Saturday, October 31, 2020

Our Commentary of the Week - from Fri. Nov. 06 till Fri. Nov. 13 - 2020!

              For the second week of Nov. 2020 - we choose to comment upon a short video clip posted onto YouTube website by Fox News on Oct. 30 - 2020. The title is self - explanatory - "Americans are Frightened - the Dems Are Leading Us into Socialism". Its a short video - only 3 minutes 37 second long and it has a commentary by Ronna McDaniel - a national chairwoman for RNC - (Republican National Committee). She says exactly what needs to be said in an effective, brief manner - the way she always does. Most viewers' comments agree with her statements.

       Needless to say - Ms. McDaniel gets attacked by the Democrats who lately - turned Radical/Socialists; case in point - Donna Brazile - a colorful Democratic pundit who gave Hilary Clinton the questions - illegally - ahead of the important presidential debate in 2016 - told Ronna McDaniel a few months ago - "Stay - the hell - out of Democratic politics" - during Chris Wallace's - Sunday Fox news - discussion of the two U.S. political parties' - program during which the commentators discussed the two American political parties. It was - indeed - a classy comment for which Brazile - subsequently - apologized. Many current Democratic political pundits - feel a need to patronize and excuse Donna Brazile since she - frequently - makes an ass of herself.

       Ms. McDaniel is a niece of Mitt (Willard) Romney (a current senator from Utah) - a position he won - thanks to Pres. Trump's - endorsement; Romney being an ex-presidential candidate - is the most famous RINO (Republican in name only) in the U.S. for the dubious reason; he is the only Republican senator in the U.S. history who voted to impeach - the same party's - president. There were two phony articles of impeachment in Jan. 2020 - Romney was the only Republican senator - in all the U.S. history - to vote on a single count - still - since he voted to impeach Pres. Trump during the drummed up impeachment trial in Jan. 2020 - Romney has this dubious distinction.

      Even though Ronna McDaniel and Mitt Romney are related (she is his niece) those two are - politically - at the opposite stances. In a nutshell - as the U.S. approaches the most important presidential elections of 2020 - about half of the electorate already voted early - roughly - 80 million out of 160 million estimated registered voters. Thus - 80 million still have to cast their ballots - in person - on Tues. Nov. 03 - 2020. Long story short - all kinds of commentators - keep "spinning" their theories on every political platform known to mankind - but the final results will not be known some time after the election night.

       At any rate - everybody will have a very good - election 2020 - week and we shall meet here - a week from today - same channel - same time - same place.

           Copyright@L.Hadley and Associates 2020


Saturday, October 24, 2020

Our Commentary of the Week - First Week of Nov. 2020 - from Fri. Oct. 30 till Fri. Nov. 06 - 2020!

              For the first week of Nov. 2020 - a very important week - we choose to comment upon a funny video by United Spot - a satirical website - posting videos onto YouTube platform - which are hilarious and generate hundreds of thousands of viewers' - clicks and likes - galore. The one which we highlight for the first week of Nov. 2020 - is titled "The Final Debate" - lasts three minutes and was posted on Oct. 22 - 2020 - immediately after the final presidential debate between Pres. Trump and his challenger - an ex-Vice president - Joe Biden.

        The viewers' comments run overwhelmingly against Biden in this funny video which quickly generated 30 thousands of viewers - within minutes of its release. According to many Internet analysts - in a nutshell - Pres. Trump - succeeded in making Joe Biden talk - during the final debate on Oct. 22 - 2020 - thus - Biden revealed - his Socialist agenda for his next presidential term in the U.S. - which will - most likely - not happen - since the prevailing majority of American people don't want Socialism (which never works in any country in which it was tried - by the way).

        Rush Limbaugh - an enormously popular radio talk show host with 60 million of listeners every day - stated on Fri. Oct. 23 - 2020 - that all future plans to take over the U.S. and change it into a Socialist/Authoritarian giant - on the like of Red China - by the New U.S Democrats turned Radical/Socialists - are being - openly - attempted by using whipped up fears of Covid - 19 (Corona Virus) - an exaggerated plague - blown up by the Main Stream Media which pulls for the New Democrat/Socialist ticket Biden/Harris - while the same MSM - (Main Stream Media) - also screams about climate change - hysteria (Green New Deal - Radical/Socialist legislature co-sponsored by Kamala Harris in 2018).  According to Rush Limbaugh - The Main Stream Media - is not even hiding their biases for Biden/Harris ticket - with its Socialist/New Democrat - agenda. However - the overwhelming majority of American people can clearly see through it and they will vote decisively for Pres. Trump's - America - which while it's not perfect - by no means - still - it beats three heads - the Socialist behemoth like China - which is replete with its many labor camps and jails - among other Big Government measures designed to repress and kill - their political opposition.

