Monday, September 30, 2013

The first week of October feels like a glorious fall is finally here!

      Every year when October finally arrives after a long summer - everybody in my family wants to slow down time - but it always goes by - entirely too fast. The beautiful fall days - zoom by rapidly; they go faster when followed by an exceptionally cold winter which last "forever" until the spring finally arrives.
   Lets keep an optimistic outlook and stretch the glorious fall so when the winter 2013/2014 arrives - we will emphasize the beauty of the holidays season than the New Year celebration which is always celebrated in a great way in our family with a group of old and new friends.
   At times - it's hard to think positive thoughts while the events seem to "gang up" with some "life's challenges" which always pass so the good events - can invariably - follow.
   At any rate - happy first week of October 2013 - to all of us!!!

Sunday, September 22, 2013

October Fest on Lincoln/Lawrence - Germantown - Chicag, IL - starts in the last week of September 2013.

                       Copyright@L.Hadley 2015

    Hello there everybody in the cyberspace,

    This year as every year - the Germantown of Chicago, IL - which is a big area located at the intersection of Lincoln Ave where it crosses Lawrence St - which hosts an array of absolutely terrific cultural and entertainment establishments for all ages and persuasions - holds a magnificent Octoberfest combined with the apple harvest fest.
   The fantastic event started on Fri. Sept. 20 - 2013 and ends Sunday Sept. 22 - 2013. The displays of various apple products from local farmers and merchants looks totally dazzling this year - in addition - there is a big push towards promoting the so called "hard cider" which a delicious apple beer.  Look for a good looking guy selling a ten dollar kit to make the hard cider - easily - at home.
    In my modest opinion apple beer is not only tasty - but also - as strong as beer and features numerous benefits which regular beer misses. For an example - hard cider doesn't smell puky and lacks tons of yeast which lots of people can't stand.
    Long story - short - the annual October fest in Germantown, Chicago - which started early this year - absolutely cannot be missed - you will love it.

Tuesday, September 17, 2013

A third week of September 2013 - starts out and continues with cool fall-like days.

                       Copyright@L.Hadley 2015

     September 2013 zooms by fast and after a few very hot and bothersome days at the beginning of the month - the second and third week continues with very cool, rainy, fall-like days and nights.
    Since most of the people in our family love the autumn and hates long, overly-hot summers - fall always goes fast like a blink of an eye. If the Chicago winter starts out mild and continues in that mode - we enjoy it - however - frequently the winters here - are windy, blistering, long and awful - so it's nice to get the hell out of Chicago for January and February. It's not always easy to accomplish but as we get older - there are less deadlines and pressures to bother us. 
   Thank God we get something good - connected to getting older. I love the very mature women and men who not only get better with age - but they also look great. Their personalities also change for the better with age - just like the finest wines. Those are my kind of people.

Wednesday, September 11, 2013

During the second week of September - Chicago had several enormously hot, humid and bothersome days.

    Only a week before the official fall begins - Chicago had some nasty, hot and humid days during the second week of September 2013.  While August, July, June of the summer 2013 - were cool, sunny and pleasant - barring a single hot and humid day - here and there - September had quite a few hot and unbrearable, nasty days.
    Thank God - all this is ending - since the next week - the third week of September 2013 - promises to be cool and terrific. I can finally go back to my favorite place Irish Cultural Center and pick up their September schedule. It need to be mentioned that the Irish Center huge mansion is not air-conditioned.
    The magnificent Irish Cultural Center - 4626 Knox Ave - Chicago, IL 60618 - is much better to visit - during the cool weather. I went there one time during the very warm - not even hot day - this summer and it was uncomfortable inside - notwithstanding its huge, castle like numerous rooms.
    Have a great second week of September 2013!!!            Copyright@L.Hadley 2024

Thursday, September 5, 2013

This is the first week of September 2013.

         For this week - all of you my loyal and numerous - "cyber-friends" we will feature Chicago's - Michigan Avenue - the so called "Magnificent Mile" running roughly from Michigan and Walton to Michigan and Wacker.
       If all possible - I beg of you - do not visit that area from May 30 (Memorial Day) until the Labor Day is done - right now this time. If you have to visit the Magnificent Mile at the time I mentioned above - be prepared to be squeezed like a sardine in a tight can - by millions of newly arrived tourists in your face plus their screaming children.
      On the other hand - if you come right now - let's say between this time and Thanksgiving - you will love the Magnificent Mile - unless you are mentally deficient and like to fight crowds - I am just kidding you - of course.
     At any rate - have a super marvelous week and I promise to feature something really "Chicago" - next week!!!
     Copyright@L. Hadley and Associates 2024