Saturday, March 27, 2021

Our Commentary of the Week - from Fri. Apr. 02nd till Fri. Apr. 09th - 2021!

             For the second week of Apr. 2021 - which includes Easter 2021 - we will comment on the 5 minutes long video posted by Fox News onto the YouTube platform - March 26th - Friday. The title of the clip is "'Fleisher - 'Bewildered' - Biden Had to Read Answers from Script". The upload deals with Pres. Biden's first news conference after 55 days of being inaugurated which makes it the longest absence of the aforementioned news session by the American president - in recent history.

       Numerous political commentators postulate that the time of the news event chosen by Pres. Biden for the most unusual spot of 1 pm in the middle of the afternoon - would indicate his mental decline due to the onset of dementia which manifests itself frequently by him "sporting" many "gaffes". He frequently says things which indicate his mental deterioration - while the Main Stream Media - generously covers up for him while they always "jumped" onto the ex-President Trump for less than perfect moves of any kind.

        Moreover - during the long awaited - news conference which took place on Thurs. March 25th - 2021 at 1pm - Pres. Biden called exclusively on the Leftist/Progressive journalists who normally ask him easy questions. In addition - he constantly consulted his notes while answering the questions. Furthermore - he totally ignored Peter Ducey from Fox News - the only one who dares to ask Biden some probing questions. 

        The American and international press was not that generous to ex-President Trump at all. To the contrary - they were usually - hostile, and endlessly - confrontational.  Amiche Alcindor - a Leftist presidential correspondent from NPR - who frequently called Pres. Trump's voters - "white supremacists" - calls Pres. Biden - "a nice guy".           

        At any rate - everybody will have a nice second week of April 2021 and all the friends who celebrate Easter shall have a beautiful Easter 2021. We will meet here - a week from today as every week - same time - same place - same channel! 

        Copyright@L.Hadley and Associates 2021


Saturday, March 20, 2021

Our Commentary of the Week - from Fri. March 26 - 2021 till Fri. Apr. 02 - 2021!

           For this first week of Apr. 2021 we choose to comment upon a lovely video/song uploaded onto YouTube platform by Olga Mieleszczuk's website on March 16 - 2021. The video is only 3.37 minutes long but it's fun to watch - it could be longer. The title of the upload is "Hebrew Folk Song - Erew Shel Shoshanim" which loosely translates to "Evening of Roses". The Israeli composer and lyricist - are not world famous - but their work speaks volumes for their talents. The composer Yosef Hadar and the lyricist Moshe Dor - demonstrate their mastery when one listens to this simple, poetic song.

       Ms. Mieleszczuk's soft alto never disappoints while her steady four musicians - showcase her talent while showing their skills as well. Ms. Mieleszczuk has had a guest musician for a while - Ms. Marta Maslanka - a talented Polish lady who adds a distinct flavor by playing cymbals - a rarely performed instrument which sounds nice. The viewers' comments are interesting - especially the one in which the commenter explains that this song started out as lullaby but became a love song.

       In any event - everybody will have a super good Passover Week - with the wishes for Happy Passover 2021 (the first night of Passover - this year falls on - Sat. March 27 - 2021) - to all our Jewish friends and Happy Easter - to all our Christian friends with Easter 2021 coming only a week later. We shall meet again a week from today - same channel - same time - same place!

       Copyright@L.Hadley and Associates 2021

Saturday, March 13, 2021

Our Commentary of the Week - from Fri. March 19th till Fri. March 26th - 2021!

             For this "first day of Spring 2021" - week of March 2021 - we will comment on the short (3.38 minutes long) YouTube video posted by Fox News on Sat. March 13th - 2021 - titled "Stephen Miller - It Was so Painful to Watch Biden Get through Address". Stephen Miller - an ex-advisor to ex-pres. Trump makes some remarks re: Thurs. March 11 - 2021 - 8pm - address to the nation - by a current president - Biden - a year after the U.S. economy was "shut down" - in March of 2020 - following the recommendation of Dr. Anthony Fauci - the main health advisor to ex-pres. Trump and current president Biden.

        In a nutshell - Stephen Miller totally ridicules pres. Biden for appearing mentally and physically - deteriorated. Moreover - according to Mr. Miller - Pres. Biden's message to the U.S. people is "morbid and depressing" - promising "a small gathering of a few people during the coming Fourth of July national holiday". Biden's mental state is currently - much worse than it was even a month ago - according to many such opinions expressed on many public media - platforms.

       Moreover - many political commentators - voice the view about Kamala Harris - the Socialist/Progressive - vice-President and her group of Radical/Progressive/Leftists - not only making the important U.S. government's decisions for Biden - but she (Harris) "cackles" her annoying laugh (with even Hilary Clinton's "cackle" taking a second place) - upon her dream of replacing the ailing Biden - very soon. 

       At any rate - everybody will have a very good "first day of Spring 2021" coming this Sat. March 20 - 2021 and we shall meet here - a week from today - same channel - same place! Happy first day of Spring 2021 - everybody!

      Copyright@L.Hadley and Associates 2021

Saturday, March 6, 2021

Our Commentary of the Week - from Fri. March 12th till Fri. March 19 - 2021!

            For the third week of March 2021 - we choose to comment upon YouTube Fox News website which uploaded the 11 minutes long news clip on March 05 - 2021. It's a news fragment of "The Five" - Fox News nightly feature which hosts five news anchors. The video we are featuring - quickly garnered close to a third of a million viewers' clicks and it's titled "'The Five' Torch Biden's Border Security as Migrants Sport Shirts with his Name".

       From the moment Joe Biden assumed the U.S. presidency - his administration began to open the Southern borders which were kept much tighter by an ex-president Trump. The Democrats want to flood the U.S. with all kinds of low skills - illegals - who will vote for them. They are opposed to letting into the U.S. well educated, legal immigrants who might vote for Independents or Republicans. 

       Thus the avalanche of illegals are flooding the U.S. through the Southern borders - they are Mexicans, South Americans and other nationalities who come to the Southern borders with the purpose of either illegally entering the U.S. or make a phony "Asylum claim" while in reality they are "economical migrants".

      Many of those illegals send their children - alone - with the smugglers/traffickers on the journey which is not only risky - but dangerous; they don't care. The actions of those misguided parents and others like that - result in an increase of borders' activities of various drug dealers and and other criminals of that sort who frequently also use them as "mules" to smuggle illegal drugs into the U.S. - in addition to charging them a flat fee. The illegals also slip into the U.S. through the Northern Canadian border as well - but less of them.

       The low skilled illegals create a big problem for big cities like Chicago where many employers can take advantage of them so there is a lot less of legal work for Americans - moreover - the "fixed income" or "low income" Americans - compete for benefits with the illegals. They have to share their honestly earned benefits with the illegals - while the local politicians have vested interest in letting the multitudes of illegals cause problems in the cities.

       In any event - everybody will have a super good third week of March 2021 - the spring is almost here! We shall meet here - as always - next week - same time - same place!

       Copyright@L.Hadley and Associates 2021