Wednesday, January 29, 2025

Our Commentary of the Week - from Fri. Jan. 31 - 2025 till Fri. Feb. 07 - 2025!

       Israeli President Isaac Herzog Urges the U.N to Fight the "Volcano of Anti-Semitism" that Has Erupted Across the Globe since Oct. 07-2023!

       The title above was that of the speech which the Israeli President - Isaac Herzog delivered to the U.N Assembly on Jan. 28 - 2025 - during the Remembrance Day of the 80th Anniversary of the liberation of the worst Nazi death camp: Auschwitz-Birkenau in Poland.

      Even though the New York City's - United Nations - which is financed by the United States - has some solid credits in establishing the state of Israel in 1948 - however - subsequent - to that event - the many nations' consistent voting has been in an anti-Israel, anti-Semitic - mode. 

      The numerous anti-Israel "resolutions" - have been widely criticized by many legal experts as enormously - "prejudicial/biased" - against the state of Israel - while the other nations - unfairly single out Israel - for customary infractions which are - frequently - accepted - if done by other nations.

      In spite of the arguments listed above - many anti-Semitic talk radio hosts - refer to the phony resolutions as "the ironclad evidence of Israel's - culpabilities." In another words - Israel has to be always "perfect" when defending its own survival - while other countries can get away with many - shady incidents - still - the fingers of the anti-Semitic accusers - are always pointed - against the state of Israel and all the Jews - by extension.

     Things will be changing in the U.N. - thank God - since Pres. Trump appointed as an U.S. ambassador to the U.N. - Elise Stefanik - an ex-congressional representative from the state of N.Y. She is an enormously capable and effective politician - who demonstrated her legislative skills - during the U.S. congressional hearings in 2024 - as she "grilled" the anti-Semitic heads of the U.S.'s - big - Ivy Leage (elitist) universities - to expose their anti-Semitic, anti-Israel - policies; and while the aforementioned congressional hearings did cause some positive changes - still a lot more needs to be done.

    It will be done. The United States has always valued the many contributions of the Jewish Americans - (40 percent of all the Nobel prizes - are earned by the Jews). In addition - the state of Israel has - invariably - been an important ally and friend of the U.S. in the Middle East political arena - notwithstanding some "rough spots" which - customarily - happen between friends - but which the anti-Semites - like to enlarge and exaggerate - to the hilt.

      Copyright@L. Hadley and Associates 2025  

Thursday, January 23, 2025

Our Commentary of the Week - from Fri. Jan. 24 - 2025 till Fri. Jan. 31 - 2025!

           AOC Forgot to Take Her Meds!

        The title above - is the title of the new YouTube video clip - posted by Jesus Enrique Rosas on Jan. 23 - 2025. The clip is only ab. 8 minutes long - but it goes fast - like a blink of an eye. AOC - Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez - a new political superstar of the Leftists/Marxists in the new 119 U.S. Congress - from NY Bronx - 14th Congressional district - has been making a lot of Leftist/Socialist - "hay" in the U.S. Congress.

       In any event -Jesus Enrique Rosas - skillfully ridicules her last "performance" - political speech - which makes little sense to most "normal" voters of the U.S. electorate. Jesus Enrique Rosas's video which we are highlighting - quickly generated 11 thousand viewers' clicks - in a very short order. He already has an impressive 700 thousand YT - subscribers.

      At any rate - since JER specializes in the body language - he points to AOC's totally crazy wide gestures with her arms during her recent propaganda speech on the U.S Congressional floor. It needs to be noted - however - that JER is a very attractive guy as well as being witty to the max. His humor and delivery of his political commentaries - are always - top notch while his good looks and the charming Spanish accent do not distract from his - sophisticated - on screen - delivery.

      The video we focus on - quickly generated ab. 350 viewers comments under the video - the commentaries are not kind to AOC. She must be used to the harsh criticisms she receives daily - though - since it's the price for national and international exposure on the social media platforms. One viewer's comment says - "the hamster around inside the AOC's head - must be exhausted" - while the other viewer says - "MABA - make AOC bartender again" - and on and on and on - they go like that. Not flattering or respectful at all - towards AOC's Socialist/Marxist political agenda.

     Moreover - on Thurs. Jan. 23 - 2025 - Chris Stigall - the newly nationally syndicated talk show host from Philadelphia - a sensational voice for the wide U.S. radio audiences - commented on AOC that "she spews her Socialist/Marxist/Communist - garbage - on her popular social media platform" - which is a direct - albeit - not subtle or understated - political commentary.

     Copyright@L. Hadley and Associates 2025

Thursday, January 16, 2025

Our Commentary of the Week - from Fri. Jan. 17 - 2025 till Fri. Jan. 24 - 2025!

