Friday, October 21, 2016

Our Choice of YouTube Video of the Week for the Fourth Week of Oct. 2016 - Another Vid by Paul Joseph Watson - Uploaded on Oct. 19 - 2016.

         For the fourth week of October 2016 as our Choice of YouTube Video of the Week - we choose another video by Paul Joseph Watson uploaded on Oct. 19 - 16 - titled "A Letter to the Mainstream Media" in which he savages all the mass media venues for shamelessly advocating for Ms. Clinton's candidacy.
       All the major famous journalists/celebrities are also openly in "the tank" for Mrs. Clintons' - Democrats since evidently "big money - talks - big time" and to hell with journalistic integrity. There are some notable exceptions to this ugly picture - according to Paul Joseph Watson.
      The alternative media like YouTube became a very powerful tool for disseminating a lot of information and they don't even have to be pretending to be unbiased.
      In conclusion - we express concerns about either candidate having a mandate to govern the U.S. population since Mr. Trump and Ms. Clinton are distrusted and disliked by two thirds of the American electorate.
      At any rate - have a great fourth week of October 2016 - everybody - and don't forget to click here next Friday Oct. 28 - 2016 for our Choice of the YouTube Video of the Week for the last week of October 2016 at which time we will wish you a Happy Halloween 2016!
      Copyright@L.Hadley and Associates - 2017

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