Friday, April 30, 2021

Our Commentary of the Week - from Fri. May 07th - 2021 till Fri. May 14th - 2021!

            For this - unusually cold - second week of May 2021 - we shall comment on the video uploaded by Fox News Business channel on Apr. 30 - 2021 (Fri.) titled "Harris Holds Economic Event in Cincinnati" which is 50 minutes long. The strongest attraction of this upload are the viewers' comments under it. The video quickly gathered over 6 thousand viewers' clicks with the comments - mostly - totally "blistering" to Ms. Vice-President Harris and the Democrats. The viewers/clickers - remind Ms. Harris - among other embarrassing things (politics being a tough game) - that she needs to be at the Southern Border. The viewers' commentaries appear as funny as they are cutting - though. The smart saying goes something like - "Those in Power have to have a lot of tenacity and thick skin of all sorts". 

       Before he started his presidential campaign - Joe Biden heard a lot of comments of offensive but true - kinds - from various political pundits of all varieties - the main one being something on the order of "he must really want it badly to be ready to put up with various cruel but accurate 'criticisms' of every imaginable kind".  How true!

      Anyhow - enjoy the video - everybody - as you will  have a super good week. We shall meet here - as always - a week from today! It will be - same channel, same time!

     Copyright@L.Hadley and Associates 2024

Saturday, April 24, 2021

Our Commentary of the Week - from Fri. Apr. 30th through Fri. May 07 - 2021!

              For the first week of May 2021 - we will comment on the short (2 minutes long) YouTube video uploaded on Apr. 24th - 2021 by the popular website Forbes Breaking News - titled "Joni Ernst - The Democrats Are Showing Their True Colors". The clip quickly generated 25 thousand viewers' clicks with the comments under it - heavily criticizing the current Leftist leaning Democrats in the present 116th U.S. Congress.

         According to just obtained internal polling done by the Republicans - the Congressional elections in 2022 (every two years - midterm elections) which will end the 116th U.S. Congress - will put a stop to the Leftist/New Democrats/Socialists' - temporary movement - in the present U.S. House of Representatives - which most voting American people along with a  majority of the U.S legislators at every level - detest. Consequently - they will vote heavily against the current Democrats in power - which usually happens - anyway - in midterm elections - notwithstanding - the present U.S. House of Representatives (the lower chamber of the U.S. legislative body) - being currently - "heavily infested with Leftists/Socialists/Marxists - New Democrats" - according to many such comments posted onto the numerous social media - platforms.

         Back to the video - Joni Ernst - an attractive but distinguished looking lady - an ex-air force pilot - presently - successfully represents the state of Iowa - as the popular U.S. Republican Senator. Her constituents with their solid, conservative values - oppose their "next door" neighbor - Illinois - who has become a Socialists/Leftists' -  "failed paradise" - because of their long time - Leftist/Corrupt Democrats' - Chicago style - politics - which - currently - makes the city - almost insolvent - due to their extravagant - politically motivated/frequently unjustified and wasteful/ -  spending of every imaginable kind.

       Anyway - everybody will have a super good first week of May 2021 and we shall meet here - as every week - a week from today - same channel - same time!

       Copyright@L. Hadley and Associates 2021

Friday, April 16, 2021

Our Commentary of the Week - from Fri. Apr. 23rd through Fri. Apr. 30th!

              For this - cold/rainy - last week of April 2021 - we will comment on Sam Malone's broadcast on Apr. 16th - 2021 - as he substituted for Mike Gallagher - a nationally syndicated radio show host who broadcasts in Pittsburgh's Pa's - WPGP -1250 AM in the morning. Sam Malone - a popular radio host from Houston, Texas - 1070 AM - Salem Network - "The Answer" - was broadcasting nationally from his Houston, Texas - radio station. Sam interviewed several interesting experts and he - generously - added his own, satirical comments which we will highlight.

         To make a long story - short - Sam Malone "transplanted" himself 28 years ago to Houston, Texas from his native Philadelphia who turned into a "Leftists' Nest" - according to him - thus he found Houston, Texas - much freer - albeit - not without some Leftists - there - as well - "mismanaging Houston" as he stated during his other substituting gig. 

        Today - Sam interviewed - a famous political analyst - K.D. McFarland who explained the "holes" in Pres. Biden's recent foreign policy moves. She always clearly points out the Dem's blunders - especially the recent "open borders" - debacle. Sam also talked to Steven Moore - a well known economist who also frequently criticizes Pres. Biden's domestic economic moves - on a lot of talk shows; Steven Moore especially points out that shutting down the Keystone Pipeline - deprived thousands of Americans of their well paying job.

