Wednesday, August 29, 2018

Our Choice for the YT Vid of the Wk - "Bizimkilar: Ray Charles - Hit the Road Jack (Folk Cover)" - Sputnik.

         For the first, Labor Day Week of Sept. 2018 - as our Youtube video of the week - we chose a quirky video/cover/take off - on Ray Charles' great, all time hit "Hit the Road Jack" titled "Bizimkilar: Ray Charles - Hit the Road Jack (Folk Cover)" uploaded on May 18 - 2016 by a YT video producer who calls himself "Sputnik" - most likely from Russia and who uploads many interesting videos on various, diverse topics.
         Bizimkilar - a group of talented musicians, actors and singers/comedians from Azerbaijan - does a great job of making fun of the eternal hit by Ray Charles - "Hit the Road - Jack" - while at the same time - showcasing their tremendous musical and comical talents. We watched it three times and each time some funny details came to light which point to vast talents of this group of Azerbaijanian performers.
        The viewers' comments under the video are tremendously interesting as well - and come from many different countries - so enjoy the video - everybody - its different, funny and well received since it garnered close to three million "clicks" in about two years. 
       All of us will have a super good first week of Sept. 2018 which is a Labor Day Weekend - one of our most favorite holidays next to Thanksgiving. After The Labor Day - the gorgeous fall is close. We shall meet again - next week - the same place - the same time - the same channel.
      Copyright@L.Hadley and Associates 2024

Wednesday, August 22, 2018

Our Choice for the YT Vid of the Wk. for the 4th Wk. of Aug.2018 - "Phil Mudd Triggered by Paris Dennard Over Security Clearance on CNN Live!"

      Ovation Eddie a funny producer of satirical Youtube videos - uploaded another hilarious political satire video on Aug. 21 - 2018 - titled "Phil Mudd Triggered by Paris Dennard Over Security Clearance on CNN Live!" As we mentioned before - Ovation Eddie splices together current piece of news with comedic fragments of various movies or TV shows - to make fun of the people in the news - mostly Liberal/Socialistic leaning politicians or their pundits.
     Phil Mudd - a white, middle aged, well educated appearing contractor with a security clearance was engaged by CNN to give his take on neccessity for the security clearance being allowed to remain with the people employed by the government even after they leave the government service - unlike the normal corporate procedure which ends the clearance after people leave the company.
     Paris Dennard - a black ex-analyst for Pres. Bush was presenting logical and clear arguments attesting to the President Trumps' obvious legal standing in revoking the security clearances of individuals who "politicize" their clearance like Mr. John Brenner - ex-CIA head who issues tons of offensive, politically biased
    Mr. Mudd became visibly enraged upon hearing Mr. Dennard's logical arguments - so he proceeded to scream unrelated statements at Mr. Dennard who never lost his cool - thus making Mr. Mudd's outbursts pointing to his explosive personality. Phil Mudd's ranting "show" was picked up by countless social media platforms as well as by the major radio hosts who have millions upon millions listeners. Youtube alone had over a million clicks broadcasting Mr. Mudd's verbal outbursts. We would venture to say that his reputation as a dependable contractor and his ability to secure clients will both be dampened for a while even if the Liberal leaning American media gave him a huge pass on his questionable behavior. If a conservative commentator made such a big ass of himself or herself - they would be screaming "hateful racist" - to no end.
       In any event  - all of us will have a very excellent 4th week of August 2018 which continues cool in my hilly "turf". We will be together - next week - same place - same time!
      An important note - unfortunately - evidently due to some - ostensibly - copyright issues - but more likely - because Ovation Eddie website had anti-Leftist slant - the website got removed by YouTube in July 2019; YouTube is owned and controlled by Google Giant - also rumored to have a strong pro/Leftist bias.
    An important - happy note - to the best of our knowledge - Ovation Eddie's YouTube website - has - subsequently - come back to YouTube platform - better than before!
             Copyright@L.Hadley and Associates 2024

Wednesday, August 15, 2018

Our Choice for the YT Vid of the Wk for 3rd Wk of Aug. 2018!

       For the 3rd week of Aug. 2018 as Youtube Vid of the Week we chose a hilarious piece by the YT video producer who calls himself Ovation Eddie who uploads the funny clips which he cleverly joins together with some current events commenataries. On Aug. 13 - 2018 he uploaded a short clip titled "Jim Acosta Colbert Show - Stares in the Mirror aka Stuart Smalley". 
      The famous CNN reporter Jim Acosta habitually screams "provocative" and idiotic questions at Pres. Trump and his press rep. Sara Huckabee Sanders. Many other reporters who behave normally expressed the opinion that Mr. Acosta makes a "spectacle" out of himself. When the reporter aspires to be a star of his story - his work suffers along with his professional reputation.
      The video we are highlighting features the ex-senator from Minnesota - Al Franken's clip of a Saturday Night Life's skit in which an ultra liberal legislator was still a comedian with his comedian's career taking a big nose dive with the similar thing happening to his political career; he was forced to resign from the U.S. Senate following the sexual harrassment incident which came to light last fall 2017 - due to "Me Too" avalanche - which subsequently - subsided quite a bit. 
     The humorous video we chose - makes fun of Stuart Smalley - portrayed by Al Franken during the Saturday Night Live times when he was still a comedian. The character of Stuart Smalley was totally in love with himself - staring at himself in the mirrow and seeing a "God in Flesh" - while other people saw an idiot - the situation similar to Jim Acosta's "antics" - according to the social media platforms.
    In any event - we will have a super good 3rd week of Aug. 2018! We shall meet again - same channel - same place - same day - next week!

