Tuesday, September 26, 2023

Our Commentary of the Week - from Fri. Oct. 13 - 2023 through Fri. Oct. 20 - 2023!

            For this lovely, fall 2023 - week in - soon coming up - October - we will comment on the Sebastian Lucas Gorka's top talk radio show - with him - currently - being one of the most famous radio talk show hosts - with hundreds of radio stations in the U.S. syndications - and with the numbers of them - still growing. He has a pronounced British accent and his daily radio talk show - attracts millions of listeners. A lot of them call to his radio show.

       Quite a few of them - in fact - dislike him and his conservative politics - thus they try to offend him on the airwaves. However - he has got a lot of practice on how to handle various adversaries - having a long career in the diplomatic service as well as an instructor in various higher levels of the military academies. 

      He also offers an interesting feature in terms of - in depth - interviews with various writers, politicians and other prominent thinkers of the day. An additional, important perk of his radio show is his promoting quite a few books which he has written - by mailing them to many callers who have something meaningful to say.

      In any event - everybody will have a super good, new week and we shall meet here a week from today - as every week!

      Copyright@L.Hadley and Associates 2023

Tuesday, September 19, 2023

Our Commentary of the Week - from Oct. 06 - 2023 through Oct. 13 - 2023!

            For this - beautiful, cool and sunny week of almost Autumn 2023 - we shall comment a bit onto the local radio personality thus the disclaimer is in place - "Any similarity too real people or circumstances - purely coincidental." 

      As we mentioned before - the talk radio makes it easy to recognize the attitudes of the respective radio hosts - as well as it's easy to ascertain a lot of their personal traits after one listens to them for a while. The television or film camera tends to do the same to the people who "love to be in front of it" for various reasons.

      In any event - our local talk radio station acquired a radio host - a while ago - who started his career in talk radio after doing other media jobs in which he could follow the script so the camera or microphone could not "focus" on the personal traits - even if the film or TV camera can pick up the personal attributes of the person who "loves to be in front" of it - as we mentioned above.

     However - since the aforementioned radio host started in this format of talk radio - it became obvious that he "likes to play" both sides of the issues - in another words - he "likes to sit on the fence and play it safe" - as far as the current hot topics of the day - are concerned - which are - usually - risky since a lot of them are of political nature. 

      Anyway - the aforementioned radio host - rarely - takes a stand since he likes to "sit on the fence" - as we mentioned earlier - which can get on many listeners nerves. He likes to be "wishy-washy" - in another words - he likes to be with "them and with us."

     We overheard two sports professionals a while back - commenting on this sort of attitude; in essence - they said something to the effect - "if you sit on the fence too long - some parts of your body will get sore - it's time to come down from the fence and join a team".

     At any rate - everybody will have a super good, new week - best wishes of Healthy, Happy and Prosperous - New Year 5784 to all our Jewish friends and we shall meet here - a week from today!

    Copyright@L. Hadley and Associates 2023



Friday, September 15, 2023

Our Commentary of the Week - from Fri. Sept. 29 - 2023 through Fri. Oct. 06 - 2023!

        For this - absolutely - glorious week of - almost officially started - Fall 2023 - we shall continue with the radio talk hosts. This week - we will comment on the legend of talk radio - Hugh Hewitt. Of course, a big time national "brand" like him - delivers every day. He is hard to emulate - still there are some annoying quirks which we would like to highlight. 

      Hugh Hewitt has an assistant - Dwayne Peterson who has been with him a long time - still - the way we see it - Hewitt talks to him and about him - way, way too much. He started that dubious trend of talking to his assistant - way too much instead of concentrating on the invited guests. Unfortunately, that trend was massively taken up by a lot of famous and not so famous "talkers".

      The radio host needs to come prepared for his several hours on the air - and while the short exchanges with his "producer/glorified phone operator" may not be annoying - many famous "talkers" on the order of Sean Hannity and others - spend - way - too much time - talking to their assistants - on the air.

      At any rate - everybody will have a very good, new week and all our Jewish friends will have a Very Happy, Healthy and Prosperous - New Year 5784 - the New Year's Eve is on Friday Sept. 15 - 2023 - this year - while the first day of the New Year 5784 falls on Sat. Sept. 16 - 2023!

      Copyright@L.Hadley and Associates 2024

Tuesday, September 12, 2023

Our Commentary of the Week - from Fri. Sept. 22 - 2023 through Fri. Sept. 29 - 2023!

        Since we commented on the talk radio host of national prominence last week - we shall comment on a couple of African American talk radio hosts - here - locally. As every week - our disclaimer is firmly in place - "Any circumstances or people - resembling the real people or circumstances - are purely coincidental".

     At any rate - this one gentleman/radio host - from time to time - indulges into coming up with the broadcasts which are - generally - angry - on the borderline of being - vicious - towards many different groups of listeners - as well as towards - the station management plus towards his co-workers who make more money than he does.         

      Those angry - and not the most pleasant for listening - to the vast audiences - broadcasts - are - usually - followed by his "oh - so sweet, nice demeanor galore - pure sugar and spice - super nice - attitude" - broadcasts - while the other ones - evidently - "need to be quickly forgotten and disregarded - by the vast audiences - it offended?". Really? Fat Chance.

    The other gentleman - the African American talk radio host - has a tendency to go on and on and on - again - about his most favorite topic/specialty - the sports - for a very long time - while the other half of the listening audience - needs to "do something else" or what? Perhaps - he should designate certain days of the week - as mostly sports' days or something.

    Anyway - everybody shall have a very good new week and we meet here - a week from today as every week!

    Copyright @L. Hadley and Associates 2023

Wednesday, September 6, 2023

Our Commentary of the Week - from Fri. Sept. 15 - 2023 through Fri. Sept. 22 - 2023!

         For this hot - hopefully - the last hot week of the remaining Summer 2023 - we shall continue with the talk radio hosts - national and local. During the last few years - Carl Jackson - an African American Conservative talk radio commentator has seen - an almost meteoric rise in his talk radio career.

      In a nutshell - after doing a successful talk radio gig in Orlando, Fla. - for a while - he started to substitute for several talk radio giants on the order of Mike Gallagher and Dennis Prager

      Carl Jackson found a job in Orlando, Fla. - pursuant to him transferring there from California - where he was - briefly - in trouble with the law. From his Florida radio job - he started to substitute for national talk radio stars on the order of Mike Gallagher and Dennis Prager. 

        After that Carl Jackson took over Larry Elder radio show by Salem Natwork which ran 7 or 8 seasons - thus accumulating the listening audiences - counting millons of listeners.

     Of course, those aforementioned talk radio stars - helped him quite a bit - however - his commonsense approach to the U.S. national and international policies - needs to be - mainly - credited with his tremendous success in a relatively short time.

     As we mentioned before - the talk radio industry is extremely hard to - effectively - break in - and stay in - with a considerable measure of success. There are many reasons for Carl Jackson's success - but it needs to be noted that he never resorted to "blaming his past failures" of which he had quite a few - on the "prevailing racism in the U.S'" - and he chose to not to entertain any anti-Semitic, anti-Jewish, anti-Israel - propaganda slogans and phony political maxims.

     On the contrary - he frequently mentions that Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Prager (both Jewish scholars in addition to their tremendously successful work in talk radio) - helped him a lot - to achieve the "national brand" of his U.S. - lustrous - talk radio career.

     Copyright@L.Hadley and Associates 2023