        Towards the end of his radio presentation which went fast - Sam Malone added a few of his own commentaries to the effect that "those 'Wokes' - New Dems/Socialists - now - using the excuse of pandemics - sit in their parents' homes basements, smoke dope, watch the questionable TV - while they get their stimulus money - which strongly discourages them from seeking any useful work. They wouldn't be able to get any decent jobs anyway - since their useless college diplomas would not help - but the U.S. taxpayers are paying for their college education - 'through the nose'. The Dems know that if they try to take away their money - the 'Wokes' won't vote for them so that's why the Democrats want to bring the illegals - to vote for them - 'just in case'."

        Sam Malone is funny and opinionated - for sure - but all of you will have a super good last week of April 2021 and we shall meet here - as every week - a week from today - same place - same channel.

        Copyright@L. Hadley and Associates 2021


Saturday, April 10, 2021

Our Commentary of the Week - from Fri. Apr. 16th till Fri. Apr. 23rd - 2021!

             For this lovely, third week of Apr. 2021 - we will comment on the short video (about 4 minutes long) posted onto YouTube platform by the new but growing in popularity website -  called "Artur Pavlovski TV" - on Apr. 04 - 2021 which quickly gathered close to 122 thousand - viewers' clicks. The comments under the clip run in favor of Pastor Artur Pavlovski who took a strong stand in protesting again Canadian police's - illegal intrusion into his Calgary, Canada - church's sanctuary - during his massively attended - religious service on Apr. 02 - 2021 - during the Easter 2021 - weekend.

        The Canadian law specifically prohibits the police entering the church's sanctuary with their weapons - brandished - and that group of policemen with one service woman - prominently exhibited their guns - moreover - their uniforms (the high, Nazi style boots) - indicated their aggressive, fighting mode. Secondly - the police needs to secure a legal warrant - issued by the judge of the local jurisdiction - in order to legally enter the church's - premises.

       Pastor Artur Pavlovski prohibited the police officers to enter the church's sanctuary without a warrant - in addition - he called them "Nazis, Communists and Psychopaths". They left the church - but Pastor Pavlovski consulted the local lawyers who have assured him that the Canadian law was on his side. In the interim - the video went viral - with Pastor's Pavlovski's appearance on Fox News causing a lot of people questioning the Western governments like Canada's - using the Covid-19 fear - to intimidate people from attending their churches' services.

       In any event - everybody will have a super good, new week and we meet again - as always - a week from today - same place - same time!

       Copyright@L.Hadley and Associates 2024

Saturday, April 3, 2021

Our Commentary of the Week - from Fri. Apr. 09th till Fri. Apr. 16th - 2021!

            For the third week of April 2021 - we will comment on the short (3 minutes long) YouTube video uploaded on Apr. 02 - 2021 by Blaze TV - YouTube website which is headed by a famous conservative radio talk show host - Glenn Beck. It quickly generated close to 200 thousand viewers' - views. The clip is titled: "Psaki Snaps and Gets Nasty with Reporter for Asking Legitimate Question." Jan Psaki - Pres. Biden's Press secretary sports red hair and an annoying habit of not answering the reporters' questions or "distorting the truth" in a big way. 

       The YouTube viewers who comment on her frequent appearances - are not overly kind. One of them called Psaki "Little Red Lying Hood" and we quote one of mildest comments. Anyway - in the video we are highlighting - Jan Psaki - is rude and nasty towards two young reporters who ask her about a calamity currently taking place on the Mexican border regarding the illegal minors entering the U.S. The U.S. government recently appropriated 86 million dollars to house them in the hotels - close to the border. The homeless U.S. citizens - especially the poor U.S. army veterans could use this kind of help.

       Thousands of unaccompanied illegal children are entering the U.S. due to Biden's - decree - as soon as he took the office. While the border patrol people are busy with that huge group - whose parents paid thousands of dollars to criminal guides/human traffickers - "the coyotes" - tons of illegal drugs are entering the U.S. border towns. Criminal elements also slip through while the border patrols are piled under - busy with the illegal children.

       At any rate - everybody will have a super good, new week. We had some unseasonal, cold weather at the beginning of the month. Hope that everybody will have a Happy Easter 2021 and we shall meet here - as always - a week from today - same channel - same place!

      Copyright@L.Hadley and Associates 2021