Wednesday, June 26, 2019

Our YouTube Video of the Week Selection - "Ocasio-Cortez Faces Ridicule for Endorsing..."

            For this - first week of July 2019 - The Fourth of July week - we chose a short video uploaded on Jun. 25-2019 by Frank - a YouTube video producer whose website is called "Let's Be Frank". The video's title "Ocasio-Cortez Faces Ridicule.." is self-explanatory.
        Frank has been quickly acquiring a professional, small screen "persona" as he presents his videos - also - not that it's of any "world shaking importance" or anything like that - but he is an attractive, confident and cool - Latin looking guy with a nice voice. It's not easy to put yourself out for there for a lot of "trolls" and YouTube "parasites" ready to criticize as if they could do anything else with their lives.
        This video points to the fact that the new, green and naive U.S. New York's - Queens - uber Left/Socialistic/Democratic Congressional Rep - Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez is constantly ridiculed by many various people due to her daily idiotic political statements which - evidently - are "eaten up" by her followers - the U.S. Democratic Socialists - mostly naive young people who never lived under real Socialism.    The prevailing majority of the viewers' comments are running against Ocasio-Cortez - to say the least - and that's being generous towards her; for an example - one viewer comment under this video states: "She got freaked out by garbage disposal - thick idiot!!!" That remark - immediately received tons of "likes".
       At any rate - all of us will have a super good first week of July 2019 with Fourth of July weekend being a lot of fun but not too noisy as to "freak out" the pets! We will meet here a week from today - same place - same time - same channel!
     Copyright@L.Hadley and Associates 2024

Wednesday, June 19, 2019

Our YouTube Choice of Video of the Week - Fri. Jun. 21 - 2019 till Fri. Jun. 28 - 2019!

                For the last week of Jun. 2019 - we chose a beautiful, poignant Tango uploaded by Dr. 240252 on Jun. 15 - 2019 titled "Adieu, My Lover - Adieu, Kochanko Ma". With the music composed by Fred Melodysta - a prominent Polish composer of Tangos and other famous pieces in Warsaw - circa 1930 - 1939 - and the lyrics written by Andrzej Wlast - a famous lyricist - this Tango has to sound very good. In addition - Dr.240252 - the YouTube producer of this short presentation - superimposed the translated by him into English - lyrics - onto his evocative visuals - reflecting the mood of Warsaw from 1930's.
       Andrzej Wlast - a producer of many successful Warsaw musical stage shows from 1930 till 1939 - was also a renown lyricist of many popular songs - especially of many famous Tangos of the day. His enormous popularity "earned" him tons of talentless detractors who called him a "King of Kitsch" - however - his works speak for themselves - resonating with millions of his fans until today.
       Unfortunately - Andrzej Wlast met a tragic end when the German Fascists/Socialists entered Warsaw in 1939. According to some of his biographers - he became severely depressed and "offered" himself into the hands of Warsaw Gestapo who mercilessly murdered - mostly Jews - but other opponents of the Nazis (National Socialist Party of Germany) - as well.
       People need to learn their lesson and not to vote the Socialists into power - the same ones who - today - in the U.S. - under the name of the Progressives - are trying to - currently - grab the political power in this country. They attempt it every several years but - recently - a prominent U.S. political commentator stated that they have a proverbial "snowball's chance in hell" of doing that but everybody needs to vote - to vote them out. They will be coming back - no doubt - like a proverbial - wart - which needs to be gone.
       In any event - all of us shall have a very good, last week of June 2019 who has been rainy but cool in our hilly Pittsburgh. Let's keep the cool summer going - since the summer heat waves can get on any body's nerves - big time. As every week - we thank you for clicking our YouTube channel - tango3721. We meet again a week from today - same time - same channel - same place.

       Copyright@L.Hadley and Associates - 2019

Wednesday, June 12, 2019

Our YouTube Selection 0f th Video of the Week -"Trump Bashing - Justin Amash Steps Down From Freedom Caucus."

       We chose a snappy short video/commentary posted by a website "Let's be Frank" on Jun. 11 - 2019 by a Latin looking commentator in his late thirties - Frank who is getting polished and professional in presenting his short vids.
       This video titled "Trump Bashing Republican - Justin Amash Steps Down From Freedom Causus" is only 3 minutes long but it explains the move of this political hack on his way out of politics - searching for the publicity which could bring him - maybe - a job of a political commentator. Amash'es northern Michigan district - a traditional Republican "turf" - way far from Socialistic/Democrats' - Detroit - is currently up for grabs by more traditional Republicans.
       YouTube comments theorize that the main reason Amash made his move is because his current ratings in his own district - tanked - ever since he has been bashing Trump while more than eighty percent of the "normal"  Republicans - support Trump.
      Anyway - it's an interesting video which everybody should enjoy while all of us will have a very good third week of June 2019 - the first week of the calendar summer 2019 which begins on June 21. Have a happy Fathers' Day on Sun. June 17 - 2019! Its been a lovely cool spring - let's hope that the summer 2019 shall continue in the same mode. We shall meet here - a week from today - same time - same channel - same place!

     Copyright@L.Hadley and Associates 2024

Wednesday, June 5, 2019

Our YouTube Choice of the Vid of the Week - "Buckley Meets Ocasio-Cortez".

                 For the second week of June 2019 - as our YouTube Vid of the Week - we chose a hilarious parody of the imaginary discussion between several political celebrities posted by Daily Caller website or D.C. Shorts on May 31 - 2019 - an excellent satirical website with - counting currently - over one hundred thousand subscribers and growing "as we speak".
         In this super funny, five minutes long video - William F. Buckley - a legendary conservative thinker and commentator who died in his late eighties - when he was eighty and working on his latest book - has a short, "cutting" exchange with Christopher Hitchens - a super liberal/Socialist "think tank" who also died a while ago - as a result of excessive drinking (according to YouTube sources - not always the most reliable in the world).
         In this video clip - those two intellectual giants have an imaginary, non-sensical discourse with Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez - a new U.S. Congressional rep from the uber Liberal/Socialist - New York City's - Queens - who was barely voted in by - mostly illegals - upon her promise of tons of "free stuff of every kind" - a typical talking point of the U.S. New Democratic Socialists. 
        According to many YouTube's opinions - Alexandria's brains are the size of the "two peas rubbed together" - as she repeats the New American Socialists' - talking points - which her team of Socialists - writes for her. They surround her in the U.S. Congress - as her paid staff - compensated generously by the U.S. taxpayers - thus her Socialist talking points which she "spews" daily to the eager Mainstream Media - are expensive to this country - in a lot of ways. Notwithstanding all the Socialist drivel scripts she "spews" every day - for which - she is constantly and massively ridiculed - by tons of thinking people in the U.S. and other countries. 
          This video is very funny because the young, talented actors who parody those political celebrities - do a magnificent job and the five minutes in length is just right for the YouTube format.
         In any event - all of us will have a very good second week of June 2019 which has been cool in my hilly, picturesque Pittsburgh - let's keep it this way all summer. We shall meet again - a week from today - same place - same channel.
        Copyright@L.Hadley and Associates 2024