Monday, August 31, 2020

Our Commentary of the Week - from Fri. Sept. 04 until Fri. Sept. 11 - 2020!

            For this Labor Day week of Sept. 2020 - we will comment on the - about 5 minutes long video - uploaded by Fox News on Aug. 30 - 2020 - titled "Judge Jeanine - Left Chaos Will Only Increase with Police Defunding". An ex-judge Jeanine Pirro (attractive and young looking - in spite of being over sixty years old)  has been a Fox News commentator for several years and - according to many viewers - her common sense approach to the current political scene resonates with millions of viewers.

        A couple of years ago she "dared" to step into the dangerous "den of ultra rich (some say - hypocritical) media liberals" - the  TV home of several ladies - hired commentators employed by the old and tired Liberal news features show - "The View". Long story short - in a nutshell - she got not only shouted down but even physically accosted for which Whoopi Goldberg - the head honcho of "The View" - subsequently apologized to Judge Jeanine (that's how she likes to be called - as if it was her screen name). Not to say anything negative - but according to many viewers' comments placed on the various social media platforms - Whoopi Goldberg needs to retire already - notwithstanding her past, glorious career in the movies and on various, numerous stages.

       This new video by Judge Jeanine rings with a lot of common sense which the uber Liberals/Socialists - despise - since they claim that the "feelings matter more than facts". Ben Shapiro - another "common sense" commentator with an enormously successful website "Daily Wire" has quite a few videos ridiculing the New Democrats/Radicals/Leftists mantra - "Feelings over Facts".

       In any event - everybody will have a super good Labor Day Weekend's - first week of September 2020 and we will meet again - a week from today - same place - same channel - same time!

       Copyright@L. Hadley and Associates 2020

Monday, August 24, 2020

Our Commentary of the Week - from Fri. Aug. 28 - till Fri. Sept. 02 - 2020!

             For this hot last week of Aug. 2020 - we choose to comment on the satirical video posted onto YouTube platform on Aug. 23 - 2020 by a comedy website "The United Spot" titled "Release the Mail Trucks". The clip is only 3 minutes 16 second long and it pokes fun at the current, powerful Democratic party's - speaker of the U.S. House of Representatives - Madame Nancy Pelosi who is close to eighty years old and widely rumored - "on her way out - to give power to 'new' Democrats/Radicals/Socialists". 

      She stated a few years ago that she - allegedly - doesn't pay any attention to many - who massively ridicule her for a lot of different reasons. Really?

      The video quickly generated over twenty thousand views and three thousand "likes" with the viewers comments - totally against the Madame speaker. One female viewer states that Ms. Pelosi's blurry, lisp injected - speech - is a result of Ms. Pelosi's numerous cosmetic facial surgeries. 

      Joan Rivers - a famous comedienne - cracked many jokes about the facial surgeries to enhance the youthful looks; while ironically - she - herself - underwent tons of cosmetic surgeries on her face - to render her almost unrecognizable to her earlier photos.

    Ms. Rivers - subsequently - unfortunately - died - as a result of botched up anesthesia - preceding her cosmetic, Botox injecting, procedure which is - generally - considered - safe.

    It's ironic that one of her popular jokes - went something like: "this famous movie star who shall remain nameless (then she names her) - underwent so many cosmetic facial surgeries that each time she sits down - she can hardly move her lips - to smile."

    In any event - everybody will have a good last week of August 2020 and we shall meet here - a week from today - same time - same channel! 

        Copyright@L. Hadley and Associates 2024

Monday, August 17, 2020

Our Commentary of the Week - From Fri. Aug. 21 - till Fri. Aug. 28 - 2020!

            For this beautiful last week of Aug. 2020 - we choose to comment on the YouTube commentary by Bill O'Reilly posted by his website on Aug. 13 - 2020 titled - "Bill O'Reilly No Spin Thoughts on Kamala Harris". It's a little long video (17 minutes) but it goes fast. The viewers' comments run against Kamala Harris (Joe Biden's recent choice for vice-president) who is "uber" Liberal/Socialist senator from the heavily Leftist leaning - California. Joe Biden got totally "taken over" by the Democratic party's - Radical/Socialist - minority wing for which the Democrats will pay a heavy price at the next important elections - presidential elections of 2020 -  the way they always do - according to many political analysts.

