For the first week of Dec. 2018 - from Fri. Nov. 30 - 18 through Fri. Dec. 07 - 2018 - as our choice of YT Vid of the Week - we chose "Perwaya Lubov - Band Odessa" a video by an unknown Russian video producer named Sergey - uploaded on Nov. 12 - 2016. It garnered more than a million and quarter views in a little over two years. The video features a popular modern Russian band called "Band Odessa" which plays a catchy arrangement with good male vocals titled "Perwaya Lubov - (First Love)".
The short clip presents couples dancing "Lindy Hop" - a British variation of the "American Swing" dance which requires tremendous physical prowess plus a lot of advanced dancing skills. The couples compete in an open Lindy Hop International Championship so all of them are visibly talented, proficient and enthusiastic thus all of them move around the dance floor with considerable mastery.
However - the drummer of the "Band Odessa" steals the dancers' thunder quite a bit because he makes a lot of extraordinary facial faces as he beats his drums vigorously. The video camera seems to have a temporary life of its own - as it frequently focuses on him instead of following the dancers. The drummer establishes his "flash stardom" typical to many ones on YouTube - as he is also a star in his own right - of this brief YouTube presentation. This video clip exudes joy, energy and contagious youthful abandon - galore - so it makes you smile - especially after you just heard some depressing news which has been additionally "warped" by the openly Leftist/Socialistic biased U.S. and International Media.
"Lindy Hop" is a British variation of "American Swing" while in the U.S. - South Carolina they came up with their variation of "American Swing" called "Shag" that looks a bit like "Lindy Hop" but is less athletic and less strenuous. Lately - however - a popular version of "American Swing" has been a "West Coast Swing" which is geared towards limited spaces of the dance floors inside the dance studios.
Back to our featured video - notice a couple wearing a burgundy plaid dress (for her) and a burgundy shirt (for him) - since they stand out two heads above the rest of the dancers. Their variation of many well executed moves plus an ease and fun which they display - clearly shows the top mastery of their "Lindy Hop".
In any event - all of us will have a super good first week of Dec. 2018 - coming up very soon. We hope that everybody had a good Thanksgiving which here - in my hilly "turf" avoided a big snow storm they had in Chicago area. Thanks as always for clicking our YouTube channel tango3721 - and we will meet again - here - next week - same place - same time - same channel!
Copyright@L.Hadley and Associates 2021
Clicks-U.S-Chicago,L.A, Ca.,Washgt,D.C. NY, N.Y,Pittsburgh,Pa. Out US- Algria,Argntina,Astrlia,Beliz,Belgm,Bngldsh,Bosn+Hertz,Brasl,Cnda,Egpt,Fnld,Ghna,Gyun,Georg,Grce,Hngr,Hng Kng,India,Clmbia,Indnsa,Lithna,Mcdnia,Malas,Marc,Mxico,Holnd,Irlnd,Jrdn,Japn,Isrl,Syria,S.Afrca, Unt Arab Emrts,Knya,Grmny,N.Zeln,Nepl,Swedn,Phillips,Polnd,Pakstn, Portgl,Italy,Frnce,Rmania,Rusia,Bulgria,Belrs,S.Kora,Serbia,Slovn,Sngpr,Thailnd,Trkmnst,Taiwn,Trndad,Maurts,Ukrn,UK,Vietnm,Vrgn.Isl,China.
Wednesday, November 28, 2018
Wednesday, November 21, 2018
Our Choice of YT Video of the Week - "Who Is Funding Migrant Caravan?"
For the last week of Nov. 2018 we picked a fascinating video uploaded by Bill O'Reilly on Nov. 20 - 2018 titled "Who Is Funding Migrant Caravan?" Bill O'Reilly who was a big star on Fox News Channel until two years ago when he was forced to resign due to some flimsy, unsubstantiated harassment allegations by a disgruntled woman ex-employee who "ran crying" to "Me Too" movement when it only began its original blind "fury" campaign against the famous men - which frequently deprived the men of the chance to explain their point of view. Thus O'Reilly had to quickly leave his well deserved position with Fox News.
At that time many men accused of harassment - were immediately fired without any "due process" chance to answer the allegations - with many of them being innocent victims of the "Me Too" movement's original rage - which has subsequently drastically subsided and "fizzled out" to a great extent - thank God.
However - it all worked out well for Bill O'Reilly who - currently - "calls his shots" when he produces his successful podcasts - while his frequent presence on YouTube and on many popular conservative radio talk shows which have millions upon millions of followers - give him additional platforms to sell his books and express his sharp, on-target observations.
In the video he uploaded on Nov. 20 - 2018 - he interviews a gorgeous looking, brave and smart Latin lady lawyer named Anna Paulina - in charge of the Latin division of Turning Points U.S.A - an organization with a huge following of smart Americans which strongly oppose the U.S. Leftists who took over the Democratic Party that recently "caved" - big time to their Socialistic/Left - factions. The Dems will pay a big price in terms of losing the next important elections in 2020 - executed honestly - this time around - since the voters' id's will be mandatory.
