For the third week of Nov. 2019 - for our commentary of the week - we picked a YouTube video - "lampooning" Elizabeth Warren - a Leftist Senator from a Democrat dominated Leftist state of Massachusetts; she is currently a front runner for the Democratic party nomination for President in 2020 presidential elections.
Saturday Night Live - an old comedy show - which frequently misses its - comedic "teeth" and frequently presents disgusting sketches instead of the funny ones - this time - however - came up with a funny satirical clip - for a change - about Elizabeth Warren which they posted on YouTube on Nov. 02 - 2019. It needs to be noted that Elizabeth Warren would be an acceptable choice to the Leftist millenials - the followers of the Socialist - Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez - a "rising star" of the "new" U.S. Congress - she is the main part of the "Squad" of four - Rachida Tlaib, Ilhan Omar, Ayanna Pressley (the last one being a Leftist - with a less Radical/Socialist/anti-Semitic - political persuasions than the first three. All of them call themselves "Progressives" - however - most of the other "normal" U.S. politicians - see them as new Radical/Socialist/Leftists - hell bent on getting rid of the U.S. Constitution since their main aim is to make the U.S. a Socialist behemoth on the like of China - who effectively suppresses all their political opposition.
Elizabeth Warren elicits strong responses from the potential U.S. voters in 2020 - they either love her and pull for her or they strongly despise her and will never, ever, ever vote for her.
In any event - all of us will have a super good third week of Nov. 2019. The leaves keep falling from the trees in my hilly neighborhood so the winter holidays are coming fast. Thanks for clicking our YouTube channel tango3721 and we shall meet again - right here - same place - same channel - same time!
Copyright@L.Hadley and Associates 2019
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