         Gavin Newsome Loses Control As Trump Demands Resignation.

        The phrase above - is the title of the YT video clip posted by DeVory Darkins on Jan. 09 - 2025. It quickly generated close to 740 thousand viewers' views - which is close to a million. DeVory Darkins - currently - counts 776 thousand subscribers - thus he is approaching to a million of subscribers - a count which is quite impressive.

       At any rate - he shows the current news clips - causing the sensations for the day - on most mass media platforms - then he presents - an excellent commentary. His political comments are incisive, accurate and emphasizing the "common sense" approach to each political situation. As we mentioned before - not every commentator can successfully accomplish that - moreover - a huge communication platform like his - massively attracts all sorts of "psychos" and idiots - as well as many good, concerned people - of course.

       In any event - the aforementioned YouTube video - quickly garnered 11 thousand of viewers' comments with tons of them - from California and other places - urging the immediate resignations of: Gavin Newsome - the California's Leftist governor (whom DeVory Darkins calls - Gavin NewSCUM  - we all take the hint) - as well as that of - Karen Bass - madame mayor of Los Angeles  - who left her burning city to attend some political ceremony in Africa - before she quickly returned - to many probing questions from the local and national - newspeople.

      One smart viewer commenting under the video we are highlighting - said that "Karen Bass is just like Kamala Harris - uses a lot of words and phrases - to say absolutely nothing at all - while gov. Newsome uses a slightly different 'technique' with the newspeople - he deflects, deflects and deflects - then starts talking about other politicians".

       Copyright@L. Hadley and Associates 2025

Wednesday, January 8, 2025

Our Commentary of the Week - from Fri. Jan. 10 - 2025 till Fri. Jan. 17 - 2025!

      Kamala LIVID as she Was about to CERTIFY Trump's VICTORY!

       That's the title - with the emphasized words - verbatim - as they appear - by the video produced by Jose Enrique Rosas; he - recently - uploaded a YouTube video - titled above - and posted it onto YouTube platform - on Jan. 07 - 2025; Jose Enrique Rosas is called by his subscribers - J.E.R. - for short. His YT video we are highlighting is not long - only about 10 minutes - which go fast. It quickly generated 45 thousand viewers' clicks.

       J.E.R.'s - commentaries are always - funny - even though he doesn't aim to be a comedian of any sort. In the video - we are highlighting - J.E.R. shows the clips of Kamala Harris's - forced and funny facial expressions as she was hosting a recent 'peaceful transfer of power' in Washington, D.C. on January 6 - 2025 - as a 'lame duck' - U.S. vice-president - only for another 12 days or so. 

     The subject of this video - is the husband of the newly elected U.S. senator - refusing to shake Kamala Harris's - hand during his wife's - swearing in ceremony - during the aforementioned 'transfer of power' - ceremony on Jan. 06 - 2025.

     In any event - ridiculing the 'body language' and 'facial expressions' - betraying the real person - behind them - are the successful methods of J.E.R.'s - for the subjects of his YT's video clips' - narrations - in his enormously catchy - YT videos.

     His viewership and the number of subscribers - are growing steadily - albeit - not meteorically. He currently has 693 thousand YT's - subscribers; we noticed that the hosts who - have a meteoric rise in the viewership - frequently - loose huge chunks of their subscribers - in a short time - as well. 

      Copyright@L. Hadley and Associates 2025

Friday, January 3, 2025

Our Commentary of the Week - from Fri. Jan. 03 - 2025 till Fri. Jan. 10 - 2025!

          Noah Rothman on New Orleans and Las Vegas Attacks.

        The title of the new YT clip - posted by Hugh Hewitt's YT website - appears above - as the title of our Friday's column. To make a long story short - both of the gentlemen named in the title are accomplished political commentators to many credits - to their respective - names. Noah Rothman is a chief editor of National Review while Hugh Hewitt - an accomplished, best-selling non-fiction writer, as well as - an ex-law school professor - has been hosting a successful, long time running, daily talk radio show - widely syndicated with hundreds of the U.S. - radio stations.

      The aforementioned YT clip is a bit long - 14 minutes long - uploaded onto Hugh Hewitt's YT - channel - on Jan. 02 - 2025. It quickly generated 11 thousand viewers' - clicks - with many viewers commenting on Noah Rothman's - impressive command of English. Both of them have an excellent command of the English language and are well versed in the politics of the day. They were discussing the FBI's - "stumbling" at first - following the hideous New Orleans attack on Jan. 01 - 2025.

    Not to get sidetracked - but such a command of English - is a dream come true - and a goal - of many political commentators. At any rate - the video is well worth watching for 14 minutes - to get a good grip of what happened in New Orleans and the reaction of FBI.

    Copyright@L. Hadley and Associates 2025