Wednesday, November 27, 2019

The Commentry for the First Week of December 2019 - "Polish Tango 1933 - Tamara - Orchestra - H. Wars and Adam Aston - Vocals."

         For the first week of Dec. 2019 - we chose to comment on a video uploaded by Dr. 240252 - on Nov. 24 - 2019 titled "Polish Tango 1933: Tamara - Orchestra H. Wars & Adam Aston - Vocals." The Tango was composed and performed by famous Polish Tango musicians and a prominent Tango vocalist - Adam Aston - all the musicians credited in the title above - were enormously popular in Poland and in Europe - circa 1933.
        This Tango gives a tribute to a Polish Countess and a prominent, attractive looking artist - Tamara De Lempicke - who became one of the most famous painters of all times - specializing in an illustrious - Art Deco style. She witnessed and participated in many important events shaping the Twentieth Century. 
        Currently - her paintings sell for millions of dollars. The pop singer - icon - Madonna - has one of her paintings valued at around thirty million dollars. De Lempicke's various portraits - are characteristic for their - "oozing" out - sensuous energies of all kinds - in a powerful way.
         Dr. 240252 - became fascinated with Tamara de Lempicke colorful, turbulent and long life. She had many famous lovers of both sexes. Dr. 240252 spent nine years researching her life, career and prominent lovers - so he could write a thousand pages long - biographical novel - recently published in Poland - to wide critical and popular acclaim.
         If you research YouTube a bit about Tamara De Lempicke - you will find some fascinating photos and narratives about her life, her paintings, her various adventures and her turbulent life.
         In any event - all of us will have a super good first week of December 2019. We shall meet again a week from today - right here - the same place - the same channel - the same time. 
        Copyright@L.Hadley and Associates 2024

Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Commentary of the Week for the Thanksgiving Week - Fri. Nov. 22 - 19 till Fri. Nov. 29 - 2019!

              For the Thanksgiving 2019 - week we chose to comment on Pete Buttigieg's - the small town mayor of South Bend, Indiana - sudden rise in the recent poll numbers in Iowa and New Hampshire - the coastal Democrat - states which have the early primaries - the caucuses on Feb. 02 - 2020 - take place first - in Iowa.
        On Nov. 18 - 19 - NPR news hour - the two Lefty/Socialist news commentators talked about Pete Buttigieg polls. Not go get sidetracked, disrespectful or "catty" or like that - while Ms.Tamra Keith's hair style always looks flawless - Amy Walters - has always been "sporting" a lousy, shortly cropped haircut which has been needing a vast improvement for a long time - as well as Ms. Walter's - obviously demonstrated - Lefty/Socialist - bias - also needs straightening out - the sooner - the better. 
       Anyway - the ladies commented that the early primary voting states of Iowa and New Hampshire - are by no means - the majority of "normal" voters in the U.S. Thus South Carolina which is much less Democrats/Coastal/Leftist - puts Mr. Buttigieg in the fourth place after Biden, Warren and the openly Leftist/Socialist/Marxist - Bernie Sanders.
        Larry Elder - a popular radio talk show host recently quoted some listener who called mayor Pete Buttigieg - a political "Howdie Doody" - who was a famous, goofy looking wooden puppet - popular with children quite a few years ago. In addition - the same Larry Elder who is a famous black radio talk show host/writer/thinker/savvy commentator - had a prominent black author on - who is promoting his latest book suggesting that the black voters should examine and question their "blind" loyalty towards the Democratic party.
        Larry Elder recently had a caller sounding African American who remarked that he will not trust "Buttigieg's groveling low for black votes - only to abandon us after he gets into the office." Upon questioning the black writer by Larry Elder whether Pete Buttigieg had a chance with the black voters whom he needs badly - the black writer replied that the black voters will - most likely - not vote for Buttigieg for several reasons which he listed. 
          According to this black author - a lot of black voters are "pro Life" while Pete Buttigieg is not - since he pretends to be a moderate Democrat while in reality - he is a Radical/Socialist in disguise. That was the reason why a lot of the black voters had a problem with an ex-president Obama - and Pete Buttigieg wants to be an "Obama wannabe" - Obama 2.0. 
        Another reason why the black voters will not go for Buttigieg is because he is gay - and according to Larry Elder's black guest writer - a lot of black voters do not want a gay president in the White House. Half of all the voters - recently polled - expressed similar preference of the future U.S. president - not being gay. While they may not openly state that - when they go to their voting booths - the voters will express their honest preferences of every surprising kind.
       Anyway - with the Thanksgiving coming soon - all of us will have a super good Thanksgiving with not too much food or drink or family "conflicts". We shall meet here - a week from today - same place - same time - same channel. 
       Copyright@L.Hadley and Associates 2024

Tuesday, November 12, 2019

Commentary of the Week - Fri. Nov. 15 - 19 till Fri. Nov. 22 - 2019!