       Jennifer Horn - another famous talk show host - out of Los Angeles - an expert on California politics for many years - is very familiar with Kamala Harris - a New Democrat/Socialist - an ex-attorney general for San Francisco. Ms. Horn who has had a huge following of daily listeners for many years - commented on Fri. Oct. 23 - 2020 - that Kamala Harris (A vice-Presidential choice of Biden) did an enormous damage to California people while she was an attorney general for a few years. Long story short - Harris needlessly incarcerated tons of first time minor offenders/most of them the African Americans (even though she claims to be one of them and speak for them) - which caused an avalanche of hardened criminals to be released - since the California penal system doesn't have enough space to contain both of those groups. Moreover - while Kamala Harris was an attorney general for San Francisco - she repeatedly refused to admit some exculpatory evidence which would grant a new trial to a death row inmate who was subsequently granted a new trial and was acquitted. However - that exculpatory piece of evidence was ordered to be released by a judge and not by Kamala Harris. 

       Her political career was enabled by her long time lover/political partner - Willie Brown - a married, ex-mayor of San Francisco with whom she was romantically linked for many years. However - according to Christian Broadcasting Network - after Ms. Harris achieved her political goals - she publicly announced that "he was an albatross around her neck".

        In any event - everybody will have a super good - new week and we shall meet a week from today - the same time - the same channel - the same place!

        Copyright@L.Hadley and Associates 2020


Saturday, October 17, 2020

Our Commentary of the Week - from Fri. Oct. 23 till Fri. Oct. 30 - 2020!

           For this last - Halloween week of Oct. 2020 which has had a few biting, cold nights - typical for our hilly area - we choose to comment on Mike Huckabee's (the popular ex-governor of Arkansas) - YouTube video titled "This is Bad News for Biden" which Huckabee posted onto YouTube platform on Oct. 16 - 2020. It's only six minutes long but it quickly generated close to a quarter million viewers' clicks with the viewers' comments running heavily against the latest exposures of the scandalous behavior of the ex-vice-president's Biden's son - Hunter. 

        Not even mentioning Hunter's drug addiction problems - essentially - Hunter was paid a lot of money by China and Ukraine when Biden was a vice-president under the ex-president Obama's - tenure. Biden always denied knowing anything about his son's "shenanigans" which - Biden maintains - were not illegal; however they were - undoubtedly - questionable. Anyway - the latest news story broken by New York Post - one of the oldest New York newspapers - on Oct. 14 - 2020 - claims that Biden knew exactly what his son was doing - since they have thousands of emails taken legally from Hunter Biden's abandoned computer which he left at the repair shop for a long time - without paying for the repair. 

         Lots of "shady" stuff came to light after examining of the aforementioned laptop's hard drive. Rush Limbaugh - a famous radio personality whose daily radio show has close to 60 million listeners every day - commented during his - Thurs. Oct. 15 - 2020 - radio show - that "whatever huge amounts of money Hunter secured from China and Ukraine - (no doubt because his father Joe Biden was a vice-president) - had to be split 50/50 with the pop - Joe Biden - just like the mafia families operate." 

        In the meantime - the U.S. and International Main Stream Media which openly "pulls" for Biden/Harris - Socialist ticket - is trying their best to "bury", minimize or ignore this story. However - it backfired - big time - during the week of Oct. 14 - 2020 - when Twitter and Facebook refused to allow the links to it from New York Post article. The Washington, D.C. lawmakers got mad and will subpoena - in a very short order - the communication giants which so far have been enjoying the so called "230" status that makes them immune to any responsibility for their risky moves. Since they act like publishers they should have the same liabilities/responsibilities as the publishers have.

        At any rate - everybody will have a super good and fun - Halloween week and we shall meet here - a week from today - same time - same channel - same place.

        Copyright@L.Hadley and Associates 2020

Saturday, October 10, 2020

Our Commentary of the Week - from Fri. Oct. 16 till Fri. Oct. 23 - 2020!

