Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Leslie Ferrari - has a Dynamite Fun, Fun, Fun - Single Dances in West View VFW - Super Spacious Facility - Suburb of Pittsburgh, Pa.

        Hey everybody - immediately click:
you will love the story!!!

       Listen up all the single dancers of all ages - a lovely Single Dances Coordinator - Leslie Ferrari - has been organizing a super terrific, fun, enjoyable Singles' Dances for quite a while.
        A hilly Westview - is a nice suburb of Pittsburgh, Pa.  Leslie has a detailed instructions on how to get to her venue on her website - - the same site will give you all the details of all the coming up - totally sensational - events - mainly for the singles.
        However - it's worth noting that quite a few friendly couples also attend her dances. The only caviat is that the gentlemen part of the couple will feel secure - and dances some dances with the single ladies -  but he is - definitely not looking to "upgrade" his partner for a "new model". If that is what you intend - some of you - gentlemen - our advice is - do it smarter than in front of your current partner - or your actions will come to "bite you" on your respective "behinds". Usually - the results of your "strategy" come to bite you on your "behind" - sooner than later.
        Not to get too "side tracked" from Leslie Ferrari's event - evidently the cool couples who attend Leslie's dances - are not apprehensive of any respective "breakages" of their "coupleships" which might come as a result of their respective partners dancing a bit with other people.
       Leslie engages cool D.J's with a super good sound systems. When I was there - there was an excellent, customary cha-cha lesson with the instructors from the local ballroom studio. It was tons of fun.
       You will also get some snacks.  All this entertainment is reasonably priced.
       See you at Leslie's Singles Dance - soon!
       Keep Dancing for the flow of positive energies into your lives!!!

                Copyright@L.Hadley and Associates - 2018

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