        Bill O'Reilly has been an astute political observer for many years so his analysis of Kamala Harris's politics - is on target. When Harris was running in the U.S. presidential elections last year - she failed miserably after another contender - Tulsi Gabbert from Hawaii - totally devastated her during the crucial, televised debate after which Harris's poll numbers cratered to the bottom of the earth - following Gabbert's pointing out Harris's many major failures as an ex-attorney general from San Francisco. 

       Each time the Democratic party gets "hijacked" by the Leftist/Socialists - the subsequent major U.S. elections make the Leftists/Socialists - crash hard. Thus - according to many analysts - the coming presidential elections in 2020 should put the American Leftists - "in their place" - until their next attempt. The American electorate has always been anti-Socialism/Totalitarianism that makes today's China - a huge Socialist/Communist - Behemoth - which kills their political opposition - Left and Right - without any reservations - whatsoever.

         At any rate - everybody will have a super good week and we meet again - a week from today - same time - same place - same channel!

         Copyright@L.Hadley and Associates 2020

Monday, August 10, 2020

Our commentary of the Week - From Fri. Aug. 14 - 2020 till Fri. Aug. 21 - 2020!

               For this hot - third week of August 2020 - we choose to comment on the short video (2.8 minutes) posted on the YouTube website on Aug. 04 - 2020. It was presented by a political website "Let's be Frank" and it's titled "Keyleigh Mcenany Destorys A.O.C. - Again". A Latin looking commentator/host - Frank who appears in his late thirties/early forties has been acquiring a lot of on-air, camera polish and a lot of subscribers.

       This video deals with the new Pres. Trump's press secretary - Keyleigh Mcenany's - successfully repealing the various attacks by the hordes of Main Stream Media - people - who should not be called journalists since they are - openly - the "mouthpieces" of the new U.S. Democrats who became Radical Socialists.

      The viewers' comments lean heavily against the  A.O.C - Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez - a new Radical/Socialist congressional representative from New York's - 14th congressional district who became a "ringleader" of the new Democrats/Radicals/Socialists in the current 115th U.S. Congress. Most of them will not be re-elected for another 2 years since the majority of the American electorate does not want the Radical/Socialists in the government.

      In any event - enjoy the video and have a good new week. We shall meet here as every week - a week from today - same time - same channel - same day!

      Copyright@L.Hadley and Associates 2020

Monday, August 3, 2020

Our Commentary of the Week - from Fri. Aug. 07 till Fri. Aug. 14 - 2020!

             For this lovely - not overly hot - second week of Aug. 2020 - we choose to comment on the Tango dance posted onto YouTube platform on July 28 - 2020 by the website "Tango Nuevo TV". The video is about five minutes long - titled "Tymoteusz Ley and Agnieszka Stach - Una Fija -MayDay Milonga". The top pair of Polish Tango dancers chose a masterpiece classic Tango by Carlos di Sarli - a famous Argentine Tango composer - titled "Una Fija (Glorias de Ayer) loosely translated to "A Look at the Yesterday's Glories". 
       Their performance presentation looks top notch - from the smallest details like her exquisite dancing shoes - to their posture and moves. While Agnieszka dances as beautiful as she looks - all the ladies focus on Tymoteusz who also is a master of the moves - but while he looks sizzling sexy - hot, hot, hot - he doesn't seem to be too impressed with his personality. He is the kind of guy who attracts the most discerning and classy ladies. When I was in college we used to say something like "this kind of fellow could eat the crackers in my bed - any night of the week."
        At any rate - everybody will have a super good second week of August 2020 and we shall meet again - exactly a week from today - same channel - same time - same place!

       Copyright@L.Hadley and Associates 2020