           For this beautiful Fall 2020 - third week of Oct. 2020 - we will comment upon Jennifer Horn's - a Los Angeles radio host - political observations - which were posted on YouTube - when she substituted for another famous radio host - Seb Gorka who does his popular radio show out of Washington, D.C. On Fri. Oct. 09 - 2020 Jennifer Horn - who normally - does her daily - enormously popular - radio show out of Los Angeles - was substituting for Seb Gorka. You can find that segment on YouTube if you put in the search bar - "Is Pelosi Really Talking about Biden with the 25th Amendment Jennifer Horn". 

        Being a native Californian - she is thoroughly familiar with California politics which she considers - mostly corrupt and - frequently - deadlocked - due to the total domination of the single political party - the Democrats. Jennifer - is a total pro whose voice and commentaries as well as her effective interactions with various sorts of callers to her radio talk show - makes her daily show - riveting.

        On Fri. Oct. 09 - 2020 she first analyzed Nancy Pelosi's - the most powerful Democrat in the U.S. - move - to establish congressional commission to bring down the future U.S. presidents as well as the current one - using the 25th Amendment to the U.S. Constitution - which can be used when the President becomes incapacitated; however - as all the Constitutional provisions - it has a lot of checks upon it - so it would require 2/3 vote by Congress and Senate to move it. After that Jennifer Horn commented on Kamala Harris and her California style - Leftist Extremist brand of politics.

        Jennifer Horn called Pelosi's move - "twofer - wrap around - smear" maneuver used by Pelosi and other Democrats; the last time they unsuccessfully attempted it - was when they tried to smear Justice  Kavanaugh in 2018. Jennifer Horn even played the tape with Nancy Pelosi - shamelessly - describing her - Democratic tactics -"twofer - wrap around smear". This time they would like to smear - a current president - Trump - as well as his challenger for 2020 presidential elections - an ex-Vice president to Obama - Joe Biden - who according to many political commentators - is just a "place holder" enabling the extreme Leftist - Kamala Harris to quickly replace him; Biden's - Vice-presidential pick - Kamala Harris - a new California senator - was chosen by him and the Dems - to attract all the  Extremist/Socialists in the Democratic voting block. Biden - according to many comments on various platforms of the U.S. and International - social media - suffers from severe dementia which he controls by medications that work only for a while.

       At any rate - Jennifer Horn describes Harris as a Leftist extremist - who will stop at nothing on her way to power. Horn knows Kamala Harris's California Leftist politics - first hand. We won't even mention Kamala's long time affair with an ex-San Francisco mayor - Willie Brand - who built her political career. The California press extensively highlighted Harris's appalling treatment of Willie Brand's wife - which Main Stream Media - tactfully chooses to ignore - but we will not go into those private matters. What's more important is that Harris was appointed - not elected - to almost all of her political positions.

       In  any event - everybody will have a super good week and we shall meet here - a week from today - same place - same time - same channel.

      Copyright@L.Hadley and Associates 2023

Sunday, October 4, 2020

Our Commentary of the Week - from Fri. Oct. 09 till Fri. Oct. 16 - 2020!

             For this - lovely, crisp fall - third week of Oct. 2020 - we will comment upon Madame Nancy Pelosi's (the most powerful Democrat in the U.S.) - interview with Margaret Brenner - from weekly news show "Meet the Press" - aired on CBS network on Sun. Oct. 04 - 2020. First of all - we are happy to report that Ms. Pelosi acquired a new set of dentures. If you recall - we mentioned recently that Ms. Pelosi's - old denture made her frequently speak with the pronounced - lisp. The new denture - however - which she is sporting currently - eliminates the lisp - instead - the new denture makes a pronounced "clacking" sound.

         When my brother and I were little - we used to count the number of clacks emitted by the various dentures wearing guests - whenever our parents invited some older folks . Anyway - back to Ms. Pelosi's interview by Margaret Brenner who as a Leftist journalist - was extremely kind and soft towards tough and seasoned - Chairman Pelosi - who effectively evaded all the important questions concerning Ms. Pelosi's stalling in Congress the important Covid-19 relief bill.  Margaret Brennan as an openly - Leftist journalist would never ever be nearly that generous to the Republican politicians or Pres. Trump.

        According to many posts placed onto various platforms of social media - the Leftist journalist in the U.S. and the international journalists - with most of them being openly - Leftists/Socialists and as such - they are extremely soft and generous to the Democrats/Progressives/Socialists - politicians - while they eagerly jump like a bunch of hungry Piranhas onto any politicians or celebrities with whom they disagree - especially the people who support Pres. Trump.

        At any rate - everybody will have a good week and we shall meet here - a week from today - same channel - same place - same time! 

        Copyright@L.Hadley and Associates 2020