Sunday, December 26, 2010

"Guaracha" - Miquel Sague's First Salsa Band - plays at Carnegie Mellon Main Library

    Pittsburgh's salsa dancers and numerous fans of hot Latin rhytms - enjoy listening to Miguel Sague's "Guaracha" band.  Miguel - himself - a fine vocalist - gets a lot of really savvy Pittsburgh's musicians to play in his band.
    This afternoon - Sunday Dec. 26 - 2010 - at 2 pm - I am looking forward to listening to "Guaracha" - after doing a lot of publicity events in Chicago.
    Stay tuned - literally glued - to this website - because - as always - in a few days - you will get a short review of the event to which I am looking forward since I have not heard "Guaracha" for a while.
Copyright@L.Hadley - 2018

1 comment:

  1. It needs to be mentioned that Miguel Sague - launched a few talented vocalists - who subsequently started performing in New York or other mass markets.
