Saturday, December 3, 2011

Meredith Mileti - promotes her first, charming/sensational "foodie" novel.

           On Sat. Dec. 3 - 2011 - at the main branch of Carnegie Library - in Pittsburgh, Pa - by the University of Pittsburgh - Pitt's - Campus - Ms. Meredith Mileti - gave out her healthy and tasty little cookies - as she gave an animated, humorous lecture about her new "foodie" novel  - titled "Aftertaste: A Novel in Five Courses" - published in Sept. 2010 - available in Barnes and Noble Bookstores.
          All the "foodies" and "non-foodies" who like to read a good story - should click immediately on the following website - verbatim -  where you will find all the interesting "tidbits" - literally and in general.
        Ms. Mileti - talked animatedly and not too long about her novel which sounds intriguing and fun. Her presentation was short enough - so she did not to bore the listeners but long enough - so people participating in her presentation - were enticed to buy her book - very nicely designed by her publisher. 
       Quite a few people present - purchased her book which is great - since nowadays - the first-time author - has to vigorously promote their first work - which means - at times - a lot of hard, grueling labor.
      Ms. Mileti promotional presentation was a lot of fun - so now - go and purchase her book for a "foodie" on your holiday gift list.

      Copyright@L.Hadley and Associates 2024

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