Saturday, November 21, 2020

Our Choice of Commentary of the Week - from Fri. Nov. 27 through Fri. Dec. 04 - 2020!

           For the first week of Dec. 2020 - we will continue with our discussion of various U.S. Constitution's - contingencies - in case of the "compromised" presidential elections. When the Founding Fathers wrote the U.S. constitution around 1776 - they were well aware of all sorts of maneuvers designed to mess up the presidential elections. The Electoral College system provides many safeguards against those sorts of dishonest manipulations.

        During his interview about those matters - David Brody - a main political analyst for CBN - (Christian Broadcasting Network) stated during the broadcast of CBN news on Fri. Nov. 20 - 2020 that there is a chance of Presidential Electors - not certifying the 2020 Nov. 03 - Presidential elections for the Biden/Harris Democrat team during their final vote on Dec. 14 - 2020; if that happens that the Electors do not execute the final presidential vote on Dec. 14 - 2020 - then - according to U.S. constitution's instructions - the presidential elections move to the U.S. House of Representatives - where each state votes with one vote. The U.S. Senate will vote with one vote for each state as well - for the vice-president of the U.S. The reason for that would be the currently pending court cases - stemming from the vast irregularities/alleged computer programming - fraud - during the 2020 presidential elections - last Nov. 03 - 2020. 

      According to the U.S Constitution's presidential elections' contingencies - if due to the court cases still pending and the presidential elections not resolved - that is - if the Electors cannot certify the new President - then - if that stalemate continues - the current U.S. Speaker of the House of Representatives - Ms. Pelosi - temporarily - assumes the role of the President. 

       In the meantime - the U.S. House of Representatives votes for the president and the U.S. Senate - votes for the vice-president. At the present time - Pres. Trump has a narrow numerical advantage - in both chambers - since every state of the Union - gets only one vote without regard to the state's population count. The same narrow advantage for Pres. Trump - still continues in the U.S Senate - which will also vote with one vote for each state of the Union (normally each state in the U.S. gets two senators to vote - to enact the legislature - without regard of the population of the state).

       David Brody - stated that the eventuality didn't happen before - but the U.S. constitution - spells out this sort of scenario. Many of those Electors are Pres. Trump's Electors from the numerous U.S. Red states which gave Pres. Trump a sizable popular majority over the Democrats Biden/Harris - in the U.S. Red states - (mainly the fly-over U.S. states) while the team of Democrats strongly veering towards their Radical/Socialist branch - had a slim popular advantage in the U.S. Blue states (coastal areas/big cities). Seventy four million U.S. voters voted for Pres. Trump in 2020 presidential elections. Even though - Biden/Harris Democrat team - has had (allegedly) over all - popular vote majority of about five million - (weak, anemic mandate which is still in question) - in the U.S. Electoral system - that doesn't matter much.

      The swing states - decide - and they are - Pennsylvania, Wisconsin, Michigan, N. Carolina, Georgia (the only Red state which flipped Blue - during this election 2020 cycle - the only one - even though the Democrats were hoping that Texas and Florida - would flip as well) - it looks like chance of that happening anytime soon - would be the chance of the proverbial "snowball in hell" - for now - anyway. Every state of the Union gets the amount of presidential Electors equal to two senators for each state plus the number of representatives for each state plus the three electors for Washington, D.C. get added to the total of the presidential Electors - thus there are 538 presidential Electors. The presidential contender absolutely must secure no less than 270 Electors. Tyra Ross wrote a good book titled "Why We Need Electoral College".

      If the presidential Electors decide not to certify the 2020 presidential elections during the final vote of the Electors on Dec. 14 - 2020 - for Biden/Harris presidential team - it would be a risky move - since the U.S. Leftists would - almost certainly - immediately riot in many Democrat controlled cities - galore. The U.S. government might have to declare Martial Law (U.S. Military's enforced - massive lockdown) for a while - to restore order in the country. However - according to many political analysts - even if Biden/Harris team takes over - still there is no guarantee that the U.S. Leftists will not riot - should their Radical/Socialist demands be - not immediately implemented - which may not happen.

      At any rate - everybody will have a super good first week of December 2020 and we shall meet here a week from today - same place - same time - same channel.

    Copyright@L.Hadley and Associates 2023



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