Tuesday, February 18, 2020

Our Commentary of the Week - Fri. Feb. 21 - 2020 through Fri. Feb. 28 - 2020!

               For this last week of February 2020 - we chose to comment on a short video posted by Brigitte Gabriel's YouTube website - "ACT for America" on Mon. Feb. 17 - 2020. It's title - "The Squad's New Bill Would Destroy America" - says it all. It quickly collected five and a half thousands of views - with more coming - the way all her videos do; the viewers' comments - typically agree with Ms. Gabriel's (a fiery, beautiful, common sense - smart - commentator's) - warnings.
         In a nutshell - the new legislation proposed and subsequently dumped - thank God - by a famous Congressional Squad of three new Radical/Socialist ladies - Congressional Reps - would - essentially - open all the U.S. borders and grant immediate U.S. Citizenship to all the new and old illegals - inside the U.S. and outside - waiting to come in.
        It needs to be noted that the fourth member of the Squad - Ayanna Pressley of Massachusetts - appears to have come to her senses a bit. No doubt the fact that she was repeatedly "blistered" by many smart radio and TV - commentators - had something to do with it. Not that she is trustworthy or anything like that.
       Still the new U.S. Congressional trio of representatives - Rashida Tlaib (Michigan), Ilhan Omar (Minnesota) and 
Alexandra Occasio-Cortez (New York - Bronx) - still attempt to do a lot of damage with their hateful, anti-Semitic, anti-American - political rhetoric which - unfortunately - find some followers in the U.S. Congress - and a cluster of "old guard" Leftists in the U.S. Senate - not for long - however - since more and more traditional Democrats - stopped being afraid of them. They will lose their re-election campaigns and will be gone from the U.S. political scene the way other Leftists/Socialists/Radicals - went. However - we have to be vigilant since the Radical/Leftists - always come back like herpes.
      In any event - everybody will have a super good last week of February 2020 and we shall meet again - a week from today - same time - same channel - same day!
     Copyright@L.Hadley and Associates 2024

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