Wednesday, April 17, 2019

Our YouTube Vid of the Week Selection: "Candace Owens Will No Longer Back Down."

        For our choice of YouTube Video of the Week for this coming Easter and Passover 2019 week - we chose a short in length, lasting only one and a half minute video/political commentary uploaded by a website called "Let's Be Frank" - on Apr. 17 - 2019 - which is gaining a lot of new followers. The website producer named Frank reads his political commentaries - doing a good job of his presentations. He improved a lot during the last few months with his good looks of an early middle aged Latino - helping his presentation quite a bit.
      The feature which we are highlighting this week titled "Candace Owens Will No Longer Back Down" - presents an African American youthful icon - a beautiful young woman - a gifted speaker - Candace Owens - giving her short but effective recent commentary - to Sean Hannity - an established legend/commentator who - currently - has more than five hundred radio stations broadcasting his radio show while his TV show gets more audiences than CNN, MSNBC and other Leftists' political "mouthpieces" - combined.
      The viewers' comments under this video are super inspiring, sincerely complementary and encouraging to Candace Owens since she experiences daily - insults and vicious attacks from the extreme Left, Antifa anarchists and other political thugs.
      In any event - all of us will have a super good Easter or Passover weekend - whichever applies. Thanks for clicking our YouTube channel tango 3721! We shall meet here - as always - a week from today - same channel - same place! We had a few cold and windy days recently - but now it's pleasant and spring like - in my hilly neighborhood.

     Copyright@L.Hadley and Associates 2019

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