Friday, April 28, 2023

Our Commentary of the Week - from Fri. May 05 - 2023 through Fri. May 12 - 2023!

         For the first week of May 2023 - we shall comment upon the recent meeting between the legal team retained by Hunter Biden (Pres. Biden's son) and DOJ - Department of Justice for the U.S. The important meeting took place this Wends. Apr. 26 - 2023. The decision about issuing possible indictments against Hunter Biden - will be rendered by Department of Justice U.S. Attorney David Weiss (appointed by ex-Pres. Trump and retained by Pres. Biden). Attorney Weiss - might recommend that the Grand Jury returns indictments.

           Thus - the aforementioned DOJ attorney Weiss - has - as it turns out - a "dual" loyalty of sorts - to both U.S. Presidents. He will have to examine the facts and issue a fair recommendation to the Grand Jury. Justice has to be blind - in the ideal world - that is.

     Hunter Biden did some criminal stuff when he was addicted to opioids. All those are relatively minor infractions - but would definitely cause most people to be indicted by Grand Jury - if not necessarily - later - convicted in a court of law. Should there be indictments by Grand Jury - there is no doubt that Hunter Biden's legal team will "shop" for a friendly judge - to - hopefully dismiss the indictments or possibly - issue the light legal penalties - which will - still - bear legal consequences.

     In any event - Pres. Biden always tries to get people's sympathy re: Hunter Biden's past drug addictions. We don't know if those "sympathy appeals" get him any additional voters; most likely - "not a chance" - according to many political commentators - on various social media platforms.  

     Pres. Biden did the same "sympathy spiel" after his oldest son - Beau Biden - died of brain tumor - a few years ago. Again - it's highly doubtful that this maneuver got Pres. Biden any additional votes - especially - in view of the fact that Pres. Biden "fibbed" a few times about Beau Biden's military service.

     To quote many political pundits from numerous political platforms - even people who don't vote for Pres. Biden - still - will take all the financial benefits offered by Pres. Biden's administration - but they shall never vote for him for a lot of reasons - the main one being - that recently - pres. Biden - turned from his usual - moderate Democrat's political agenda - to Progressive/Socialist/Democrat - political agenda - opposed by many U.S voters.

     At any rate - everybody will have a super good new week and we shall meet here - next Friday - as every week!

    Copyright@L. Hadley and Associates 2023

Friday, April 21, 2023

Our Commentary of the Week - from Fri. Apr. 28 - 2023 through Fri. May 05 - 2023!

           For this rainy a bit - but nice - last week of April 2023 - we shall comment on the recent ruling of the U.S. District Court Judge - the Hon. Mary Kay Vyskocil re: the Manhattan county - NYCity's District Attorney's - Alvin Bragg's - attempts - to "quash" the subpoena from the U.S. Congressional Committee headed by Ohio U.S. congressman - Jim Jordan. In order to "quash" the aforementioned subpoena - Mr. Bragg - attempted to sue the U.S. Congressional Committee headed by Chairman Jim Jordan. Judge Mary Kay Vyskocil - however - ruled on Wedns. Apr. 19 - 2023 - that - evidently - antagonistic to Mr. Bragg - testimony - of Mr. Mark Pomerantz - Mr. Bragg's predecessor - an ex-District Attorney for Manhattan County - can't be "squashed". Mr. Mark Pomerantz - has to testify - "nothing doing about it". This legal maneuver will enable Chairman Jim Jordan to subpoena - Alvin Bragg - next - to answer to the U.S. Congressional Committee as well as to the American people.

     The U.S. Congressional Field Hearing on Mon. Apr. 17 - 2023 which moved from Washington, D.C. to NYCity - thus the name "field hearing" - enabled many of the NYCity's crime victims - to testify against the permissive crime policies of Alvin Bragg - the Socialist billionaire's - Soros's - financed - U.S. District Attorney for Manhattan County.

     Mr. Alvin Bragg has been fighting the U.S. Congressional subpoena of his predecessor - the ex-district attorney Mr. Mark Pomerantz - to testify under oath in front of the U.S. Congressional Committee headed by Jim Jordan - a long time congressman from Ohio. However - as we mentioned above - the Federal District Court Judge Mary Kay Vyskocil - ruled against Alvin Bragg's legal attempts to prevent Mr. Pomerantz's - testimony - which - evidently - will have a lot of truthful but derogatory statements about Mr. Alvin Bragg - to deliver; moreover - her ruling will pave way to - subpoena - Alvin Bragg - himself - next. Stay tuned!

     An Important Note: On Fri. Apr. 21 - 2023 - the news platforms like YouTube and others posted a news feature - which stated in an "opaque" manner so it's blurred - thus - it's hard to make any sense out of it - (in order to side with the Leftist Manhattan County - Alvin Bragg - as it seems) - that "both sides" - settled this legal dispute; as it stands now - Alvin Bragg will agree to Mr. Pomerantz's subpoena - but with some restrictions (most likely the truthful but derogatory stuff re: Alvin Bragg - will have to me "muted"); Congressional Hearings will continue - so stay tuned - everybody! 

     Not to say anything derogatory about the NYCity's Manhattan county's Leftist District Attorney - Alvin Bragg - who is overweight - but Twitter platform had all kinds of caricaturist images of him, his permissive - crime encouraging - policies in NYCity and his weight - while the Black Conservative team of political commentators/satirists with a super successful weekly feature called "Smack Down!" shown weekly to millions of viewers - from Real America's Voice - political platform - ridiculed - big time - Attorney Alvin Bragg's fat figure, fallacious crime policies and general demeanor. Needless to say - the white political satirists/commentators would have a harder time with doing that - without being called "racists". Stay tuned!

