Thursday, March 28, 2024

Our Commentary of the Week - from Fri. March 29 - 2024 through Fri. Apr. 05 - 2024!

                           NBC Network Makes a Huge Political Blunder in Quickly Firing - Ronna McDaniel - an ex-Chairwoman of Republican Party by Unleashing a Hypocritical Negative Campaign by the Staffers - Who B.T.W. - Most of them - Came to NBC - Following their Political Careers - Akin - to that of Ms. McDaniel.

          For this beautiful last week of March 2024 - we shall comment onto a huge debacle of NBC Network - which last week - hired and officially - fired - on March 26 - 2024 - Ronna McDaniel - an ex-chairwoman of the national branch of the Republican party - as a result of the hypocritical and phony protests of their staffers - who themselves - most of them - anyway - were the political operatives - before they joined NBC as commentators. 

        The prime example of it would be Chuck Todd - their huge "superstar" who was a big political operative for Senator Tom Harkin - a Democratic politician from Iowa.

       According to Hugh Hewitt - a prominent lawyer/political commentator - reaching the audiences of 70 radio stations - syndicated to his daily - 3hour long - broadcasts - the NBC Network made a huge mistake with Ronna McDaniel - debacle - which - very soon - will "bite them" where it hurts - in their viewership - numbers - immediately - dropping precipitously. 

      An Important Note - Breaking News - Ronna McDaniel was just possibly - offered - some cable networks' - news analyst's - position. Still - a better offer to appear on MSNBC/NBC - might be coming - pursuant to her "promise" of filing - an immediate - lawsuit - alleging - rightly - that the above mentioned - in this commentary - NBC's - "minions/Leftists/political activists - parading as journalists" - according to Hugh Hewitt's radio broadcast on March 26 - 2024 - shamelessly defamed her - during the Sun. March 24 - 2024 - broadcast of NBC's - "Meet the Press".

      Copyright@L. Hadley and Associates 2024

Friday, March 22, 2024

Our Commentary of the Week - from Fri. March 22 - 2024 - through Fri. March 29 - 2024!

         Fanni Willis's - Fulton County - Georgia's - D.A.'s - Scandalous News Story - Continues!

         Pursuant to the Superior Judge's of Georgia - Scott McAfee's - recent - big, legal rebuke of Fani Willi's - conduct connected to her - alleged - perjury - in relation to the timing of the funds paid to her ex-lover - a second rate - attorney - Nathan Wade - with no RICO experience - whom she appointed to be a special prosecutor - in a sprawling RICO - Racketeer Influenced Corrupt Organization Act - case - against ex-pres. Trump and 11 of his ex-lawyers and associates.

        As we mentioned above - after the extensive hearings - Judge McAfee - issued a massive rebuke against Fani Willis - while he ruled that Nathan Wade needs to resign from this - much publicized - case; many legal experts consider this case - flawed and biased against the ex-pres. Trump and against other individuals - all 11 of whom - were indicted in an unfair and highly politicized - fashion.

       At any rate - as a result of the above mentioned, numerous improprieties bordering on illegalities by the parties mentioned at the beginning of this commentary - the state of Georgia U.S. congressional representative - Marjorie Taylor Green and other weighty political observers - are urging for the disbarment of Fani Willis - which would cause this important case - to be assigned to another D.A. who may have less bias against - the aforementioned parties. 

      Copyright@L. Hadley and Associates 2024                                                                                     

Friday, March 15, 2024

Our Commentary of the Week - from Fri. March 15 - 2024 through Fri. March 22 - 2024!

                                     The Superior Judge of Fulton Country - Georgia - Scott McAfee - Rebukes D.A. Fani Willis - but Lets Her Stay on the anti Trump - Case - But Only If her ex-Lover - The Special Prosecutor - Nathan Wade - Resigns.

        The judge - essentially - wrote that Fani Willis and Nathan Wade - created many "appearances of impropriety - moreover - they didn't keep the proper financial records - as if hiding their improper financial uses of the Fulton County - taxpayers' paid - funds."

       Her questionable behavior in court was also visible to millions of viewers - thus - her future elections - coming up very soon - remain - in question. In addition - according to many political observers who posted the comments - on many social platforms - stating that Fani Willis - "comes off as an arrogant, corrupt Leftist/Socialist leaning - politician."

      If she has her defenders - they are not speaking in clear enough voices - however - many social media political commentators state that "she has made many political enemies - some of which - testified during her recent hearings".

    Copyright@L. Hadley and Associates 2024    

Friday, March 8, 2024

Our Commentary of the Week - from Fri. March 08 - 2024 through Fri. March 15 - 2024!

                 Pres. Joe Biden's Third State of the Union Address - on Thursday - March 07 - 2024.

        Millions of Americans as well as many viewers in many countries watched Pres. Joe Biden - yell - for over an hour - at his political opponents as well as on Americans who - he knows - for sure - will not vote for him. If he wanted to "encourage" some undecided voters - he went about it in a peculiar manner - to say the least.

       Today - on Fri. March 08 - 2024 - a day following the State of the Union address - many divergent political commentators' comments - flow - via various platforms. In a nutshell - in essence - most likely - Pres. Biden will not gain any new voters - but may lose some of those who voted for him the last time. People are squeezed with high prices, high crime, the borders overrun by millions of unknown elements - which are not vetted properly. 

      Long story - short - only a handful of states will decide the important presidential elections in 2024 - just like last time they did - in 2020. However - this time around - there is not Covid-19 Pandemics - an excuse to "manipulate" - read - "steal" - the votes - as was postulated repeatedly - by many reputable political commentators on many social media platforms - galore.

    Copyright@L. Hadley and Associates 2024

Monday, March 4, 2024

Our Commentary of the Week - from Fri. March 01 - 2024 through Fri. March 08 - 2024 - Part II!

                           The U.S. Supreme Court Rules Unanimously on Feb. 04 - 2024 - to Prevent the Individual States from the Election Interference - for the Presidential Elections coming on Nov. 05 - 2024! 

          The important ruling came down on Mon. Feb. 04 - 2024 - in which the U.S. Supreme Court ruled that the U.S Congress needs to rule onto the elections' - laws - or changing thereof. The ruling is a huge "slap in the face" to the numerous, rabidly obsessed with their - hatred - enemies - of the ex-Pres. Trump.

         In the interim - the talk radio shows - with many of their callers - aspiring - without any results - to be "professional political commentators" - have deluded the aforementioned talk radio stations with the avalanches of calls commenting onto the U.S. Supreme Court's latest verdict which nullifies all the U.S Individual States' - Supreme Courts - dictums' - to the contrary - to wit. 

         Speaking of the "rabidly obsessed with hate" - callers - to the talk radio stations - or the talk radio hosts - of the same political persuasions - with whom the haters/callers are "in cahoots"- there is no shortage of those types - in every talk radio market.

        At any rate - all legal citizens need to vote - for sure - to have their voices - heard.

       Copyright@L. Hadley and Associates 2024