Wednesday, September 12, 2018

Our Choice of YT Vid of the Wk - 3rd Wk of Sept. 2018 - "La Cumparsita - Xavier Cugat & his Waldorf Astoria Orchestra - 1946."

     For the third week of Sept. 2018 - we chose a video uploaded by Dr. 240252 on Oct. 10 - 2014 which presents an amazing orchestral arrangement of a classic Tango "La Cumparsita" composed by an unkown Uruguayan composer - Matos Rodrigues around 1920. The Tango instantly became an international sensation which made Matos Rodrigues - famous all over the world. 
    This magnificent version - brilliantly orchestrated by a famous Latin band leader - Xavier Cugat and his Waldorf Astoria Orchestra - keeps an even, ten beat measure for the dancers. The vocals - done superbly in English by Dinah Shore - a terrific vocalist - presents this classic musical piece in a top notch manner.
    We need to add to this splendid mix - super effective visuals from Art Deco Epoch of various dancers doing their Tango in an evocative manner - so we arrive at the terrific video. The viewers comments under the video are also interesting to the max - including the one by yours truly - main editor of this column. (Not boasting or anything - mind you.)
    In any event - we know that all of us will have a really good third week of Sept. 2018. As always we thank you all for clicking our YT channel - tango3721. All of us pray for the Hurricane Florence to quickly disappear in the ocean while the beautiful even if a bit rainy fall arrived here in our hilly neighborhood! We shall meet again next week - same place - same "channel"!

    Copyright@L.Hadley and Associates 2018

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