Copyright@L.Hadley and Associates 2024
At that time many men accused of harassment - were immediately fired without any "due process" chance to answer the allegations - with many of them being innocent victims of the "Me Too" movement's original rage - which has subsequently drastically subsided and "fizzled out" to a great extent - thank God.
However - it all worked out well for Bill O'Reilly who - currently - "calls his shots" when he produces his successful podcasts - while his frequent presence on YouTube and on many popular conservative radio talk shows which have millions upon millions of followers - give him additional platforms to sell his books and express his sharp, on-target observations.
In the video he uploaded on Nov. 20 - 2018 - he interviews a gorgeous looking, brave and smart Latin lady lawyer named Anna Paulina - in charge of the Latin division of Turning Points U.S.A - an organization with a huge following of smart Americans which strongly oppose the U.S. Leftists who took over the Democratic Party that recently "caved" - big time to their Socialistic/Left - factions. The Dems will pay a big price in terms of losing the next important elections in 2020 - executed honestly - this time around - since the voters' id's will be mandatory.
Still - the Midterms 2018 went well for the Republicans - in spite of the multitudes of illegals shamelessly voting in Arizona, California, Texas, New York, Illinois and in a few other "blue/Democratic" states as well as in the - currently - temporarily - still leaning "blue/Democratic" - purple states like Nevada and some others like that.
Anna Paulina Luna (currently a Congressional rep from Florida) - informed Bill O'Reilly that the vast funding for the current caravan comes from the Leftist Chicago organization "La Familia Unida Latina" (The Latin Family United) - a tax exempt, Leftist/Socialist - money laundering organization which gets big illegal donations from George Soros, Tom Steyer and other prominent, rich Socialists who want to transform the U.S. into a Socialist monstrosity on the order of China who currently effectively suppresses any kind of political opposition.
Attorney Anna Paulina Luna adds that the U.S. Socialist political bosses endanger the poor immigrants from South America whom they pay to join the caravan/invasion against the U.S. - while the same U.S. Socialist bosses enrich themselves quickly since they get big, illegal funding from many wealthy U.S. Socialists - while at the same time - a lot of the poor and uneducated caravan immigrants - especially women and children - frequently fall victims to the violent elements of all kinds who also join the caravans; the most recent caravan is currently growing and aiming towards the U.S. Southern borders. A lot of them are - presently - "camping out" on the Mexican side of the border town of Tijuana while they wait to attempt to breach the U.S. borders.
The heads of Chicago's Socialist "La Familia Unida Latina" - Elvira Olrano and Emilia Lozano - according to Attorney Anna Paulina Lune - are the U.S. Socialists/Leftists who not only struggle for the U.S. open borders, but they also work closely with a Leftist Honduran organization "Pueblos Sin Fronteras"- (Countries without Borders)" which also finances the caravan/invaders.
When I stay in Chicago area, I notice that a lot of - totally misguided - upper income American millennials strongly support many Socialist organizations on the order of the ones mentioned above. Why don't they worry - instead - about thousands of poor American families in Chicago who struggle to make the ends meet?
Tons of American people of all ages strongly oppose the U.S. Leftists/Democrat policies of "open borders which get hordes of all kinds of illegals to vote for Democrats" - most of them coming from Mexico and South America. The latest caravan from South America - especially from Honduras - which Pres. Trump rightly calls a massive invasion - currently - pitched their tents on the Mexican side of Tijuana a border town in California.
Anna Paulina Luna (currently a Congressional rep from Florida) - informed Bill O'Reilly that the vast funding for the current caravan comes from the Leftist Chicago organization "La Familia Unida Latina" (The Latin Family United) - a tax exempt, Leftist/Socialist - money laundering organization which gets big illegal donations from George Soros, Tom Steyer and other prominent, rich Socialists who want to transform the U.S. into a Socialist monstrosity on the order of China who currently effectively suppresses any kind of political opposition.
Attorney Anna Paulina Luna adds that the U.S. Socialist political bosses endanger the poor immigrants from South America whom they pay to join the caravan/invasion against the U.S. - while the same U.S. Socialist bosses enrich themselves quickly since they get big, illegal funding from many wealthy U.S. Socialists - while at the same time - a lot of the poor and uneducated caravan immigrants - especially women and children - frequently fall victims to the violent elements of all kinds who also join the caravans; the most recent caravan is currently growing and aiming towards the U.S. Southern borders. A lot of them are - presently - "camping out" on the Mexican side of the border town of Tijuana while they wait to attempt to breach the U.S. borders.
The heads of Chicago's Socialist "La Familia Unida Latina" - Elvira Olrano and Emilia Lozano - according to Attorney Anna Paulina Lune - are the U.S. Socialists/Leftists who not only struggle for the U.S. open borders, but they also work closely with a Leftist Honduran organization "Pueblos Sin Fronteras"- (Countries without Borders)" which also finances the caravan/invaders.
