Friday, September 30, 2016

Our Choice of YouTube Video of the Week for the First Week of October 2016!

         For the first week of Oct. 2016 - we chose a video uploaded on Sept. 23 - 2016 - by Big Band Lou - titled "Love Your Magic Spell is Everywhere" from a famous old movie with Gloria Swanson - titled "The Trespasser" from 1929 - who also sang that tune quite well in that film. It was her first "talkie" so she didn't disappoint her fans by not having a good speaking voice - in addition - she could carry a tune quite well in spite of not having any considerable vocal training. 
     She was a tiny - super dynamo - only five feet tall - beautiful, wiry, energetic and talented. Her long-time affair with Joe Kennedy, Sr. enabled her to showcase her talents since he produced a lot of Hollywood movies. The numerous rumors circulated freely regarding Joe Kennedy, Sr. being the father of her only son. The gossips were largely - unsubstantiated - as were the freely spread "anecdotes" regarding his - initial - alleged admiration for Hitler which Joseph Kennedy, Sr. - reportedly - expressed on numerous occasions when he was an American ambassador to England. He - allegedly - stated that "we need to hold our noses and do business with Hitler" which he - subsequently - vigorously denied.
      It needs to be noted that his oldest son - Joseph Kennedy, Jr. was killed in the Second World War - as he flew war planes - against the Hitler's Third Reich - from England.
      According to Gloria Swanson biographers - their hot affair ended abruptly when he was asked by her - for his share of money committed by him - to some - "bomb" at the box office - movie - they produced jointly - which "laid an egg" - at the box office. He - reportedly - walked out of the meeting - never to be heard from again by Miss Swanson. 
      At about the same time Joseph Kennedy Sr.'s - wife - a powerful Kennedy matriarch - Rose Kennedy - was getting a "whiff" of his affair with Miss Swanson so - evidently - he needed to cool it. He - after all - had 8 children which needed his attention.
      Back to our Video of the Week - this version of - "Love Your Magic Spell is Everywhere" - uploaded by Big Band Lou - is performed nicely by Ben Selvin's famous Jazz Orchestra with the vocals handled magnificently by handsome vocalist Smith Bellow - a very popular vocalist/heartthrob of his day - circa 1929. This enormously popular in its day - song - was written by a less known composer/lyricist duo - Gold/Janice.
       At any rate - enjoy the video and the comments where yours truly also contributed her "five cents worth" of a professional opinion. 
      Have a super good first week of Oct. 2016 - everybody - and we meet here a week from today - as every week!

       Copyright@L.Hadley and Associates 2023

Thursday, September 22, 2016

Our Choice for the Youtube's Video of the Week - for the 4th Week of Sept. 2016 - is Joseph Paul Watson's Vid - Uploaded on Sept.21 - 2016!

            For the fourth week of Sept. 2016 - our choice of the YouTube Video of the Week - we choose again - the vid uploaded by Joseph Paul Watson on Sept. 21 - 2016 - titled "Hillary Clinton Will Have a Bad Surprise for Trump in October 2016."
      As we mentioned here before - we admire brave journalists/warriors who risk their safety when they expose some unscrupulous, famous politicians with tons of money which they can use to "silence" the voices which they find - "annoying". Thus all of us - continue - to pray for Joseph Paul Watson's safety - as well as that of the other brave journalists/warriors.
     At any rate - enjoy the vid and - as always - don't forget to check our channel - tango3721.

     Have a great fourth week of Sept. 2016 - the fall officially started - hurray!

     Please - click here on Fri. Sept. 30 - 2016 to check our Choice of the YouTube video of the week for the first week of October 2016!

     Copyright@L.Hadley and Associates 2017

Thursday, September 15, 2016

For Our Youtube Video of the Week - for the Third Week of Sept. 2016 - We Chose a Video uploaded by Paul Joseph Watson on Sept. 15 - Titled "Ten Signs That You Are a Basic Bitch".

       In this funny video - Paul Joseph Watson takes "potshots" at a lot of well meaning, "eager beaver" type - totally misguided and phony - "lefties" who strive to bring socialism and "collectivism" to every country of this globe. While we agree that some of that might work a bit - under the name of "progressivism" in some rich countries - however - over all - Margaret Thatcher aptly observed that socialism works well until there are no more "factors" left to take their stuff away from them - to "distribute" to the parasitic elements which claim to be "entitled" to someone else's fruits of their talents and efforts. Let's not forget that the government big enough to give you almost everything you need - is big enough to take it all away - in a blink of an eye.
      At any rate - enjoy the video and have a great coming third week of September 2016!
     We meet here a week from today - as every week!

     Copyright@L.Hadley and Associates 2023

Thursday, September 8, 2016

For the Second Week of Sept. 2016 - We Chose a Slightly Provocative, Political Vid by Paul Joseph Watson Uploaded on Sept.02 - 16 - titled "Hillary Clinton Threatens War with Russia".

         Paul Joseph Watson is a young, political editor - for the moment - still "hooked up" a bit with Alex's Jones Productions titled "Info Wars" - which has been bombarding YouTube with all kinds of strong, virulent features against the mainstream media and Hillary Clinton.
       Paul Joseph Watson's huge YouTube following grows bigger - as we speak - so his own channel - "explodes" - as we write this commentary. We chose a short vid uploaded by Paul Joseph Watson on Sept. 02 - 16 titled "Hillary Threatens War with Russia".
       Long story short - the way Paul Joseph Watson reads into the camera his own snappy, political comments - is no less than - fantastically engaging. One simply can't take the eyes off his face. We are not even mentioning his terrific, good looks - but we noticed that he is equally popular with a lot of smart, thinking men and with many intelligent women.
      According to the foxy, accomplished, beautiful women we interviewed - regarding what would be most sexy about a good-looking man - most of them answered that they would "jump into the bed" in a short, New York minute - if a man appeared brave and risked his safety - for the "worthy" cause - but not for some "bullshit" idealistic drivel.
      YouTube is full of various unsubstantiated websites proclaiming that some prominent political figures with many millions of dollars to their names (earned in various shady ways) have ways to permanently silence the opposition who starts to cause - problems to their political causes. Thus - all of us - pray for Paul Joseph Watson's - safety.
     At any rate - check out Paul Joseph Watson's channel and have a great second week of September 2016 - everyone!
            Copyright@L.Hadley and Associates 2025

Friday, September 2, 2016

For the First Week of Sept. 2016 - For our Choice of the Youtube Video of the Week - We chose a Tango uploaded by Oliver K.on July 20 - 2016 - titled - "Tango Argentynskie - Jan Cajmer".

        Oliver K. is a young Polish guy who loves the good Tango since for the last several years he has been uploading really beautiful Tangos and other pieces. In addition - he frequently makes "expert" - really - not kidding - comments on Dr.240252 expert YouTube - channel.
       Back to Oliver's upload on July 20 - 2016 - in which he presents - Jan Cajmer's terrifically good arrangement of piece "Argentine Tango" - (unfortunately not fully credited) but phenomenally arranged by a famous Polish band leader and arranger - Jan Cajmer.
       The old recording sounds clear since the Tango is composed in a top-notch manner - extremely pleasant for listening - but even better suited for dancing. The so called - very pretty Tango "grapewine" motives are featured prominently in this upload.
      At any rate - have a wonderful Labor Day Weekend coming up which gets us close to fall - my absolutely favorite season of the year. Don't forget to check us out next Friday Sept. 09 - 16 - for our choice of our favorite video of the week for the second week of Sept. 2016!

       Copyright@L.Hadley and Associates 2023