Monday, October 12, 2015

A Brief Insert of a Review of a Musical Recital by Kazakhstan's famous performer - Aidana Yntykbaeva - Squirrel Hill - Pittsburgh, Pa - JCC Concert.

       Aidana Ynykbaeva - looks about thirty in her evening dress which shines with gold threads adorning the top of it. Her blondish hair - pinned in a back - had a few strands falling on her instrument called KOBYZ which looks like an inverted violin but its played like a viola.
       Both of her helpers - her M.C. (a young blonde with a long hair) and her piano accompaniment (an attractive blonde with a short hair) - did great jobs. The M.C. (master of ceremonies) - briefly summed up each piece performed - and the piano player skillfully handled the piano - while she also demonstrated her mastery without upstaging the main performer.
      The repertoire chosen varied a great deal as  it showcased a tremendous control of her instrument and skill of Aidana who won numerous international competitions - as did a her piano accompanist - Anna Kovalevska who deftly handled the piano as she demonstrated her respective mastery - as well.
     My favorite piece was a Tango by Astor Piazzola - a Tango great - titled "Libertango" which is always extremely difficult to execute on any instrument. Both ladies easily performed that famous composition.
     The concert ended with a popular Russian/Jewish song - "Tumbalalajka" (A tribute to "balalajka" a Russian instrument similar to a guitar).

     We hope that Aidana Yntykbaeva - keeps performing in big venues since her talent makes people smile and feel good for as long as they listen to her playing her instrument.

     Copyright@L.Hadley and Associates 2021

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