    Copyright@L.Hadley and Associates 2024   

Wednesday, August 8, 2018

Our Choice of YT Vid of the Wk for the Second Wk of Aug.2018 - "Rough Night for Ocasio Cortez'es - Middle America Endorsements - Crash and Burn!"

         For the second week of Aug. 2018 - we chose an interesting upload done by the lady whose YT name is Gotcha News Network who specializes in reading in a charming, unique way - the political clips posted on Internet by various sharp political commentators. She uploaded a funnny video on Aug. 08 - 2018 following the Tues. Aug. 07 - 18 - congressional primary elections in Kansas, Michigan, Missouri and Ohio - with Ohio - holding special elections since the Republican legislator resigned - thus in Ohio - they have to do it all over - again in the midterm elections in Nov. 2018.
         Over all - it was a decent night for both - Democrats and Republicans - however - the newly "unmasked" American Socialists who were previously hiding uder the name of the Progressives - had a horrible defeat - for the Party as well as for their newly "annointed" rising star - Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez plus the Socialists she endorsed.
        Evidently most American people simply abhorr the idea of Socialism/Communism because following these primaries in which Ocasio-Cortez and her Socialists experienced massive defeats at the ballot boxes - the social media platforms covered the American Socialists/Communists with tons of "mud" and ridicule - consistently - on all the numerous social media platforms - with most of those severe criticisms - well deserved. Nobody forgets that the Socialism/Communism is responsible for many innocent people/political opposition - dying in their political labor camps and jails of various kinds. The oppressive, Socialist Chinese government - currently suppresses their people by giving them so called "points" without which the people can't even get on the bus. 
       John Kennedy, III - the great grandson of a Socialist leaning Democratic Legend - an ex-President John F. Kennedy - received the same kind of treatment - ridicule all over the social media platforms - after his famous speech/rebuttal of Pres. Trump's - State of the Union Address in Jan. 2018 - during which his chapstick was smeared all over John Kennedy's III's face - so his political carreer - went far to the "back burner" for quite a while.
       In any event - all of us will have a super good second week of Aug. 2018.
        Copyright@L.Hadley and Associates 2024

Wednesday, August 1, 2018

Our Choice of the Youtube Vid of the Wk - 1st Wk of Aug. 2018 - "David Harris, Jr. - News".

      For the first week of Aug. 2018 we chose a magnificent video uploaded by David Harris, Jr. on Wedns. Aug. - 01 - 2018 - titled "News". David narrates in a fascinating way his recent ordeal in Northern California's deadly Carr Fire which lasted more than a week and devoured ar. 700 houses, killed 6 people, destroyed thousands upon thousands of acres of woods. As of Aug. 01 - 2018 - the Carr Fire has subsided a lot and is under control of the brave firefighters from ten states who - in many cases - worked double and triple shifts - before getting off.
      David has a Youtube following of close to forty thousand people - mainly from the U.S. but quite a few people follow him from Europe, Australia and other far away places. All of us - his followers - prayed a lot for him and his family - and their house. We sent him our messages of prayers and encouragement via Youtube.
     As of Aug. 01 - 2018 - according to his "News" upload which we expected impatiently - his house, his family, his animals were not touched by the fire which - currently - subsided to a great extent and is under control of the firemen. The firemen who fought that calamity - are heroes - and several of them - died in accidents which were caused by this Carr's Fire's fierce nature. 
     David asked for some funds for his elderly neighbor who lost his wife and 2 grandchildren so - we - David's Youtubers collected for him twenty thousand dollars in two days and we also contributed sizable funds to the Red Cross unit which was helping a lot with with that horrible Carr Fire.
     After you listen carefully to David Harris, Jr. Aug. 01 - 2018 - upload - titled "News" - you will understand the urgency of his message concerning the current political situation in the U.S. As Larry Elder repeates in his - enormously popular - nightly radio show - "America - we have a country to save!"
     At any rate - all of us will have a super good first week of Aug. 2018 which contiunes rainy in my hilly "corner" close to New York City as it threatens "flash flooods" in the low areas. They could sure use our excessive rain in Northern California. 
    As every week - we thank all of you for clicking our YT channel tango3721 and we meet again next week - same place - same time!

   Copyright@L.Hadley and Associates 2018