Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Rogers Park Business Alliance - in Chicago's Rogers Park contributes to everybody in the community.

       Chicago's Rogers Park is a truly democratic cluster. Long time alderman Joe Moore sincerely cares about all his roughly - forty-eight thousand constituents. Even though some members of this community by the glorious Lake Michigan - are the mentally handicapped individuals living in subsidized units of different sizes - most people in his 49th ward are working decent jobs or having a respectable income as they live in some impressive dwellings of all kinds and sizes.
      Rogers Park Business Alliance has had a fun and exciting record of strengthening the cooperation between the business owners and other members of the community. Their computer training courses are a super terrific tool for the community to sharpen their business skills.
     I - personally - really enjoy the business networking breakfasts in local eateries/venues - held every second Wednesday of the month - so the small business owners can "mingle" and network.
     For more info click www.rogers-park.com.
     Copyright@L.Hadley and Associates 2024


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