Thursday, August 17, 2017

For the 4th Wk of Aug. 2017 we picked as YT Vid of the Wk - Genia 106's upload "Marlena-Hallo Kleines Fraulein-Tango-Barnabas Von Geczy-Rudi Schuricke."

          Genia 106 - our sophisticated New Yorker friend who uploads quite a few Tangos and other fun musical works - came up with this fun video on June 19 - 2014. The editor of this column (yours truly) - made a comment in Genia 106 video's comment section - which is absolutely - not to be missed.
        At any rate - Marlena Dietrich - a silver screen goddess and a legend - sings this piece - in her trademark - raspy - voice - as a part of duet with a popular German crooner - Rudi Schuricke. Barnabas Von Geczy's Orchestra performed tons of beautiful Tangos and other popular genres during the nineteen thirties and nineteen forties. Barnabas Von Geczy distinguished himself as a prominent, lasting and popular band leader and arranger. Marlena Dietrich's photos look awesome as always - while her unique singing style - amazes - taking into consideration her evident lack of vocal training and minimal singing voice.
       Have a great week - everybody! Chicago has had a lot of rain - during the week with a firm promise of good weather for this coming weekend - during which several fun fests will take place; it's almost the end of the summer festivals - the little kids as well as the older ones - will be back in school very soon - thank God.
       I told you that all of us here - love the fall season which always goes entirely too fast before the famous Chicago winter - starts. Some of the fierce, windy and snowy winters seem to never end - but let's have an optimistic and positive projections of every kind - for the coming immediate future and in general - everybody!
     Don't forget to click here next week - to check our choice for the YT Video of the Week for next week - which will be the last week of August 2017! We shall meet again right here - same place - same time and same channel!

     Copyright@L.Hadley and Associates 2024

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