Saturday, October 24, 2020

Our Commentary of the Week - First Week of Nov. 2020 - from Fri. Oct. 30 till Fri. Nov. 06 - 2020!

              For the first week of Nov. 2020 - a very important week - we choose to comment upon a funny video by United Spot - a satirical website - posting videos onto YouTube platform - which are hilarious and generate hundreds of thousands of viewers' - clicks and likes - galore. The one which we highlight for the first week of Nov. 2020 - is titled "The Final Debate" - lasts three minutes and was posted on Oct. 22 - 2020 - immediately after the final presidential debate between Pres. Trump and his challenger - an ex-Vice president - Joe Biden.

        The viewers' comments run overwhelmingly against Biden in this funny video which quickly generated 30 thousands of viewers - within minutes of its release. According to many Internet analysts - in a nutshell - Pres. Trump - succeeded in making Joe Biden talk - during the final debate on Oct. 22 - 2020 - thus - Biden revealed - his Socialist agenda for his next presidential term in the U.S. - which will - most likely - not happen - since the prevailing majority of American people don't want Socialism (which never works in any country in which it was tried - by the way).

        Rush Limbaugh - an enormously popular radio talk show host with 60 million of listeners every day - stated on Fri. Oct. 23 - 2020 - that all future plans to take over the U.S. and change it into a Socialist/Authoritarian giant - on the like of Red China - by the New U.S Democrats turned Radical/Socialists - are being - openly - attempted by using whipped up fears of Covid - 19 (Corona Virus) - an exaggerated plague - blown up by the Main Stream Media which pulls for the New Democrat/Socialist ticket Biden/Harris - while the same MSM - (Main Stream Media) - also screams about climate change - hysteria (Green New Deal - Radical/Socialist legislature co-sponsored by Kamala Harris in 2018).  According to Rush Limbaugh - The Main Stream Media - is not even hiding their biases for Biden/Harris ticket - with its Socialist/New Democrat - agenda. However - the overwhelming majority of American people can clearly see through it and they will vote decisively for Pres. Trump's - America - which while it's not perfect - by no means - still - it beats three heads - the Socialist behemoth like China - which is replete with its many labor camps and jails - among other Big Government measures designed to repress and kill - their political opposition.

       Jennifer Horn - another famous talk show host - out of Los Angeles - an expert on California politics for many years - is very familiar with Kamala Harris - a New Democrat/Socialist - an ex-attorney general for San Francisco. Ms. Horn who has had a huge following of daily listeners for many years - commented on Fri. Oct. 23 - 2020 - that Kamala Harris (A vice-Presidential choice of Biden) did an enormous damage to California people while she was an attorney general for a few years. Long story short - Harris needlessly incarcerated tons of first time minor offenders/most of them the African Americans (even though she claims to be one of them and speak for them) - which caused an avalanche of hardened criminals to be released - since the California penal system doesn't have enough space to contain both of those groups. Moreover - while Kamala Harris was an attorney general for San Francisco - she repeatedly refused to admit some exculpatory evidence which would grant a new trial to a death row inmate who was subsequently granted a new trial and was acquitted. However - that exculpatory piece of evidence was ordered to be released by a judge and not by Kamala Harris. 

       Her political career was enabled by her long time lover/political partner - Willie Brown - a married, ex-mayor of San Francisco with whom she was romantically linked for many years. However - according to Christian Broadcasting Network - after Ms. Harris achieved her political goals - she publicly announced that "he was an albatross around her neck".

        In any event - everybody will have a super good - new week and we shall meet a week from today - the same time - the same channel - the same place!

        Copyright@L.Hadley and Associates 2020


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