Wednesday, November 7, 2018

Our YT Vid of the Week Choice - Fri. Nov. 09 through Fri. Nov. 16 - 2018!

          For the third week of Nov. 2018 - we chose an interesting video posted by Ben Shapiro - a brilliant young Conservative lawyer who uses a Daily Wire Website which hosts other young - brilliant Conservatives - the future, smart leaders of the U.S. - Michael Knowles is another host. The video is titled "The Great Divide - Ben Shapiro Show Ep. 655". It was posted on Nov. 7 - 2018.
         Long story short - in a nutshell - Ben gives a long but exciting analysis of the Midterm 2018 - important elections. His delivery needs to be improved a bit - but it's better than it was. The substance of his political messages is very clear. The American people keep choosing the moderate politicians with any extremists on any political spectrum being consistently rejected - big time. The 2018 Midterms prove that without any doubts - whatsoever.
       In any event - all of us will have a super good third week of November 2018. The colorful leaves look great and smell even better. The fall is always glorious - with the winter holidays - not far. We meet next week - the same time - the same channel!

      Copyright@L.Hadley and Associates 2024

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