        For the third week of Nov. 2019 we will comment on the YouTube satirical video uploaded by the comedic website "The United Spot" on Nov. 02 - 2019 which is titled "Weekend at Bernie Sanders". The video makes fun of Bernie Sanders recent recovery from his heart attack; nobody wishes him to be sick or anything like that - even if he admires the Soviet Communists who killed many millions of innocent people oppposing their government's policies.
     In the video - Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez - the new Socialist "star" of the U.S. Congress - pulls Bernie around using the string which she attached to his primitive, old looking - wheelchair. In reality which strangely imitates this satirical piece of "art" - she has been opening his political rallies in which she urges the U.S. to "revolution". Again - the various Socialist/Communist revolutions - needlessly killed many millions people in the countries in which the new Socialist rulers attempted to establish their "Socialist Utopia/Paradise on Earth".
      Last week - Elizabeth Warren - a U.S. presidential front runner (Bernie has been slipping in polls) - another enormously wealthy political candidate - a "closet" Leftist Radical pretending to be a Democrat - getting a lot of the same Radical/Socialist Millennial votes which Bernie gets - publicly agreed with a Communist U.S. college student's lie - who accused the U.S. government of "supporting genocidal regimes like Saudi Arabia, Egypt and Israel".
      However - on Mon. Nov. 11 - 2019 - the two Leftists - bordering upon being Socialists - NPR political commentators - Amy Walters and Tamra Keith - postulated that Elizabeth Warren has no chance of being elected by the American electorate because "she is too much of the Leftist". Thank God for small favors.
     Anyway - this third week of November 2019 will be a good one for all of us. We just got an inch of snow on the hills in my hilly neigborhood. The Thanksgiving and the winter holidays are just around the corner. We shall be together again - a week from today - same place - same channel - same time!
    Copyright@L.Hadley and Associates 2024

Wednesday, November 6, 2019

Commentary of the Week from Nov. 08 - 19 till Nov. 15 - 2019!

           For the third week of Nov. 2019 - for our commentary of the week - we picked a YouTube video - "lampooning" Elizabeth Warren - a Leftist Senator from a Democrat dominated Leftist state of Massachusetts; she is currently  a front runner for the Democratic party nomination for President in 2020 presidential elections.
         Saturday Night Live - an old comedy show - which frequently misses its - comedic "teeth" and frequently presents disgusting sketches instead of the funny ones - this time - however - came up with a funny satirical clip - for a change - about Elizabeth Warren which they posted on YouTube on Nov. 02 - 2019. It needs to be noted that Elizabeth Warren would be an acceptable choice to the Leftist millenials - the followers of the Socialist - Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez - a "rising star" of the "new" U.S. Congress - she is the main part of the "Squad" of four - Rachida Tlaib, Ilhan Omar, Ayanna Pressley (the last one being a Leftist - with a less Radical/Socialist/anti-Semitic - political persuasions than the first three. All of them call themselves "Progressives" - however - most of the other "normal" U.S. politicians - see them as new Radical/Socialist/Leftists - hell bent on getting rid of the U.S. Constitution since their main aim is to make the U.S. a Socialist behemoth on the like of China - who effectively suppresses all their political opposition. 
         Elizabeth Warren elicits strong responses from the potential U.S. voters in 2020 - they either love her and pull for her or they strongly despise her and will never, ever, ever vote for her.
        In any event - all of us will have a super good third week of Nov. 2019. The leaves keep falling from the trees in my hilly neighborhood so the winter holidays are coming fast. Thanks for clicking our YouTube channel tango3721 and we shall meet again - right here - same place - same channel - same time!

      Copyright@L.Hadley and Associates 2019