Thursday, March 7, 2013

Whenever you are in any big city with a few days and nothing to do - try to call or E-mail a dance studio!!!


       Hello there everybody reading this section! The Spring is coming in Chicago so it's time to get out of the winter "cabin".
     If you want to meet a lot of quality people of every kind - you need to learn Ballroom dancing. You can also learn Bridge however - the Ballroom dancing will keep you physically fit, clean and healthy.
     When you start group lessons - keep in mind that your physical appearance, your clothing, you personal hygiene - are extremely important. You do not need to look like a superstars nor you need to have Gianni Versace collections of attire. You also do not have to spend a lot of money.
    All you want to have is a good attitude, positive outlook and a bit patience with your skills. It will take a few months for you to learn some basic steps so you will have to - perhaps - put up a bit with some more experienced dancers in a studio acting a bit "condescending" towards you - but believe me - it will be worth you efforts and they will be rewarding.
    I will pull for you since I remember when I just started out a few years back. Ballroom dancing will give you a lot of confidence and poise in every area of your life even if it's a little difficult at first. 
    See you in the studio.

      Copyright@L.Hadley and Associates 2024

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