Thursday, July 27, 2017

Our YT Vid of the Wk for the First Wk of Aug.2017 - "Antonio Banderas-Desperado-Julio Iglesias-LaCumparsita!"

       For the first week of Aug.2017 we picked a charming and fun video uploaded by our YouTube friend - genia106 who is a savvy, sophisticated New Yorker - our favorite type. She uploaded "Antonio Banderas-Desperado-Julio Iglesias-LaCumparsita" on July 21 - 2017. The world famous classic Tango - "LaCumparsita" is performed by Julio Iglesias in a superb manner accompanied by a big orchestra which enhances his vocals. In addition - they keep a ten beat measure all through - a dream come true - for the Tango dancers. Genia106's visuals of handsome Latin "heartthrob" - international movie star - Antonio Banderas - fit the flow of music. The summer 2017 is going fast - it hasn't been too unbearably hot in Chicago so far this summer - still - I start waiting for the gorgeous fall - my favorite season - just about this time - every year.
      Hope that everybody has a really good first week of August 2017. Another four weeks and all the kids will be back in school and all the tourists will go back where they came from! As always - click our YouTube channel tango3721 and don't forget to click here next week to check on our Pick for YouTube Video of the Week for next week!

     Copyright@L.Hadley and Associates 2017

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