Wednesday, March 21, 2018

Our Choice for YT Video of the Wk for the 4th Wk of March 2018 - "Gutfeld on Hillary's Catastrophic Speech in India."

      For the last week of March 2018 - we chose a funny video/commentary posted on March 13 - 2018 by Fox News titled: "Gutfeld on Hillary's Catastrophic Speech in India". It's a funny commentary by Gutfeld - a gifted stand up political comediant/commentator - popular with Fox News viewers. He looks funny so he makes a good use of his unconventional features plus his material is delivered in an effective manner - most of the time.
      The political comments of the rest of the Fox News commentators - are uneventful in this clip except  for Juan Williams'es contribution which invariably provokes a lot of negative viewers' reactions; he is an African American Liberal voice - "a devil's advocate" - with an opposition opinion. In this clip as well as in most others - the majority of the viewers seem to strongly dislike his comments and his style. I know that he reads all the viewers' commentaries even if he denies doing that.
      One time quite a while ago - Juan Williams dyed his black hair - reddish - since he is gray. The viewers immediately commented that he looks like an orangutan with that freshly dyed - red hair. The next day - Juan's hair was dyed back - black the way it was before. Unfortunately - most of the viewers' comments still ran - negative - the way a prevailing numbers of them do - most of the time. Maybe he needs to get a hint or something.
      Anyway - all of us will all have a very excellent last week of March 2018 which surprized all of us here in the mountainous area of New York - with tons of snow instead of a nice first day of spring  2018. Fortunately - the light and puffy snow is melting very fast so tomorrow - nobody will be sliding down the hills. As always - please - keep clicking our channel tango3721 and be here - next week - same place - same day!
     Copyright@L.Hadley and Associates 2018

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