When I stay in Chicago area, I notice that a lot of - totally misguided - upper income American millennials strongly support many Socialist organizations on the order of the ones mentioned above. Why don't they worry - instead - about thousands of poor American families in Chicago who struggle to make the ends meet?
Tons of American people of all ages strongly oppose the U.S. Leftists/Democrat policies of "open borders which get hordes of all kinds of illegals to vote for Democrats" - most of them coming from Mexico and South America. The latest caravan from South America - especially from Honduras - which Pres. Trump rightly calls a massive invasion - currently - pitched their tents on the Mexican side of Tijuana a border town in California.
The thousands of South Americans - mainly young men of military ages with the sprinkle of women and children - wait - restlessly - hoping to attempt to cross the border and apply for a political asylum in the U.S. which is granted to about 10% of the applicants. The local Mexicans protest a lot since the Honduran migrants are demanding, pushy and sometimes engage in criminal behavior.
On the American side - the U.S. Army helps the border patrol people to re-enforce the borders by installing all kinds of additional barriers and sharp barbed wires on the tops of the tall fences - the new ones and the ones already in place.
In any event - all of us will have a super good last week of Nov. 2018 with the lovely Thanksgiving for all of us. We shall meet again - next week - the same place - the same time.
In any event - all of us will have a super good last week of Nov. 2018 with the lovely Thanksgiving for all of us. We shall meet again - next week - the same place - the same time.
Copyright@L.Hadley and Associates 2024
Wednesday, November 14, 2018
Our Choice of YT Vid of the Week - "Republican White Women Are the Problem..Apparently".
For the Thanksgiving week of Nov. 2018 - we chose a clever commentary/video by Allie Beth Stuckey who uploads some fun stuff - almost every week. She smartly comments on the important political current events in the U.S. Her latest video uploaded on Nov. 13 - 2018 voices her opinion on the Socialist U.S. Senator from Vermont - Bernie Sanders latest negative comments re: the stats pointing to a lot of the white voters - especially white women - not voting for Stacy Abrams from Georgia who is an African American "anti-gun lady Globalist/Socialist" and Andrew Gillum also an African American Socialist politician from Florida professing the same political "persuasions" which are mostly abhorrent to a prevailing majority of the American voters who consistently do not support political extremism of any kind.
Allie Beth Stuckey argues that smart people/voters - especially smart women of any color - vote for their values and not for any party or for any identity or racial affiliations - favored by Liberal Democrats who "divide" the electorate in order to single them out and accuse them of racism or of other ridiculous motivations.
In any event - all of us will have a super good, fun Thanksgiving 2018 -week. We shall meet again next week, same place and same "channel".
Copyright@L.Hadley and Associates 2023
Allie Beth Stuckey argues that smart people/voters - especially smart women of any color - vote for their values and not for any party or for any identity or racial affiliations - favored by Liberal Democrats who "divide" the electorate in order to single them out and accuse them of racism or of other ridiculous motivations.
In any event - all of us will have a super good, fun Thanksgiving 2018 -week. We shall meet again next week, same place and same "channel".
Copyright@L.Hadley and Associates 2023
Wednesday, November 7, 2018
Our YT Vid of the Week Choice - Fri. Nov. 09 through Fri. Nov. 16 - 2018!
For the third week of Nov. 2018 - we chose an interesting video posted by Ben Shapiro - a brilliant young Conservative lawyer who uses a Daily Wire Website which hosts other young - brilliant Conservatives - the future, smart leaders of the U.S. - Michael Knowles is another host. The video is titled "The Great Divide - Ben Shapiro Show Ep. 655". It was posted on Nov. 7 - 2018.
Long story short - in a nutshell - Ben gives a long but exciting analysis of the Midterm 2018 - important elections. His delivery needs to be improved a bit - but it's better than it was. The substance of his political messages is very clear. The American people keep choosing the moderate politicians with any extremists on any political spectrum being consistently rejected - big time. The 2018 Midterms prove that without any doubts - whatsoever.
In any event - all of us will have a super good third week of November 2018. The colorful leaves look great and smell even better. The fall is always glorious - with the winter holidays - not far. We meet next week - the same time - the same channel!
Copyright@L.Hadley and Associates 2024
Long story short - in a nutshell - Ben gives a long but exciting analysis of the Midterm 2018 - important elections. His delivery needs to be improved a bit - but it's better than it was. The substance of his political messages is very clear. The American people keep choosing the moderate politicians with any extremists on any political spectrum being consistently rejected - big time. The 2018 Midterms prove that without any doubts - whatsoever.
In any event - all of us will have a super good third week of November 2018. The colorful leaves look great and smell even better. The fall is always glorious - with the winter holidays - not far. We meet next week - the same time - the same channel!
Copyright@L.Hadley and Associates 2024
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