Thursday, November 17, 2016

Our Choice of YT Video of the Week for the Third Week of Nov.2016 - "Rita Hayworth Love Goddess" uploaded by Genia106 on Nov.13-2016.

          We choose a lovely video uploaded on Nov.13 - 2016 titled "Rita Hayworth Love Goddess" in which the author - our friend - a sophisticated New Yorker - Genia106 presents magnificent visuals consisting of superb shots of Rita Hayworth - the ruling Goddess of the American and International Cinema from the 1940's till the end of 1950's.
       Rita Hayworth's turbulent life story can be seen in many YouTube's video clips - however Genia's vid - focuses on the bright side of Rita Hayworth's many talents. The famous motion picture "Gilda" is considered a signature film made by Rita Hayworth. Many interesting clips from that picture - are available on YouTube with my most favorite - a lovely tune titled "Amada Mia" which features Rita Hayworth singing and dancing that famous number from the movie "Gilda" which is considered by many as the most popular film of Rita Hayworth - the picture which remains highly watchable - even if it's not a "cinematic" masterpiece of any kind.
       She and Glen Ford have most tremendous chemistry on screen in that piece of work and a few other films they made together. In their respective private lives - however - they - remained only good friends.
       At any rate - have a great Thanksgiving - everybody and as always - don't forget to click here on Fri. Nov.25-16 or a day before for our choice of the YouTube's video of the last week of Nov. 2016!
       Copyright@L.Hadley and Associates 2017

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