Wednesday, February 27, 2019

Our Choice of YouTube Video of the Week - "Disgusting Obama's DOJ Instructed FBI to Ignore Hilary Clinton's 'Gross Negligence"".

           For the first week of March 2019 we chose a short video (2 minutes) uploaded by the website - Conservative Tribune - on Feb. 27 - 2019 - titled "Disgusting Obama's DOJ Instructed FBI to Ignore Hilary Clinton's 'Gross Negligence' - Report re: Her Unsecured E-mail Server."
           The video explains that the ex-President's Obama - DOJ (Department of Justice) worked with (in-cahoots) with FBI - to advance the causes of big political figures in 2016 - (Hilary Clinton) who were on the precipice of obtaining (legally or not) - the highest office of the U.S.
           In 2016 Presidential elections the Ex-President Obama was campaigning for Hilary Clinton as if there was "no tomorrow" - in fact he was frequently on TV widely recommending that non-citizens - vote. In several states - which are heavily Democratic Blue - like California - the illegals are issued drivers licenses which they can use to vote in presidential elections - illegally. This blatant violation shall be redressed in 2020 presidential elections.
          Enjoy the short video and all of us will have a very good first week of March 2019. We had some crazy winds here in our hilly Pittsburgh - the wild weather passed quickly so now it's nice - on the cool side - but dry. Thank God we have not had too much snow - so we don't slide down the mountains while driving. We shall meet here a week from today - same time - same channel!

         Copyright@L.Hadley and Associates 2024

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