Friday, December 2, 2016

Our Choice of YouTube Vide of the Week for the First Week of Dec.2016 - "Skuczno - Tango by Pyotr Leshchenko's Orchestra - 1930" - uploaded by Dr.240252 on Dec.01 - 2016.

       For the first week of Dec. 2016 - we present Dr. 240252's - video titled "Skuczno - Tango by Pyotr Leshchenko - 1930" which he uploaded on Dec. 01-2016. "Skuczno" could be loosely translated from Russian as "Sadness".
      Dr. 240252 consistently comes up with a lot of magnificent Tango videos in terms of the music as well as really imaginative visuals which accompany the musical/vocal arrangements. He produced quite a few pieces by Pyotr Leshchenko - a famous in the late 1930's - early 1940's - Romanian/Jewish - singer/composer/arranger who widely performed in several languages like Russian, Ukrainian, Romanian.
       As a sad twist of fate - Leshchenko perished in the Stalinist run - Romanian prison camp - full of innocent creative people like himself - at the early age of fifty "something" - but his beautiful songs and other compositions - live on YouTube - so his numerous legions of fans - continue enjoying his talent.
      This particularly evocative Tango - "Skuczno" - which means roughly "Sadness of Love" in Russian - was created by an excellent duo of a composer and lyricist - unfortunately - uncredited. The Pyotr Leshchenko Ochestra's musical arrangement as well as his vocals - all sound superb.
      We hope that everybody has a great in every way - first week of Dec. 2016. Don't forget to click here next Fri. Dec. 09 - 16 - for our Choice of YouTube Video of the Week for the second week of Dec. 2016!
      Copyright@L.Hadley and Associates 2024

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