Saturday, May 31, 2014

Suzanne Watters - a local Pittsburgh area silk screen artist - has a display of her works at Christine Frechard Gallery - Squirrell Hilll.

                         Copyright@L.Hadley 2015

    On Sat. May 31 - 2014 - during a lovely late afternoon - the large scale silk screen artist - Suzanne Waters is setting up a sumptuous opening reception of her nicely framed works at Christine Frechard Gallery - 5871 Forbes Ave - at the very heart of Squirrel Hill - Pittsburgh, Pa 15217. The exposition will last about a month until the end of June 2014. Click on to get more news about the various events at the gallery.
    The local artist - a Sewickly resident - Ms. Watters - a tall, strong and statuesque appearing lady about forty years old with long, brown hair and brown eyes - answers my interview questions while she puts some finishing touches of delicious looking horse'de'ovres and fine wines spread over the Christine Frechard Gallery - tables. 
    Ms. Watters says that she works on one project at the time and the choice of two colors gives her an opportunity to pick the best combinations - however - frequently - when she lifts the screen for the final time - she is pleasantly surprized at the unexpected end results.
   Click on her website:
to find out more about this local artist who also teaches Art History and History of Visual Communications at Rober Morris University. Ms. Watters states that working on her art projects gives her a good feeling of recharging her energies; in addition - she likes to market and distribute her works as well as she is looking forward to the orders for some commission projects.

Sunday, May 4, 2014

Pittsburgh's - Shadyside - Sonoma Williams Store - A Botique for Aspiring Chefs - holds terrific technique classes - most Sundays.

                        Copyright@L.Hadley 2021

       On Sunday May 4 - 2014 - a local young chef/Cooking School instructor named Mike presented several Latin American - specifically Mexican staples. The technique session consisted of the demonstration of several Latin American - Mexican staples - among them - fresh Salsa and delicious Chicken Fajitas - featuring chunks of chicken - marinated in Margarita mix which were braised with several seasonal, vegetable strips - on the electric grill .
      Mike did an excellent presentation of both items. He highlighted various ingredients - all available in Sonoma Williams - in slightly higher price versions - however - the quality and presentable packing always justify the prices which are a little higher in Sonoma Williams stores.
      The Sonoma Williams store in Shadyside - 5516 Walnut St - Pittsburgh, Pa 15215 - always presents the seasonal visuals in an extremely appealing manner. The clientele of that store consists of an exciting mixture of customers - some of which are connected to a prominent and prestigious - Carnegie Mellon University Campus located right next to Shadyside. The shops, coffee shops, upscale eateries of Shadyside as well as several bars of that "she-she-poo-poo" part of town - are characteristic of that popular part of Pittsburgh right next to a legendary, European style - Squirrel Hill - which is very similar in character; both areas convey the atmosphere of easy luxurious but classy - life styles.