Friday, December 27, 2024

Our Commentary of the Week - from Fri. Dec. 27 - 2024 till Fri. Jan. 03 - 2025!

          What Lunatic Thought It Was a Good Idea?

       That rhetorical question was asked by Cenk Ugyur - a chubby looking YouTube's "steady character" - who most of the time - uploads his Leftist/Progressive style - YT videos. Cenk - actually - looks like Chubby Checker - a big musical hero who "invented" the dance - Twist. In any case - Cenk appeared for publicity - no doubt - at the big event - AmeriFirst - held on Saturday - Dec. 21 - 2024 in Phoenix, Arizona - put on by the hero of the Conservatives - Charlie Kirk.

      During that conference - according to a 4 minutes long YouTube video - produced by YouTube's - Forbes Breaking News producers (close to 4 million subscribers) - on Dec. 24 - 2024 - Cenk asked this question - (which is the title of this column). He was referring to Kamala Harris inviting Liz Chaney to urge the voteres to vote for Harris.

     The viewers' comments under the aforementioned video - we are highlighting - were not very friendly towards Cenk Ugyur - accusing him - in essence - of  'trying to mend fences' - after his party - the Dems - got beaten badly during the 2024 presidentiel elections.

     At any rate - Cenk Ugyur - appears to be the kind of a politician who sticks his finger up in the air - to ascertain - "which way the political winds" are blowing - so they can follow the politics of the most current - political trend - "de jour" - of the day.

       Copyright@L. Hadley and Associates 2024/2025

Friday, December 20, 2024

Our Commentary of the Week - from Fri. Dec. 20 - 2024 through Fri. Dec. 27 - 2024!

          ABC Suffers Bombshell Loss in Court to Trump.

        The listed - above - title of the DeVory Darkins' - YouTube - video clip posted by him - on Dec. 15 - 2024 - says it all - in short. The video received 435 thousand viewers' clicks with most of the viewers' comments - pillorying - to no end - of George Stephanopoulos - one of the major big stars of ABC News Division.

       In a nutshell - during March 24 - 2024 - transmission of the ABC's - weekends' news feature - Stephanopoulos - who in real life - physically - looks like a "little pipsqueak" - according to many such depictions of him on the numerous social media platforms - was interviewing in a super nasty fashion - Nancy Mace - a past rape victim - a current U.S. congressional representative from 1st congressional district - from S. Carolina. They were talking about rapes and sexual assaults - not the most pleasant topics during the breakfast mornings - during the weekends.

      In any event - Stephanopoulos - was met with many effective, on target - responses - from Ms. Mace. However - the court case brought by the president elect - Trump - accusing Stephanopoulos of defamation - was settled out of court by ABC who agreed to pay the president elect - 16 million dollars - plus the legal costs - which the president elect designated for the - coming soon - presidential library.

      In the meantime - ABC - so far - "punished" Stephanopoulos by - only - reportedly - offering him just - meager - 14 million dollars per one year - enumeration for his new contract - while his previous, multiple years' - yearly contracts from 2014 till the present - paid him an average 19 million per year - according to "Variety" - an insider publication - with all the info about the various big stars' - salaries.

      Copyright@L. Hadley and Associates 2024


Friday, December 13, 2024

Our Commentary of the Week - from Fri. Dec. 13 - 2024 - through Fri. Dec. 20 - 2024!

     Joe Biden Shocking Announcement Stuns                    Own Party

      The title above - is that of the YouTube video clip produced by DeVory Darkins on Fri. Dec. 13 - 2024. It quickly generated 35 thousand viewers' - clicks. Approximately 800 viewers' - comments were - mostly - "blistering" - pres. Joe Biden's - largest in history - more than 1500 - of various pardons.

      One of the most outrageous pardons - which was actually - started by ex-pres. Trump - was that of Rita Crundwell - who stole from the city of Dixon, Illinois - 54 million dollars - during the 20 years when she 'had her hand in a cookie jar'". 

      Subsequent - to discovering her crime - she was sentenced to 20 years in prison in 2013 - however - in 2020 - ex-pres. Trump - lightened her sentence - to the supervision with the monitor on her leg - for the remainer of her sentence - in 2032 - which seems fair enough. However - in comes the pardon from pres. Biden - freeing Rita Crundwell - commuting her 20 years which would end in 2033 - to the time served - to only 10 years.

     The town of Dixon, Illinois - is justifiably - "in uproar" - as the authorities there maintain - and rightly so - that the pardon of pres. Biden - encourages stealing the money - using the "white collar crime" - methods.

       Copyright@L.Hadley and Associates 2024

Thursday, December 5, 2024

Our Commentary of the Week - from Fri. Dec. 06 till Fri. Dec. 13 - 2024!

            Ted Cruz Gets up and Ends A.O.C.'s Entire Career with an Epic Speech - Gets Standing Ovation!

      The YouTube video posted with the named above - title - on Dec. 04 - 2024 - by a video producer - Vanessa Croche - quickly received 28 thousand viewers' - clicks. The 157 viewers' comments under this clip - were enthusiastically - supporting Senator Ted Cruz - at least 99 percent of them.

      Essentially - Senator Cruz's - fiery, hard-hitting speech to the U.S. Senate - strongly criticizes - pres. Biden's administration - enabling the international terrorist state - the republic of Iran - to collect tons of dollars - in many ways - so they obtained the funds to finance the Oct. 23 - 2023 - Hamas's brutal attack against Israel. 

      However - the ex-president - and soon to be the next president - Donald Trump - had Iran - "on their back feet" so they couldn't be engaging in financing their terroristic - proxies - while pres. Trump's administration was in power.

     Another important issue Ted Cruz pointed out in the same speech - was that A.O.C. - Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez - the "star" Leftist/Socialist - legislator from New York's - district 14 - went to "shed her crocodile tears" by the ex-president's - Obama's - cages - for illegals' - children - on the Southern border in 2017- as she was - hypocritically - dressed from feet to head - in the expensive designer's clothes - including the costly designer's - eyeglasses - however - currently - she refuses to go to the border and see much worse conditions of the illegals' - children - either piled tightly in cages or outside - close to the border - which is a dangerous place for children or any other illegals.

      Copyright@L. Hadley and Associates 2024