For the second week of Nov. 2020 - we choose to comment upon a short video clip posted onto YouTube website by Fox News on Oct. 30 - 2020. The title is self - explanatory - "Americans are Frightened - the Dems Are Leading Us into Socialism". Its a short video - only 3 minutes 37 second long and it has a commentary by Ronna McDaniel - a national chairwoman for RNC - (Republican National Committee). She says exactly what needs to be said in an effective, brief manner - the way she always does. Most viewers' comments agree with her statements.
Needless to say - Ms. McDaniel gets attacked by the Democrats who lately - turned Radical/Socialists; case in point - Donna Brazile - a colorful Democratic pundit who gave Hilary Clinton the questions - illegally - ahead of the important presidential debate in 2016 - told Ronna McDaniel a few months ago - "Stay - the hell - out of Democratic politics" - during Chris Wallace's - Sunday Fox news - discussion of the two U.S. political parties' - program during which the commentators discussed the two American political parties. It was - indeed - a classy comment for which Brazile - subsequently - apologized. Many current Democratic political pundits - feel a need to patronize and excuse Donna Brazile since she - frequently - makes an ass of herself.
Ms. McDaniel is a niece of Mitt (Willard) Romney (a current senator from Utah) - a position he won - thanks to Pres. Trump's - endorsement; Romney being an ex-presidential candidate - is the most famous RINO (Republican in name only) in the U.S. for the dubious reason; he is the only Republican senator in the U.S. history who voted to impeach - the same party's - president. There were two phony articles of impeachment in Jan. 2020 - Romney was the only Republican senator - in all the U.S. history - to vote on a single count - still - since he voted to impeach Pres. Trump during the drummed up impeachment trial in Jan. 2020 - Romney has this dubious distinction.
Even though Ronna McDaniel and Mitt Romney are related (she is his niece) those two are - politically - at the opposite stances. In a nutshell - as the U.S. approaches the most important presidential elections of 2020 - about half of the electorate already voted early - roughly - 80 million out of 160 million estimated registered voters. Thus - 80 million still have to cast their ballots - in person - on Tues. Nov. 03 - 2020. Long story short - all kinds of commentators - keep "spinning" their theories on every political platform known to mankind - but the final results will not be known some time after the election night.
At any rate - everybody will have a very good - election 2020 - week and we shall meet here - a week from today - same channel - same time - same place.
Copyright@L.Hadley and Associates 2020