For this beautiful last week of Aug. 2020 - we choose to comment on the YouTube commentary by Bill O'Reilly posted by his website on Aug. 13 - 2020 titled - "Bill O'Reilly No Spin Thoughts on Kamala Harris". It's a little long video (17 minutes) but it goes fast. The viewers' comments run against Kamala Harris (Joe Biden's recent choice for vice-president) who is "uber" Liberal/Socialist senator from the heavily Leftist leaning - California. Joe Biden got totally "taken over" by the Democratic party's - Radical/Socialist - minority wing for which the Democrats will pay a heavy price at the next important elections - presidential elections of 2020 - the way they always do - according to many political analysts.
Bill O'Reilly has been an astute political observer for many years so his analysis of Kamala Harris's politics - is on target. When Harris was running in the U.S. presidential elections last year - she failed miserably after another contender - Tulsi Gabbert from Hawaii - totally devastated her during the crucial, televised debate after which Harris's poll numbers cratered to the bottom of the earth - following Gabbert's pointing out Harris's many major failures as an ex-attorney general from San Francisco.
Each time the Democratic party gets "hijacked" by the Leftist/Socialists - the subsequent major U.S. elections make the Leftists/Socialists - crash hard. Thus - according to many analysts - the coming presidential elections in 2020 should put the American Leftists - "in their place" - until their next attempt. The American electorate has always been anti-Socialism/Totalitarianism that makes today's China - a huge Socialist/Communist - Behemoth - which kills their political opposition - Left and Right - without any reservations - whatsoever.
At any rate - everybody will have a super good week and we meet again - a week from today - same time - same place - same channel!
Copyright@L.Hadley and Associates 2020
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