Thursday, May 25, 2017

Our Choice of the YT Video of the Week for the Week of Fri.May 26-17 till Fri.Jun.02-17!

       For this last week of May 2017 - first week of June 2017 - the Memorial Day Holiday week - we picked a charming video produced by our New York friend - genia106 titled: "Marilyn Monroe Singing 'Bye Bye Baby' in Korea - Happy Memorial Day!" which she posted on YT on May 23-2017.
       The visuals for this vid consist of magnificent black and white shots of Marilyn Monroe as she performed for the audience of hundred thousand or so - GI's fighting Korean War. Her singing with her "signature" sexy sound points to her vocal skills - even if they are not opera training vocals mastery - by no means.
       The photos capture the joy of performing "live" by a big, silver screen star and of course - the audience of thousands of young men in the army - really adores the good looking movie goddess - according to - genia106 - (a producer of this YouTube video) whose short but thoroughly researched commentary provides a lot of info. It was the first time Marilyn Monroe performed for the huge, live gathering; she did very well and was proud of herself after she completed that memorable event. 
       The viewers' comments by that video are interesting and insightful including the one by the editor of this feature - not boasting or anything like that - mind you.
       At any rate - have a great Memorial Day Weekend 2017 - everybody!
       Copyright@L.Hadley and Associates 2024

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