Saturday, June 28, 2014

Mildred Sidorow - an acrylic media artist - keeps young with her work and going strong - she is ninety five years young.

                Copyright@L.Hadley 2017

    It's a beautiful summer night on a Sat. June 28 - 2014. Christine Frechard Gallery in Pittsburgh's Squirrel Hill - 5871 Forbes Ave - - hosts an opening reception - a start of the exposition - a display - of the sunny hued - various shaped and sized paintings by a ninety five year old artist - Mildred Sidorow. The showings starts today - Sat. June 28 - 2014 and will last for a month.
   Since the artist talks animatedly to the visitors and appears much younger than ninety five - I ask her daughter a middle aged, dark haired New Yorker about her mother's creative output. She informs me that due to her mother's advanced age - she has some problems with her eyesight but nevertheless Mildred works every day a few hours and she "lives for her art" according to her daughter. The bright, sunny canvases radiate a good mood and an uplifting spirit.
    Simone - the artist's daughter informs me that because of her mother's advanced age - she prefers to work with smaller size canvasses and acrylic seems a better medium than watercolors which she did at the beginning of her career.

     Come to check out the exposition,

     I will see you there.

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