Friday, April 26, 2024

Our Commentary of the Week - from Fri. Apr. 26 - 2024 till Fri. May 03 - 2024!

                                 Argentina's Tango Hero - Carlos Gardel - a Singer, Composer, Movie Star - Remains Famous and Cherished till today - through his YouTube - Videos - as well as the Popular Tango Musicals Featuring His Tangos - Constantly Produced till Today - in Buenos Aires - Argentina!

        For all the tango enthusiasts - Carlos Gardel's creative legacy - has been a steady source of inspiration - in spite - of his early death in 1935 - in his private plane crash - while he toured the South America; the crash also killed his orchestral arranger - another Tango great - Alfredo Le Pera.

       Gardel appeared in several Argentinian movies as well as composing several popular Tangos - "El Dia Que Me Quierras" - "The Day in which You Loved Me"; another famous Tango composed by him is - "Me Buenos Aires Querido" - "My Beloved Buenos Aires". 

      The love which he had for the "Portenios" - the inhabitants of Argentinian port/the capital of Argentina - the port city of Buenos Aires - was fully reciprocated by them. Upon his untimely death - they erected a big statue of him at the main cemetery of the city and there is a constant, lit cigarette - at the hand of the statute - thus immortalizing him and his Tango work. 

     Copyright@L. Hadley and Associates 2024

Friday, April 19, 2024

Our Commentary of the Week - from Fri. Apr. 19 - 2024 through Fri. Apr. 26 - 2024!

                            "The United Spot" is a Hilarious Satirical Channel - Posting Short Videos on YouTube Platform - Poking Fun at the Top Politicians and Celebrities of the Day!

       The aforementioned channel - has close to a third of a million - YT subscribers - and it came up with close to a 3 thousand short, funny videos in the last several years. Of course - their disclaimer emphasizes the fact that it's all satire - thus it's not a true depiction of the famous characters' actions. "The United Spot" - posts the cartoon like silhouettes with the photographs of the real characters (famous people) - at the top of the aforementioned - silhouettes. They look ridiculous to glance at - however - their voices sound really hilarious with the funny scripts - topping their humorous productions.

      For an example - their short video posted on Apr. 17 - 2024 - titled "Fani Willis Vs Stormy Daniels" - makes fun of Nancy Pelosi (the funny voiceover always features her loose dentures - corresponding to reality) - she is one of the celebrities frequently featured in this and many other satirical videos featured by the "The United Spot's" productions. 

      B.T.W. - the same video also lampoons - Bill Clinton (in a blue dress - the dress worn by Monica Lewinsky which almost brought down his presidency); the video also ridicules E. Jean Carroll - in a strait jacket - (the accuser of ex-President Trump which was adjudicated close to 80 million - subject to further appeal by the U.S. Supreme Court).

     The video quickly generated close to 6 thousand YT views with close to 120 comments by the viewers - also ridiculing the famous characters/celebrities of the day - featured in the video.

         The short, humorous production we are highlighting - is well worth some laughter which will ensue upon watching it.

             Copyright@L. Hadley and Asociates 2025      

Friday, April 12, 2024

Our Commentary of the Week - from Fri. Apr. 12 - 2024 through Fri. Apr. 19 - 2024!

                                     Maria Bartiromo and Kellyanne Conway - Post an Excellent Video On YouTube's channel Fox Business - on Fri. Apr. 12 - 2024!

         For anybody desiring some clarity in the "political commentary" language - they need to follow the aforementioned two superstars of the political news'- analysis - both of them having to endure lots of customary, past criticisms which they conquered to arrive at their respective - highly respected - positions of news analysts.

        In any event - Fox Business YouTube's channel has 2.5 million subscribers with Maria Bartiromo's "Sunday Morning Futures" - on the top of the list. 

        Ms. Bartiromo has - consistently - proven to be a reliable, outstanding political analyst and interviewer - and not some temporary - "flash in the pan" talented beginner - who would be quickly "chewed up spit out" by this - difficult - political analysis - landscape.

       At any rate - Fox Business channel posted an interesting interview with another dependable news analysis - veteran - with lots of "political analysis" - credits - to show for - Kellyanne Conway. The short video is titled: "This is a 'threshold question' for Biden's Campaign - Kellyanne Conway" - posted on YouTube's Fox Business channel on Fri. Apr. 12 - 2024: the aforementioned short YouTube clip contains a brief interview of Ms. Conway by Maria Bartiromo. It's well worth watching!

     Copyright@L. Hadley and Associates 2024 

Friday, April 5, 2024

                              Mark Levin - a Constitutional Lawyer Has a Radio Syndication of His Nightly Radio Show - of approx. 400 U.S Radio Stations - thus - He Reaches Nightly - at Least - 100 Million Listeners.

          Not just any talk radio host can achieve this kind of exposure - however - Mark Levin has published several bestselling books - with the sales reaching millions of copies. One of them "American Marxism" - published a few years ago - was among one of the most successful publications to "hit" the bookstores and other book selling platforms - in recent years.

         At any rate - since 2017 - Mark Levin has - also - had a successful weekly political commentary/interview - show on Fox News Network - titled "Life, Liberty and Levin" airing Sundays at 8:30 pm ET - which has proven - a tremendous success - as well. In addition - he is also - enormously popular in many Western countries - as well as in the Middle East - including - Israel. 

       Even though many people disagree with his political positions - still - they eagerly imitate his style but - not just any intelligent pundit - massively seeking publicity - can achieve this kind of mastery or even come close to it.

      Copyright@L. Hadley and Associates 2024