     In any event - everybody will have a very good week and we shall meet here - a week from today - as every week!

    Copyright@ L. Hadley and Associates 2023

Saturday, April 15, 2023

Our Commentary of the Week - from Apr. 21 - 2023 through Apr. 28 - 2023!

         For this warm but rainy week of April 2023 - we shall comment upon the reaction of the constituents to their new Socialist/Leftist - Congressional Representative - Summer Lee - just elected to the U.S. 118th Congress (the lower legislative - laws enacting - chamber of the U.S. Federal Legislative body); however - most of the U. S's individual States's legislatures have strong Republican representations in place and not readily elect New Democrats/Progressives/Socialists. 

       Summer Lee - a Leftist/Socialist Democrat -    will stay in office for two years until the 119th U.S. Congress's - commencement on Jan.03 - 2025 - to which she will be not elected again - according to many political commentators in her - newly "gerrymandered" by the local Leftists/Democrats - Congressional District - Pa. 12 - (Pennsylvania's 12th Congressional District) which still includes - many Republicans as well as "normal" Democrats who don't belong to their Socialist/Leftist - wing.

        A good case in point for Summer Lee's short "stint" in U.S.'s 118th Congress - would be the political commentaries by the local political commentators in Pittsburgh, Pa. (a "purple" city full of Red Republicans as well as the traditional Democrats who don't subscribe to the Leftists/Socialists' - political agenda of the Socialist wing of their party). 

       The aforementioned talk radio political commentators - constantly criticize representative Lee - during their KDKA talk radio show which powerfully - streams - all over the U.S. in addition to tons of local radio listeners who agree with those - well deserved - pointing out of the many fallacies of the Leftist/Socialist/New Democrats' - political agenda. 

       In any event - everybody will have a good new week and we shall meet here - a week from today - as every week!

       An important note:

      During the congressional elections of 2024 - Summer Lee barely won - by the "cat's whiskers" - her - hopefully - last two years in the U.S. congressional district 12 - in the 119th U.S. Congress's - session; (the congressional district 12th was heavily gerrymandered in favor of - the extremely unpopular representatives - Progressive Socialists - on the order or Summer Lee - who is - utmost - unpopular in the congressional district 12th). It needs to be noted that totally unknown Republican candidate - James Hayes - received an upwards of 100 thousand votes - which means - that in the next congressional elections in the congressional district 12th - Summer Lee's political candidacy - will - sustain the "toast" like - political defeat.

           Copyright@L. Hadley and Associates 2025

Wednesday, April 5, 2023

Our Commentary of the Week - from Fri. Apr. 14 - 2023 through Fri. Apr. 21 - 2023!

             We are doing our weekly feature this week a few days earlier because of the major holidays coming up in the same week - thus for the Passover 2023 and Easter 2023 holidays - we shall continue to be commenting on the ex-pres. Trump's procedure of being indicted - unexpectedly - on March 30 - 2023 (not convicted - in the U.S. court of law - but only - indicted by the Grand Jury - so far) - as the first U.S. ex-president to undergo this dubious "distinction's" - procedure.  

        On Apr. 04 - 2023 - NYCity Grand Jury - unsealed - the 34-count indictment which was immediately - "taken apart" by most legal experts. It was obvious that the Democrats were attempting to be diplomatic in their criticism of new Distr. Attorney for NYCity's Manhattan county's/- new prosecutor - Alvin Bragg - while the Republicans - especially the Black Republicans - quickly called District Attorney for NYCity - Manhattan county - Mr. Bragg - "an incompetent political hack" - attempting to adjudicate U.S. Federal Elections laws from his New York - state - jurisdiction - which was never attempted before - and considered outrageous - by many legal experts on the order of the retired Harvard Law School professor - Alan Dershowitz and others.

        To refresh your memory - the aforementioned - Grand Jury - was empaneled by the Leftist, newly elected as Distr. Attorney/Prosecutor - Alvin Bragg - for the county of Manhattan which has always - hated - the ex-pres. Trump. Even though - Mr. Bragg's political campaign was financed by the Socialist billionaire's George Soros - still - Mr. Bragg would be a bit hard to criticize for incompetence - since Mr. Bragg is the first black lawyer - elected to his position. 

       Nevertheless - while the white Mainstream Media Leftists journalists/political analysts - are "dancing around" the - above mentioned - district attorney'/prosecutor's Alvin Braggs - "fumbling" this case - the Black media commentators - have no problem - openly - calling him "incompetent" and worse - which he fully deserves.

     Case in point - this morning - Apr. 05 - 2023 - a Black radio host for KDKA Am/Fm radio station popular in Pittsburgh, Pa. but streaming all over the U.S. - called District Attorney for Manhattan county - Alvin Bragg's - yesterday's final disclosure of the indictment's articles - "a totally incompetent document which will never see 'the day of light' in any U.S. court of law - other than in NYCity's Manhattan county's - court system which has always despised the ex-pres. Trump. Moreover - the aforementioned Black radio host - sharply criticized the way Mr. Bragg - ineptly - answered the legitimate media's questions on the day of the - finally at the long last - unsealing - of the indictment's articles on Apr. 04 - 2023 which should have been disclosed to the U.S. public - much earlier. 

       Not to get sidetracked - but the talk radio KDKA Am/FM is one of the oldest and most powerful radio stations in the region; in addition - it was recently acquired by the huge Audacy Radio Net - which owns many various radio stations across the U.S. - talk, sports and every kind - known to mankind.

      Everyone will have a super good new week with the major holidays - falling "together" and very happy for everybody - and we shall meet here - next week - as every week!

    Copyright@L. Hadley and Associates 2024