friend - the erudite and bright - Dr. 240252.
       The composer of this famous song - Vincent Youmans came up with some fabulous tunes - all well loved by many generations of listeneners. His beautiful tune "Carioca" has been danced and sang by tons of talented performers. Also his truly magnificent Tango - "Orchids in the Moonlight" sounds equally good.
       The glorious movie star - Dolores del Rio - danced a super good Tango with Riccardo Montalban in a delightful musical comedy "Flying down Rio" from 1933 which contines to be popular with people who love good musicals.
       At any rate - have a great last week of August 2016 - everybody! We shall meet here - a week from today. 
       Once Dancing with the Stars begins later in September 2016 - which will be Season 23 - you will get our weekly review - like every year.
                        Copyright L.Hadley and Associates - 2025

Thursday, August 18, 2016

Our Choice for Youtube Video of the week for the Fourth Week of Aug. 2016 is Dr.240252 video uploaded on Aug. 16-2016!

       We chose a lovely Tango uploaded by our friend - Dr.250252 on Aug.16-2016 titled "Polish Tango - 'Don't be Angry with Me' - 1934". Even though the composer/lyricist - Jurand/Krystjan - duo are less well known than Wlast/Gold team - the Tango sounds super. The vocalist Tadeusz Falishewski - a famous Tango singer circa Warsaw 1930 - 1939 - does a magnificent job of an understated delivery.
      Another interesting feature of this Tango is a musical arrangement featuring prominent Hawaiian guitars by a well-known Tango arranger - Victor Tychowski - which sound a lot like electric guitars. The visuals used by Dr.240252 - cleverly and with sarcastic undertones - present another sides of love which frequently take a form of rage and anger.
      It needs to be noted that Dr. 240252 will be away - enjoying his yearly vacations for a few weeks. He chooses some far away, exotic destinations which he describes after his return. So stay tuned!
      As always - have a great fourth week of Aug. 2016 and don't forget to click here next week for our choice of Youtube video of the week for the fifth week of Aug.2016! Our popular channel tango3721 - always gives you a lot of interesting tidbits!

Copyright@L.Hadley and Associates - 2017

Thursday, August 11, 2016

Our Youtube Video of the week for the Third Week of Aug. 2016 is a Vid Uploaded by Genia106 - on May 01 - 2016!

     For the third week of Aug. 2016 - we choose a terrific video uploaded on May 01-2016 - by our Youtube friend and colleague - Genia106 - titled "For the Gorgeous Marilyn Monroe - Al Bowlly Sings 'Just Let Me Look at You'". Since Genia106 uploads a lot of videos about Marilyn Monroe - this one is in honor of the Silver Screen Goddess'es - birthday which falls around the end of May. Genia's visuals present a lot of glorious shots of Marilyn who still has legions of followers loving her many movies - years after her premature death in Aug. 1962 which shook up many moviegoers who love Marilyn's pictures.
      We need to mention one biographical picture about Marilyn's last affair with Bobby Kennedy (the attorney general) - shortly before her unfortunate overdose of barbiturates which caused her early death. The American director bases his premise on the theory that she became a possible bothersome "element" since - allegedly - she carried on affairs with Bobby Kennedy (attorney general) and Jack Kennedy - the President of the U.S. - at the same time - shortly before the time of her premature death.
     Long story short - after Bobby Kennedy - came to the conclusion that she might cause problems since he was married to Ethel Kennedy whom he claimed to love as well as his numerous children with his wife - somehow - Edgar Hoover - the powerful FBI boss - got involved. The movie postulates that the ambulance which was taking her to the hospital to pump her stomach after she has attempted to kill herself - was turned back to her house - instead of taking her to the hospital where she could get help - the ambulance - instead - went back to her house where she died without getting the help which might have saved her life.
     The lead vocalist of this vid - Al Bowlly - a handsome London jazz singer of Lebanese descent circa 1933 - 1942 - also met an early death during the Nazi's bombing raid of London - when he didn't respond to the warning sirens by hiding in the basement of the building.
     It needs to be noted that President John Kennedy died relatively young by the assassin bullet - a year after Marilyn Monroe - while his younger brother - Bobby Kennedy an ex-attorney general - was shot to death by a killer named Sirhan-Sirhan - six years after Marilyn Monroe - overdosed on sleeping pills.
     At any rate - enough of that sad stuff for one column. Everybody have a good third week of August 2016 and check out our comments on tango3721 channel of Youtube!
     As always - don't forget to click here next weekend for our choice of Youtube Video of the Week for the fourth week of August 2016!

      Copyright@L.Hadley and Associates - 2019

Friday, August 5, 2016

Our Choice for the Youtube Video of the Week for the Second Week of Aug - 2016.

     For this - second week of August 2016 - we choose an interesting video uploaded by Dr.240252 on Aug.2-2016 - titled "Old Polish Tango - Always - 1032".
     The music was composed by Fred Melodyst - a famous musician whose family included many Tango greats - you can read Dr.240252's commentary which will give a quick snapshot on who is who in Tango world in Poland circa 1930 through 1939. They had arguably - the great global contribution to the magnificent collection of beautiful Tangos.
    This piece has the lyrics penned by Andrzej Wlast - a promoter/lyricist/theatrical producer of famous Warsaw Tango products. The vocals are skillfully done by Tadeusz Falishewski who performed tons of outstanding Tangos and other musical genres in Poland at that time (1930 - 1939).
    Be prepared for some static when you listen to this video which is due to the original being old. The artwork chosen presents the old photos of the famous Polish city of Cracow which is known for its classic architecture. The city was rehabbed but it maintains its vintage character.
    At any rate - glance at my comments which are under tango3721 on Youtube. As always - have a great second week of August 2016 and don't forget to click here next weekend for our choice of the Youtube video of the week for the coming third week of August 2016!

     Copyright@L.Hadley and Associates 2017