For the second week of February 2021 - we will comment upon the hilarious, short video (2.21 minutes long) posted by the popular, satirical YouTube website - The United Spot - on Fri. Jan. 29 - 2021 - titled "Circling Back and Stocks". It quickly generates close to 62 thousand viewers' clicks with approximately - 786 viewers' comments - making fun of Jan Psaki - Biden's new press secretary while the viewers' comments also ridicule Nancy Pelosi a lot - the current Madam Chairman of the U.S. House of Representatives.
According to Allison Shreger - the editor of "Manhattan Journal of Wall Street Transactions" - Ms. Pelosi just purchased (Jan. 28 - 2021) for a lot of undisclosed funds - the double trading positions on Tesla Car Company's - stocks' trading. Ms. Shreger is of an opinion that the lawmakers should be limited by law to trade only in indexed mutual funds - since they get a lot of "insider's" information regarding the stocks' shares transactions. We - strongly - support this proposition.
Not to get sidetracked or anything like that - but another Leftist Democrat from California - Senator Diane Feinstein - was also questioned on numerous occasions about the timing of her stocks' options - sales. Ms. Shreger maintains that the Leftist slanted Mainstream Media - "buries" those kinds of Democrat related news stories - while they make a big deal when the congressional Republicans - engage in stocks' trades on Wall Street Stock Exchange.
This video which we are highlighting is also lampooning the new Biden's administration - press secretary Jan Psaki who is an ex-Obama "political hack/flack" (according to many such views posted on numerous social media platforms - YouTube and others). The video we are commenting on - postulates that Jan Psaki - exposes her - feigned - ignorance - (by repeating - ad nauseum - "I will circle back to you") when questioned by the press - who treats her a lot gentler than they were treating the previous press secretary Kyleigh McEnany - who was constantly "abused" by the Leftist leaning U.S. and International - press core. (Again - this view is articulated by many political analysts expressing their political opinions upon numerous social media platforms - (too many to list).
In any event - everybody will have a super good second week of February 2021 - with the Valentine Holiday - right around the corner. We shall meet again - as every week - a week from today - the same time - the same channel.
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