Saturday, April 26, 2014

A short interview with a Philadelphia visual artist - Antonio Puri during the opening reception of his mixed media art exposition at Christine Frechard Gallery - Squirrel Hill - Pittsburgh, Pa 15217.

                          Copyright@L.Hadley - 2024

               On a lovely, breezy early evening - Sat. April 26 - 2014 from 5pm till 8pm - Christine Frechard's Gallery in Pittsburgh's - Squirrel Hill hosted an opening reception for a Philadelphia visual artist - Antonio Puri - who works in mixed media. The exposition will last a month.
       I ask Mr. Puri - a tall, athletic looking guy in his early forties - who looks Latin or Italian - several questions about his work and the source of his inspiration. He tells me that when he was growing up in India in a city of Chandigarh - the French architect LeCorbusier inspired Puri with a motive of geographical shapes which dominate Mr. Puri's works. 
      The artist - also - told me that his artworks are the extension of him. Mr. Puri mentioned something interesting - namely that his major work - a big piece of mixed media hanging prominently on the wall of the Christine Frechard Gallery - art piece - consisting of a thirty or so - squares - could make a suitable markette for the front of the building for some architect.
       Antonio Puri further explained to me that as far as marketing of his works is concerned - he contacts the art gallery owners and art agents while working on his art pieces. He gets the ideas for his art works from life experiences. 
      When I asked Mr. Puri what he would be doing if he wasn't busy with his art - he answered that he had no plan "B" of any kind.
    "I need to do my art - like I need to breath."
       Important note: Since publishing this interview - Ms. Frechard has closed her art galleries in Pittsburgh area - however - Mr. Puri's website - - is worth exploring.
     Copyright@L. Hadley and Associates 2024

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