Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Our Choice of YouTube Vid of the Week for the 2nd Week of Aug. 2019 - "Irina Klimova - Tri Akkorda".

              For the second week of August 2019 - we chose a musical video by the new - beautiful and talented - contemporary Russian musical "sensation" - Irina Klimova - doing the song from the repertoire of Elena Vaenga - a veteran, established - Russian chanteuse's.  Klimova gave that song a totally new spin and spirit.
         The video was uploaded by some unkown YouTube producer - Anna M - on July 30 - 2017 and it quickly garnered close to two hundred thousand "clicks". The musical arrangement as well as the original, interesting choreography - makes it compelling and fun to watch. The presentation is showcased at the popular Russian TV song contest. The four judges - are the established Russian musical legends and a female Russian movie star - all of which gave Irina Klimova's performance - the highest marks.
        Not to change the subject too much but the last night's Democratic Debate - on July 30 - 2019 in Detroit - clearly demonstrated that the Democratic Party got "hijacked" by the Radical Socialists and they are ready to "go over the cliff" in the coming U.S. presidential elections in 2020.  In any event - all of us will have a super good and fun - second week of August 2019 - which has been overly rainy but thank God - not too hot in my hilly Pittsburgh. Thanks for clicking our YouTube site - tango3721 and we shall meet here - a week from today - same time - same place - same channel!

       Copyright@L.Hadley and Associates 2020

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