Sunday, May 4, 2014

Pittsburgh's - Shadyside - Sonoma Williams Store - A Botique for Aspiring Chefs - holds terrific technique classes - most Sundays.

                        Copyright@L.Hadley 2021

       On Sunday May 4 - 2014 - a local young chef/Cooking School instructor named Mike presented several Latin American - specifically Mexican staples. The technique session consisted of the demonstration of several Latin American - Mexican staples - among them - fresh Salsa and delicious Chicken Fajitas - featuring chunks of chicken - marinated in Margarita mix which were braised with several seasonal, vegetable strips - on the electric grill .
      Mike did an excellent presentation of both items. He highlighted various ingredients - all available in Sonoma Williams - in slightly higher price versions - however - the quality and presentable packing always justify the prices which are a little higher in Sonoma Williams stores.
      The Sonoma Williams store in Shadyside - 5516 Walnut St - Pittsburgh, Pa 15215 - always presents the seasonal visuals in an extremely appealing manner. The clientele of that store consists of an exciting mixture of customers - some of which are connected to a prominent and prestigious - Carnegie Mellon University Campus located right next to Shadyside. The shops, coffee shops, upscale eateries of Shadyside as well as several bars of that "she-she-poo-poo" part of town - are characteristic of that popular part of Pittsburgh right next to a legendary, European style - Squirrel Hill - which is very similar in character; both areas convey the atmosphere of easy luxurious but classy - life styles.

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