Monday, September 30, 2013

The first week of October feels like a glorious fall is finally here!

      Every year when October finally arrives after a long summer - everybody in my family wants to slow down time - but it always goes by - entirely too fast. The beautiful fall days - zoom by rapidly; they go faster when followed by an exceptionally cold winter which last "forever" until the spring finally arrives.
   Lets keep an optimistic outlook and stretch the glorious fall so when the winter 2013/2014 arrives - we will emphasize the beauty of the holidays season than the New Year celebration which is always celebrated in a great way in our family with a group of old and new friends.
     At times - it's hard to think positive thoughts while the events seem to "gang up" with some "life's challenges" which always pass - so the good times - can invariably - follow.
     At any rate - happy first week of October 2013 - to all of us!!!
     Copyright@L.Hadley and Associates 2024


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